@misadventure Low-end. They look like the tiny winter gloves I wore in grade school, which amuses me. They're good enough for what I do, though it always amazes me how quickly they turn orange with carrot juice.
Health and Wealth and GrownUp Stuff
@misadventure Low-end. They look like the tiny winter gloves I wore in grade school, which amuses me. They're good enough for what I do, though it always amazes me how quickly they turn orange with carrot juice.
@misadventure said in Health and Wealth and GrownUp Stuff:
Pro-tip: use the protection thingie that comes with your kitchen mandolin.
Ugh, mandolins.
I submit that the best way to avoid cuts is to sharpen your knives before using them and using the right one for the job. Also, knowing what knives you are best at. I'm no good with a Chinese cleaver, but the santoku works fine for most of my vegetable work.
So the migraines have continued, and the new meds are not doing the job yet (I have to work up to the full dose). So I reached out to HR, asking about what to do, I don't have rights to FMLA, as I have not been there a year.
The Neuro has confirmed the migraines have gotten worse and higher in frequency because of the ankylosing and lupus. So yes, the migraines are in connection to ADA protected conditions. But this company wrote me up for having 3 sugar crashes in the first six weeks, (two of which took me like an hour, the other wiped me out, almost had to go to the ER bad), so apparently they don't think ADA applies to them.
HR I speak to (I don't know any others) sent me a final written yesterday, and then went on vacation. Yesterday, I ended up to the point of physical illness (tossing cookies), and had to log out.
So I was called today by two women I've never heard the names of, telling me they were terminating me for leaving yesterday. And I brought up the fact I had been reaching out to HR about the ADA compliant accommodations - so they walked it back. So now I need my drs to fill out paperwork, but "That doesn't mean the termination won't continue".
So yeah. I've been looking for a new job anyhow, because this company has tried to play with my pay, but now the need is dire. Oi.
I am taking Logan to the urgent care vet. I feel like I might be sick. Whatever you believe in.. if you could toss him some good energy? he's a good boy, no matter who his momma is.
ETA: He will now be sedated and x-rayed, and getting some urine analysis.
...and he's slutting it up for all the techs. Logan loves the ladies. (And they all think he's so handsome and a good boy.)
Apparently during the exam, he was not okay with some touching around his bladder area, but other than that, they say he's been bestest boy.
Best boy.
- topic:timeago_later,10 days
So, the migraine meds.. aren't working. I'm so tired and tired of constantly wanting to have my skull crushed to end the pain, that I'm constantly on the edge of emotion.
Add in some other shitty things, and .. yeah. I need chocolate, and I'm a diabetic. Whee.
I posted something similar on the other board (BMD?) and thought I'd put a version here. Not all of you are over there and I want to put it out to the community.
I've been upfront with my ADHD diagnosis, but as my meds are regulating I didn't realize I was de-regulated. So, in the past if I have said some inappropriate joke, did something, spun up and off the handle, etc. I'm sorry. I legit did not know how much my ADHD tied into the other things in my body.
That's it. Just I'm sorry. Thanks!
I'm not sure where exactly this is coming from, and maybe there's some truth to those feelings you're having right now, but anecdotally, you've only ever been nice to me. I've only ever seen you try to be nice to people in game and on the forums, too. Pretty much everything I've seen you do came out of good intent. It's good to be critical of yourself, but it's also important to love yourself. A blanket apology seems unnecessary -- give yourself some credit.
@rightmeow All the support. the ADHD brain wiring is attached to so much everything. Also we have an ADHD thread somewhere still I think with lots of memes and even some healthy coping mechanisms.
My ADHD meds have helped me a good bit, but the migraine meds have yet to really work. Of course, it's actually an anti-depressant.. and I'm hitting a deep depression, and I'm worried I should call my dr and tell them this.
I don't think you have anything to be sorry for and I cannot recall if or when you said anything particularly offensive to anyone. You've always been very good and consistent at communicating a message of kindness for all, and it is appreciated.
@macha I also suffer with migraines and pretty severe depression, and I'd say...call the doc cause either you'll get an adjustment you need, or you'll get the reassurance you need that this might be an expected side effect for a few days and either way you take one more fork out of yourself by getting the answer.
Call your doctor. That is what they are there for. If you don't tell them, it might get worse not better. I had to go through eight migraine medications until one finally took.
Brain weasels? I over think/hyper focus when I think I've hurt someone. @Ganymede can attest as I know she's okay with RP with me and I still apologize if I think I'm being too wordy or if I make a joke and panic.
