I prefer remote work. I didn't use to, but I do now.
The main reason is that despite it all, I have better control of my life.
I'm at home - that means I eat at home because I've access to my own kitchen. It means sparing 1.5-2+ hours of travel time per day simply commuting, which is huge. It means less wear and tear on my car plus a smaller chance for an accident; lots of tired, stressed, distracted drivers around at rush hour. Especially in the Canadian winter when the roads are icy and not everyone has proper tires on.
I'm also working from my own office, no one's staring over my shoulder (except my cat), no one bugs me while I work (except my dogs) and I can wear comfortable pants, fluffy slippers and no socks while I do it. I don't need to worry about walking into a terrible public bathroom situation, and if I need a shower after I'm done there's one waiting for me 5 minutes later. Hell, even brushing my teeth at lunch feels nice - having a toothbrush around at the office always felt... dirty to me.
Is it less social? Yeah, by far. Do I have a worst work/life balance sometimes since it sometimes feel I'm never quite off the clock? Yes.