@cobaltasaurus Yeah... that is seriously not at all cool. That kind of crap was just kicking off when I noped out of there due to Spider*, so I missed a lot. (I missed a lot of Bane, too.)
From the way people have described things, in that 'nope, not around' period, things got much more RL-harassment focused, which is why I really did have cause for concern.
Since there's all manner of organized harassment campaigns actually going around in various communities? Nnngh. We have groups of tweens trying to convince classmates to kill themselves on social media, people being paid to send SWAT teams to somebody's house, rape and death threats over enough of the internet on the daily over literally anything, it's sadly not as much of a stretch as I genuinely wish it was.
*Half the board hated me for letting her stay. Half the board hated me for 'crushing her dreams of home ownership' (see Spider thread). So it was just time to nope the hell out of Dodge for a time; nothing good could possibly come from staying around.