@Chet said in Which canon property/setting would be good for a MU* ?:
Birthright would approach a Civilization/Nation-States MUSH, wouldn't it?
The problem with that would be deciding who gets their own land grab, and who works for the people with the land grab.
Well...let me break it down quickly....
On the main continent, there's 5 'Nations': Anuirean (Britons/Gaulic), Brecht (German/Dutch merchants), Khinasai (Moors), Rjurik (Viking/Celts), Vos (Rus/Hun barbarians). The main area with the political action is the ruins of the Anuirean Empire, which is basically Camelot & England 500 years after Arthur's death. Anuire is divided into 23 Domains, plus an Imperial City that's neutral territory. Each geographic Domain is divided into multiple Provinces, between 1 and 10, with the average being about 4 Provinces/Domain. So right there, that's @92 Provinces, we'll say. Each Province has 4 different types of Holdings that can be controlled and count as your political power/base: Law (courts, magistrates, troops), Guilds (craftsmen and trading), Temples (organized churches), and Source (magical nodes). Depending on the Rating of a Provence, it tells you not only how much power each of the 4 Holding types can go up to, but how many Regents can divide up the ratings in each category. Example: a Rating 4 Province (fairly average), can have a max of 4 Law, 4 Guild, and 4 Temple, Source being a separate, but still connected, rating. A Rating 4 Province also means that up to 2 Regents can split each particular type of Holding. So, 1 Regent could have 3 Law and a second Regent control 1 Law in a Province. So, overall, in just Anuire alone, there's over 350 different points of political control. To me, that seems like a healthy amount for a game.
Also, all the Holdings are already distributed in the campaign book, so someone starting as the Regent of a particular Domain would start with the listed Holdings, some of which are in neighboring Domains. There's multiple Guilds with Holdings all over and multiple Temples, even dedicated to the same God/Goddess.
And that's just in 1 nation. For simplicity's sake, I wouldn't think a game would stretch out into the other Nations; that would make things too unwieldy.