MSB Popularity Contest
Y'all hear that? You get your fancy popularity 1.0+ scores, I get comparisons to Stalin. But in a GOOD WAY!
1.4. Are there tiaras involved in this contest? Sashes, maybe?
@tat Voila.
Rep is sitting at exactly 1,500 right now. The magic hour. Or something. It's probably a sign I should retire from posting to maintain the round number. But then I'd have to come up with other time-wasters, so, nah.
@three-eyed-crow 1,501 now.
It was a fleeting but treasured moment in time. -
I'm only 1.0075, should I be weeping into a corner somewhere?
@emmahsue Loser.
@emmahsue I mean, do you think everyone who is not the princess should be weeping?? I think there's room for a lot of meaningful lives that aren't wearing the crown and the puffy skirt. But I would say that. Since I'm not the princess.
How the hell am I only a .644? I thought people liked me!?
(How is reputation figured out, anyhow... number of upvotes?)
.833. Helping call out UH has been berry, berry good to me.
but make the potato peel an upvote, okay?
@apu said in MSB Popularity Contest:
(How is reputation figured out, anyhow... number of upvotes?)
Yeah, as far as I can tell it's literally just that. It's also mmmmmmaybe little wonky since we implemented and then removed downvotes, by some tiny margin? But there's no real formula to it and the "divide by x for your OFFICIAL MSB SCORE" is just for funsies.
Very serious funsies. Tiaras are goddamned important.
1.14 over here. The shame I have brought upon my household. Shame!
Eh, not Queen or Princess material, but perhaps homecoming court.
We will drown the world in our tears! Let them sip the bitter, salty depths of our sorrow! Those royal few shall rue the day they were more popular than us, and we shall laugh (inwardly) at the suffering wrought by our furious blubbering!
A Story of Pain by ES
For now I put forward Seer, with 4 reputation and 1 post.