How about that local sports team?
RL Anger
@Ganymede I do, believe it or not as you will, appreciate that clarification. It does help. Thank you.
At this point, I am frankly just tired.
Some of the shit being flung around is deserved, and some really fucking isn't. It's been going on for a while now, and I am honestly just tired of it.
@surreality said in RL Anger:
@kitteh said in Random Bitching:
@surreality said in Random Bitching:
Fuck you.
And she wonders at the lack of empathy for her high value victimization. Right then, moving on.
There you go. That's why you got a mention in that regard.
Pointing out that your poor manner may be why people don't give you the amount of sympathy you were actively complaining about not getting at all times does not actually translate to '@kitteh only cares about her personal tribe (whoever the fuck that is) and is a callous bitch toward all strangers.' You're really one to talk about reading comprehension, words in people's mouths, and personal attacks.
If you want it dropped, like all the others who keep coming in here and slinging shit around the moment the dust starts to settle, then fucking drop it.
@surreality said in RL Anger:
People come to a general agreement and understanding... and kk comes in swinging.
That quiets down with mutual apologies, Kanye Quest characterizes it as me continuing to be a dick to kk.
Now we have the kitteh round as shit starts to settle again.
Dust starts to settle? This is some balls of steel level historical revisionism that you're doing in a place where people can effortlessly go and check who posted what when.
You @'ed me to bring up my, and I will quote you, 'ugly mentality', 5 days after the prior conversation had ended and in the middle of what was otherwise apparently a peaceful rhyming gif meme-off. I don't know what bizarre fantasy world you live in, but just like @kk wasn't attacking you, I am not 'starting shit' when I defend myself from your mudslinging that happens nearly a week after the prior issue had dropped.
Like seriously, in this thread, the #1 harasser? Is you.
How about that local sports team?
I use an amazing text editor called BBEdit. It's amazing because it does one thing no other text editor does: Puts in two selection insert points, one at the start and one at the end. When I'm coding Mu*, this is critical. So I use it and love it.
On the most recent update they changed the default behavior of Tab.
Okay, so it took me five minutes to figure out that it's going to drive me insane and another three to figure out what was going on, but c'mon, guys! TAB!
WTF BareBones??? Seriously. TAB???
@kitteh what resolution are you actively seeking in this situation?
I'm not being snide when I ask this.
This is going to drag on forever and I think the best thing that both yourself and @surreality can do at this point is to either take it to private messages, or respectfully, without rude language, state what your preference for resolution is.
If @saosmash and I, or @shangexile and @surreality can find a decent resolution that puts the knives away, so can you.
People love the Buckeyes. I loathe them. Looaaatthhheeeee them.In other news I hate that Dragon's Dogma: Dark Descent on Steam fucking crashes to desktop if you alt-tab out of it in full window mode. What kind of piss poor porting is that.
People love the Buckeyes. I loathe them. Looaaatthhheeeee them.People also love music from their formative teenage years and refuse to listen to anything new ever again.
People are dumb.
Ivanova is always right until she leaves the show for other opportunities. >:/
@Misadventure said in RL Anger:
Ivanova is always right until she leaves the show for other opportunities. >:/
I know, right?
@Ghost Thank you for apologizing. I appreciate it. In turn I apologize for snarking at you initially because it is clear that what I intended to be mild snark came off in a way more nastily than I intended.
I genuinely have no memory of any past axe ground between us before this incident so if there was something else coloring this for you I assure you there was not for me.
Water under the bridge.
I have to understand that my style of communication sometimes leaves snarky sarcasm indistinguishable from talking shit. It doesn't help that I HAVE been guilty of talking shit, which only makes it more likely that sarcasm will be taken as such when it wasn't my original intention.
That and people wanna stand up for their friends and the games they enjoy, because when people are assholes/overcritical about games, it discourages them.
Queue an apology I made to @Seraphim73 and @GirlCalledBlu nearly a year ago that I'd forgotten why I'd made it in the first place.
I'm still going to back off of poking around games for a while to give people room, but really I need to revisit my priorities, anyway.
Why did I care so much about a journal system? PFEH, at the time I was thinking about metagaming and I think the idea crossed wires with other issues I've had over the years, so I got sarcastic.
Not a hill worth fighting on to begin with.
@Thenomain said in RL Anger:
I use an amazing text editor called BBEdit. It's amazing because it does one thing no other text editor does: Puts in two selection insert points, one at the start and one at the end. When I'm coding Mu*, this is critical. So I use it and love it.
On the most recent update they changed the default behavior of Tab.
Okay, so it took me five minutes to figure out that it's going to drive me insane and another three to figure out what was going on, but c'mon, guys! TAB!
I'm so glad that inanity from BareBones didn't only bite me. That change was actually enough to make me switch my default editor to Sublime.
@kitteh what resolution are you actively seeking in this situation?
I'm not being snide when I ask this.
I'm not seeking a resolution, because I think, knowing what this forum is, that would be pretty naive. I actually think it's admirable (and I didn't say this earlier, and I should have) that to some small degree you've apologized/stepped back some of what you said. It demonstrates a level of maturity on your part despite people characterizing you as constantly tone-deaf. But I'm pretty sure that's a rare outcome.