@rightmeow said in Health and Wealth and GrownUp Stuff:
Brain weasels? I over think/hyper focus when I think I've hurt someone. @Ganymede can attest as I know she's okay with RP with me and I still apologize if I think I'm being too wordy or if I make a joke and panic.
This is a very common thing throughout our entire hobby. I'm often this way with new people I RP with. I overcorrect about everything. Believe it or not, I'm incredibly shy. I had to go ask friends about @Devrex because I wanted to RP with him but I literally needed someone to introduce me because I was having brain weasels. (Thank god for them, if they're reading this, which they are probably not.)
Once I get comfortable with someone this starts to wear off, and I feel a lot more relaxed and chill, but man, those first few weeks are nerve-wracking.
Some of my friends still do this, and all I can do is just assure them it's ok, and if there's a problem I will tell them. It seems to help. But I totally get where they're coming from because good god it takes a lot of mental focus to just go insert myself into a new scenario and hope for the best.
I have been fighting a war on multiple fronts. The migraines, the migraine meds, and getting a refill for my Dexcom (sugar monitor for the diabeetus for those who don't know).
I ordered the refill of supplies 2.5 weeks ago. I've called my dr's office multiple times, making sure they're sending the clinical notes, the prescriptions, etc. Then they tell me they need the pre-auth from the insurance.. they'll put it in urgent, because I'm on my last sensor, and my transmitter is about done, too.
Well, my sensor and transmitter died last Friday at like 1am. So I was almost a week without, My dr's office realized . I was without, and arranged for me to come pick up one of each.
I go over on my lunch, got bitched at by a Karen in the parking lot insisting I move my car (which was well between the lines, because she had fucked up HER park job, she screamed she couldn't get in.) So I back up into a handicapped space, to let her move. I pull in, make sure I'm well between the lines. I run in, pick up my stuff, run back out.. and she's blocking me in now, 'waiting for her elderly parents'. I tell her to move, or I will demolish her car. She moved like.. a foot. It was enough, I got around her, head home.
I pull onto my street behind a sedan.. who then pulls up along the parked Fed Ex truck to chit chat. I honk a couple times after a couple minutes, because now there are cars behind me. He doesn't move. So, I notice there's nothing in my way, and I'm AWD so fuck it. I go up onto the curb and pull in front of him. We're talking I purposely buzzed the tower, and stopped so he can't go. I let the other cars behind me go around, and make my way home.
Start to put my sensor on, and the alcohol pad package bursts and throws alcohol into my eye. I get everything on and syncing up.. and sugar crash. BAD. Like, it's hot out, so I didn't notice the first signs of feeling hot, etc.
So yeah. can this day go away now?
@macha said in Health and Wealth and GrownUp Stuff:
So yeah. can this day go away now?
Sounds like this day didn't want to let up at all, hopefully you do get some reprieve.
@macha said in Health and Wealth and GrownUp Stuff:
So yeah. can this day go away now?
Ouch. Truly hope it got better. As a veteran of many Car Wars games, I applaud your automotive excellence.
@armedcarp said in Health and Wealth and GrownUp Stuff:
@macha said in Health and Wealth and GrownUp Stuff:
So yeah. can this day go away now?
Ouch. Truly hope it got better. As a veteran of many Car Wars games, I applaud your automotive excellence.
So my job - they sent me a think center (All in one computer/monitor POS). I've had nothing but issues. they kept trying to blame my internet - so I upgraded the hell out of my internet, and started using the same tool IT does on my personal computer, so I can watch for discrepancies. Well, even IT the other day says that he thinks the issue may be the unit.
I had issues Logging in on Monday. Bitlocker wasn't letting me in, and I KNEW I was using the right password. I call the late line, tell them why I am late, and text my sup. He submitted a ticket for me.
Today, he tries to tell me he adjusted my clock in time to the time I took my first call, and NOT the time I spent with IT trying to fix things. Uh, no. I was here, ready to work, and made good faith attempts to be able to do my job.
So I am now going to email myself EVERYTHING (such as my job trying to refuse my ADA letters demanding accommodations for me, because they judged it by 14 days to the day they told me they needed them, but they didn't give me the forms/requirements that day to give my drs. I pointed out I had a meeting with HR on THIS day, and therefore should be allowed fourteen days from THAT DAY to get them the letters, because they hadn't given me all the information I needed). They're trying to find a reason to fire me, and I am not going to let them until I have a new job (And after everything with Logan, I'm already tight with the budget, and can't afford otherwise)