Nov 1, 2019, 12:18 AM

Nothing we do is confidential, because it's all public record, but in the interests of removing as much identifying information as possible, I'll reword that post:

I don't actually know what to classify this one as, but I"m gonna just put it here...

clears through

Dear Opposing Counsel,

I appreciate that you liked the argument that we made to the Court of Appeals. But do you really think it's wise to take that argument (and, granted, you didn't take it verbatim, but you took the whole thing, citation for citation) and then print it in a legal publication that pretty much every judge and attorney in the state reads, agreeing with it as your own opinion -- while we're still waiting on a decision from the court?

I mean, that's a bold move, really. I'm not sure what you were trying to do there, but I hope it pays off for you.