This is going to drag on forever and I think the best thing that both yourself and @surreality can do at this point is to either take it to private messages, or respectfully, without rude language, state what your preference for resolution is.
If @saosmash and I, or @shangexile and @surreality can find a decent resolution that puts the knives away, so can you.
I had dropped it. She pinged me twice in the intervening time, and it doesn't take a genius to see she was looking to restart the fight. And sure, I am taking the bait.
But I'm not obligated to stand around and have mug slung at me and then take the higher stance of saying nothing just because I wasn't on at the literal exact hour she was posting that shit. This is another weird thing about her arguments/attacks: she has an odd conception of how time works on this not in-real-time communication medium. In the other thread she complained it was going on 'for pages' (when that was just one evening of people talking) and here she's acting like I'm dragging up things from the past when she insulted me five hours ago after I'd left her alone for five days.
Anyway, no one gets the authority of the final word, especially when the final word is nasty. I will stop at the point where there are no factual arguments left to make or, like most people, I get bored or RL calls me back. If she's capable of a peaceful resolution, that's fine, and despite all of this I still maintain that if she has issues with ongoing harassment on other games I am very happy to focus on those problems but mostly it seems like she wants to fight. You don't randomly @ people to say nasty shit about them for peaceful purposes.
There's a time to be Londo
There's a time to be G'kar
There's a time to be Delenn
There's a time to be Shepard
There's a time to be VirThe real problem is when someone thinks they're Kosh. Especially because when they do, they're usually actually acting like Morden.
(I have no actual examples, I just wanted to join the Babylon 5 Philosophical Statement Club.)
I'm so glad that inanity from BareBones didn't only bite me. That change was actually enough to make me switch my default editor to Sublime.
But dual insert points on selections! Also, a non-insane keyboard combo for selecting matching bracket pairs. It's so bloody easy in BBEdit to cut the 'strmatch()' out of:
first( search( eplayer=strmatch( name( ## ), %0* )))
Hell, just copying the previous out of my text file was as easy as throwing the cursor somewhere in the middle, hitting cmd-b a few times, then shift-option-leftarrow.
Get me that in SublimeText or Atom and I'm there like a dudebro on vape.
@kitteh Here's the problem: I wasn't complaining that I am not getting attention at all times. I don't want attention at all, most of the time, let alone for the shit I consider 'high value victimization'. As stated elsewhere: this is not the place for that, full stop.
The only 'high value victimization' I have discussed on the forum here was in a fight with @Ghost a few months back, and, ironically enough, in discussion with @shangexile here a page or so back. You will, ideally, notice I'm not asking people to feel sad or offer me headpats or sympathy or support for any of it, and that it's relevant only in context of: "Dude, you knew about this stuff... " which is relevant to that interaction -- which, itself, resolved with mutual empathy, compassion, and lots of uncomfortable honesty all around. I am not going to dig around for the exchange with @Ghost to find the reference, but I'm not asking anybody for cuddles or sad-eyed kittens there, either.
Saying, 'hey, isn't belaboring this endlessly a bit much, when there's shit actively going down on games that is problematic?' is not whining for personal attention, no matter how many times it was characterized as such. Is that easily taken as offensive or insulting? Sure, but I figured it was worth clarifying and/or correcting rather than trying to land a punch over it. (We can see how far that approach got, I guess.)
I will repeat: I have not been RPing anywhere to be generating any accounts of any sort of problem (to or from me) since January; I have no personal stories to be sharing here in the first place that I could even feel somehow slighted about. I am, actually, aware that I'm not exactly OK right now, and I'm not going to let that interfere with someone's experience on a game.
I don't especially feel super awesome being mocked for that, because I do feel I'm being mocked for something I admit openly and accept in a particularly ugly way, and feel I have tried to take reasonable steps to prevent from interfering with somebody else's fun hobby time.
@kk admitted she was calling me a hypocrite, and apologized for doing so. She then pointed out she felt I had accused her of saying shit she did not say -- which would offend me, too! -- and I apologized to her for that, because that was absolutely not my intention at all. (Then KQ calls this 'continuing to be a dick to her'. Starting to see the problem here? Yes, the dust had started to settle, and then... )
You will continue to see this how you like. So will I.
Calling me a harasser is extremely offensive to me.
I am asking you to leave me the fuck alone at this point. You will notice there are no insults to you in this post, despite plenty in yours to me, and it's that way for a reason.
Leave. Me. Alone.
Ps I pretty much always want to be Vir.
I also do not want to be the only lawyer who knows what the fucking rules are for therapeutic court in this county but I don't get to have nice things.
@Thenomain said in RL Anger:
Hell, just copying the previous out of my text file was as easy as throwing the cursor somewhere in the middle, hitting cmd-b a few times, then shift-option-leftarrow.
Get me that in SublimeText or Atom and I'm there like a dudebro on vape.
Sublime is extensible via Python. Anything I need in Sublime, I can write a Python script for. That fact is slowly winning me over, since I can create any missing feature I need.