@Ghost Have I mentioned lately that I love your SO? Because I do. And that's just from stories and some briefly overhead stuffs thrown into a convo once. That woman is solid gold.
RL things I love
I really love it when people who are famous (or at least are more well-known than the average person if not exactly 'famous' by the textbook standards) are down to earth and notice their fans. That happened to me not once but twice today when two of the Overwatch VO actresses liked a response I made to another OW voice actor's tweet he made. It's a little thing, sure, but it made me feel good.
@Apu -- That's awesome! The Kominas once retweeted something I posted about still going to their show despite being on crutches and I pretty much had a painkiller-induced hysterical fangirl meltdown.
...then, like, a year later I discovered their guitarist's brother is my mechanic. My fangirl meltdown was decidedly not the result of prescription drugs that time. >.<
It was simultaneously incredibly embarrassing and also The Absolute Best Thing Ever.
@tragedyjones OMG FLURF FACE! Ahem. She is adorable.
Aw, what a cutie! Congrats on the adoption of your fur baby!
AMG I want to snorgle her fluffy lil self to bits.
@Scorn She actually has a lion cut because she was all matted when she got to the shelter so she looks like a weird murder lion kitten,
@tragedyjones said in RL things I love:
@Scorn She actually has a lion cut because she was all matted when she got to the shelter so she looks like a weird murder lion kitten,
THIS makes me love her more.
@tragedyjones When the fluffbutt requires that (she needs one this year 'cause it's hot enough) we refer to her as 'Cator', after 'Ator' of MST3k 'Cave Dwellers' fame...
...because in addition to the mane and flufftail, they usually leave the big fluffy moon boot feets.
I don't know which thread this belongs in but I'm too perplexed by it.
One of my new coworkers - a really nice guy otherwise - just doesn't... like entertainment. I've never met anyone like that before. He doesn't want to be entertained.
For example the company's paying us to go watch Spider-man (which I already have of course but hey
) as a team-building exercise... and he didn't want to come until he was made to. It's not because he doesn't like movies, he just doesn't like... stuff like that. He begrudgingly agreed to come along saying he'll just think of other things while it's playing, such as paying his bills - which is how he likes to spend his time instead.
He doesn't play games, read books, watch TV (or, evidently, films) or well... any of that stuff. He does do a lot of other more useful things like repairing stuff, which I suppose is a different kind of 'entertainment', but it's still quite... alien to me as a point of view.
@Arkandel this is how you rock the Killjoy disadvantage in GURPS. Now you can spend your afternoons trying to discover what they've used those extra 15 pts on. It sounds like bumping Accounting and Repair up to +2
@Arkandel I can empathize with that dude somewhat.
Sometimes, the workaholic/'must be doing something productive with one's time' thing comes from low self-esteem or otherwise getting crapped on a lot during one's formative years and whatnot.
When paired with somebody who tries to be nice more often than not, and/or has actual anxiety or stress when asked/forced to have mandatory 'non-productive' fun, it's pretty likely that somebody spent a lot of time being told how worthless/wasteful/irresponsible they are by someone who mattered to them during some pivotal developmental period. (Think of all of those 'you'll never amount to anything' parents or spouses out there and you'll see how this kind of thing happens pretty quickly.)
Generally, they'll never begrudge anyone else their fun, and will often encourage others to go have whatever kind of fun they like. Being made to join in makes them pretty uncomfortable, though, so you'll often hear comments like the ones you mention a lot if that's what's happening.
@Ghost Have I mentioned lately that I love your SO? Because I do. And that's just from stories and some briefly overhead stuffs thrown into a convo once. That woman is solid gold.
@surreality She's one of my favorite things ever.
A few weeks ago we had a weekend best described as: "Drunk on whiskey, hanging out in the hot tub, and playing Diablo 3 in our underwear"
@Ghost's SO did take it in stride that I had covered the room in the hotel suite for them in rose petals and photos of Van Damme.
And not even in just a '...gawd Ghost your internet friends are SO WEIRD' way.
@Auspice I'm not too proud to admit that the rose petals and pictures of Van Damme were involved in some weirdness behind closed doors. >.>
My roommate brought home a couple boxes for her packing needs. My cat promptly jumped in to one to 'stalk' the roommate and her boyfriend... who laughed about it, but went off into another room.
Ike (cat) is very upset that they aren't out here to see her stalking skills. She's complaining and pouting about it. It's adorably pathetic.
Re: Entertainment dude...
Sounds kind of like my mother in law. She doesn't hardly find anything funny, either. How her children turned out to be any kind of "normal" it's beyond me.
I love comedies. I don't understand how someone can't at least smile while watching something like Who's Line Is It Anyway. Or something like that.
Also, hey folks =D
Totally love baby Motrin. Which is the only reason this house will get any sleep in an hour or so. Teething babies are lame and pitiful.