@Kanye-Qwest In your example, it's a group of people talking about how great Star Wars is, then someone else says 'I don't get Star Wars.' I chip in to them with a 'Hey, I don't get it either. The prequel trilogy completely ruined it for me.' The group conversation has forked, and I am engaging with that other person, not the rest of the group.
Coming Soon: Arx, After the Reckoning
@Kanye-Qwest In your example, it's a group of people talking about how great Star Wars is, then someone else says 'I don't get Star Wars.' I chip in to them with a 'Hey, I don't get it either. The prequel trilogy completely ruined it for me.' The group conversation has forked, and I am engaging with that other person, not the rest of the group.
Eh, no. It's more like really if a bunch of fanfic writers of Star Wars are talking about how they like Star Wars and enjoy writing and creating fiction based on it, and you chipped in to add to someone saying 'I don't create fanfiction myself' by then saying to that person 'I hate most Star Wars fanfiction. It is ugly and stupid.'
I mean if we're going to keep going down this road of clarifying this analogy.
No, the words were "I don't understand it," which has a considerably softer connotation than "I hate it," and "it is ugly" not "ugly and stupid." "I don't get this thing. I think it looks bad" does not mean "I hate everything about this and people who engage in this are a bunch of morons."
@Ominous said in Coming Soon: Arx, After the Reckoning:
I didn't understand it in Firan either. To be honest, I find most ASCII art ugly as sin. Only a few pieces have made me go "Oh, wow! That's neat!"
I hate most ASCII art. It's as ugly as sin.
I mean, ok. But you know what you said. I know what you said. There's a reason that people responded to what you said and were like 'ok but why???' and didn't say anything about @Jaded's post. If you think you implied the same thing as they did, you might want to consider why people responded the way they did to what you posted versus their post.
(And you're right. You didn't say stupid. Let's clarify the analogy further:
It's like if a bunch of fanfic writers of Star Wars are talking about how they enjoy writing Star Wars fanfiction and someone said 'I don't get fanfiction' and you responded by saying 'I don't get fanfiction, either. I hate most of it. I think it is ugly.'
Am I still doing analogies right?)
Who asked "OK but why?"
Kanye Quest said "You don't have to use it if you don't like it," and I went "I know and completely agree." Roz went "Why did you even post this?" That's when I felt myself become a bit irritated that someone felt I was wasting their time on one of the most pointless places on the internet and felt the need to remind them that the following is not true:
@Ominous I hate that big meme you used in our advertising thread. It is ugly as sin.
True, but it was the best I could find. I suck at finding funny meme images.
@Ominous said in Coming Soon: Arx, After the Reckoning:
True, but it was the best I could find. I suck at finding funny meme images.
As much as I suck writing weapon desces
I can't draw to save my life IRL -- let me have my rainbow colored art on games. I have always liked descs and designs from when I was on Firan to now. --- I do not play Arx, but I like crafters, etc. -- When I did play Arx, I did make things and customize them, etc.
That's all. Nothing about the ugly. It's you know called an art and not everyone appreciates the same art. That's cool.
Let me have my hill to die on. UX is as important as the fun stuff.
The lack of importance on UX that so many coders seem to have is why the vast majority of "finished" systems we have in this hobby are a complete mess.
I think that if you need tons of files on how to use a tool rather than what to use a tool for, it's a design failure.
That said, I have no idea what's being discussed, I just came in here to say that.
@Thenomain said in Coming Soon: Arx, After the Reckoning:
Let me have my hill to die on. UX is as important as the fun stuff.
But aren't you.... over that hill....
haha age joke
haha.. wait, it might apply to me. -
No doubt staff will hate me for this
Would anyone else /love/ to see another grid for Eurus? A separate game that overlaps and has a crossover from time to time.
Coming Soon: Eurus the Dune Kingdoms, #%#^#@ your Reckoning we have Blood Magic!
Oh man it would be fun to make another grid. And we might! But it is unlikely to be Eurus, because of our avoidance of PCs without agency. Eurus is an unpleasant place to be, if you aren't one of those in power.
@Kanye-Qwest said in Coming Soon: Arx, After the Reckoning:
... But it is unlikely to be Eurus ...
Aww maaaan. The dunes, the duuuunes.
Understandable though.
@Kanye-Qwest said in Coming Soon: Arx, After the Reckoning:
Oh man it would be fun to make another grid. And we might! But it is unlikely to be Eurus, because of our avoidance of PCs without agency. Eurus is an unpleasant place to be, if you aren't one of those in power.
My impression based on everything Aislin has learned is that "an unpleasant place to be" describes much of the rest of the world. It's just the nature of the unpleasant that varies!
(Still ICly want to see those places, though!)
Start a mercantile exploration company!
@Misadventure said in Coming Soon: Arx, After the Reckoning:
Start a mercantile exploration company!
Now that sounds thrilling.
@Thenomain said in Coming Soon: Arx, After the Reckoning:
@Misadventure said in Coming Soon: Arx, After the Reckoning:
Start a mercantile exploration company!
Now that sounds thrilling.