Pissed off that a friend just passed away from heart failure this afternoon.
Not really sure what I'm angry at. But I'm angry.
To be fair, I normally can too. I might make small snarks (Don't bring up the Hitchhiker's Guide to me) but for the most part, I tend to just pretend it's their artistic take. I may actually like GoT to be honest, but I LOVED those books as they were some of the first I cut my teeth on in that genre. It is because of that, I won't watch the show. I had such great mental images and stuff that I don't want that ruined.
It's like when you really love going to a place to eat. You love it. You move away. It goes under new management and you eagerly go back. However, while it's the same it isn't YOUR same and you are sort of meh. It colors the other memories a bit. It's kinda like that.
And also.. this is my quirk. Don't be a quirk hater.
On a different topic:
For my move, the biggest money issue is the move itself. Like, the truck, gas, the two nights I'll need motel rooms... I tried to get personal bank loans for this and failed. I reached out to a former boss of mine about a personal loan arrangement between us. He immediately agreed, said to follow up with him the following Monday to remind him and he'd send over a simple contract.
I did. No reply. I sent another the following Monday and even offered to touch base with his personal assistant instead (who I am also friends with) if it'd be easier on him / his schedule.
We're a third week in and I haven't heard anything back.
I'm not sure what to do now.
I'm a month from Move Day, so I technically have time, but I don't know what to do from here. I'm afraid to move on to another option only to have him come back later and be like 'Sorry dude to sound like I'm looking your figurative gift horse in the mouth buuuut'
but at the same time, I don't want to push/risk things as I get closer to the wire.
@Thenomain I getcha. It's a minor peeve of mine, too. If the people who wanted an exact retelling of the book or comic book wanted an exact retelling, then why not read those again? An exact retelling wouldn't make sense, and it's not something worth getting nearly as upset as some of these people do about it.
In some cases, an exact retelling might actually be boring.
I watch the thing because I am a costume whore. I like some of the characters, haven't read the books.
Anger thing: I don't really read the same kinds of books I once practically consumed, due to time constraints. I'm too on myself to be productive in some way all the time to really do leisure time normally. So reading is reserved for soaking in the tub. On the up side, it means lots of good short stories now and then, since one story per soak tends to work out about right on time.
Pissed off that a friend just passed away from heart failure this afternoon.
Not really sure what I'm angry at. But I'm angry.
@Thenomain said in RL Anger:
That said, JRR Tolkien wins so hard: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XAAp_luluo0
Yes. Yes he does.
Dude, I'm sorry to hear that. I'll light a candle for you.
@Sparks Angry at the world is entirely OK right now. I am so sorry to hear this.
@Sparks: I've got some incense? It's for Buddhist rites, typically, so don't know if that's appropriate or not. I'll light some on your friend's behalf if that's OK?
If you set up a GoFundMe site, I'm sure you'll find people here that will help. Paying it forward is important.
I'd donate, but I just got in a mild car accident recently and had some medical issues come up. My bank accounted is tapped.
I've had one setup. I think I just suck at getting the word out.
Send to me via PM, lady.
Done. Looks like someone dropped a fair bit in there while I wasn't looking earlier today. Which helps. Massively. It's... about a third of what I need bare-minimum to cover costs (the amount on the GFM is like 'will get me comfortably there and cover needs upon arrival'), but.
Post it here or somewhere. We tend to jump on these things even if it's a few bucks, it's a few more than you had.
It's https://www.gofundme.com/uzzqh-moving-to-austin
Like above, the cost listed is 'will cover all things' (physical move + utility deposits + shit I don't own that current roommate does like plates and silverware).
Bare minimum needed is about a grand less.
I will for sure be donating when I get out of meetings! And if you are headed through Colorado, feel free to crash with me in Colorado Springs. I will feed you and fill up your car.
I will for sure be donating when I get out of meetings! And if you are headed through Colorado, feel free to crash with me in Colorado Springs. I will feed you and fill up your car.
...that would actually be doable.
The original trip was taking me through New Mexico, but I reeeeeeeeeally wanna go through Glenwood Canyon (that is my heaven on earth) and it only adds 2 hours to the trip. Going through Colorado Springs vs. straight down from Glenwood doesn't actually add any time, from the looks of things.