Jun 15, 2017, 4:51 AM

@Seraphim73 said in Game System (RPG) development:

Your table is a little fascinating to me, comparing skills and then not rolling the difference or not allowing both sides to roll. Very much not what I'm used to, but kind of fascinating. I think that at first it will result in a lot of referencing the table, but after some practice, it could be a pretty dang quick system.

Thank you. You hit on one thing I wanted to do: make a dang quick system. The other thing is making a system where there's a lot of variation. If you want a feel as to how this goes, I drew a lot of inspiration from Blood Bowl, which is, again, simple and quick to pick up.

Combat is a little more involved and delicate. Like Blood Bowl, you need to time your team's attacks to make them most effective. E.g., Asari Adepts can use Pull to bring enemies into close range, where your Krogan Brute can mudstomp them into next year. Another e.g., a Turian Tactician can shift his squadmates' position in Order, so that they can get the jump on and attack the opponents before they can act. There's cover, and Status effects, and combat shouldn't take too long to get through.

If anyone wants a full copy of the v.4 draft, just PM me. I'm working on the Political System right now, which will include social combat.