@macha Landlord an older guy? Sounds like he doesn't trust women to be financially responsible, which would explain things.
Real World Peeves, Disgruntlement, and Irks.
@macha Landlord an older guy? Sounds like he doesn't trust women to be financially responsible, which would explain things.
Wow, your landlord sounds like a complete dick.
@tnp Ha! Nope.
Two women run the office, in fact.
I think my roommate has been concocting stories, when he supposedly calls about getting another apartment here. Because they can't qualify for even a 1 bedroom with the new 'system' supposedly being used.
I have very long hair for first time ever from not getting it cut all year. Every so often it falls into my peripheral vision and scares the shit out of me.
@lifebird said in Real World Peeves, Disgruntlement, and Irks.:
I have very long hair for first time ever from not getting it cut all year. Every so often it falls into my peripheral vision and scares the shit out of me.
I feel this. So much. I don't even miss long hair now.
@lifebird said in Real World Peeves, Disgruntlement, and Irks.:
I have very long hair for first time ever from not getting it cut all year. Every so often it falls into my peripheral vision and scares the shit out of me.
I hate it when my hair is long.
Once upon a time it was down to my waist. It was such a joy when I got it cut. Now I can tie almost all of it back, and I hate it. It's thick and wavy and tangles in a heartbeat. It gets in my eyes, my mouth, my way, everything. It takes hours to dry and it's just an all-around nuisance. The only thing that's cheering me up about my hair is that as I get older I'm going from dark bronze to an overall auburn, with silver and gold threads and a very few pure copper. That bit I love.
But it's still a bloody nuisance, and I'm seriously considering just shaving it all off, if we're looking at a lockdown into February. I wanted to shave it off in March, but that got veto'd because someone didn't believe my guesstimate of when I'd have to go out of the house to work again, and to be fair they're the one who has to look at it.
I was really hoping to gift myself with a haircut for Christmas after going all year without. I cut my hair myself at one point, but that means it's now even more of a mess as it's grown out.
I hate it. I want my bisexual bob back
I got my hair cut a few weeks ago after a year of no haircuts. My undercut pixie is BACK and a deep blue that makes me happy.
Both my sisters went and got their hair done. One cut it shorter than it's been in... like 2 decades. The other went super blonde. They both look fantastic.
I want my hair trimmed up. I'm terrified of bleaching it at home, and want it done so I can dye it purple.
@macha said in Real World Peeves, Disgruntlement, and Irks.:
Both my sisters went and got their hair done. One cut it shorter than it's been in... like 2 decades. The other went super blonde. They both look fantastic.
I want my hair trimmed up. I'm terrified of bleaching it at home, and want it done so I can dye it purple.
Personally, I find basic dye jobs (like all-over color) to be easy; incl. the bleach process. HOWEVER. I've been doing it for myself for about 20 years. I'd suggest watching Brad Mondo's videos on youtube. He does a really good job of teaching people how to do stuff for themselves (plus he is one of the most lovely uplifting people <3).
@auspice also watch his review vids of ANTM makeovers, they are GOLD.
Just got the first bill for my 2021 health insurance plan and discovered that it went up by $197/month. That brings it up to almost $500/month and it isn't even a good plan
- 8 days later
Today began with a heap of shit.
My partner's car refused to start. We thought it was the battery. It took me 10 minutes to find the cables that were supposed to be in the trunk of my car. Jumping did nothing, but the battery on my car was heavily corroded. I let my partner take my car, and I took the company vehicle to work.
At work, I spilled coffee on my papers. Twice. And I drink out of tall, 20 oz. cups. My office smells lovely, but the papers on my desk are fucking destroyed.
Went back home to work from there because fuck you world and fuck you lack of dexterity this morning. Tried to jump the partner's car with my company car, but no luck. Went to get a new battery, installed it, and -- fucking nothing. And this is a fucking Nissan Rogue, where the spark plugs are buried so deep in the engine that Ron Jeremy could fuck the shit out of it without getting his dick burned.
In frustration, I just cranked the motherfucking key in ignition and --
The car starts up. Like, for no fucking reason. Maybe it was the battery? Maybe not. Or maybe, just maybe, the fucking world decided to bang me in the ass for having the luck to come out on top of a House Valardin jousting tourney.
Ah well, this is me now.
@ganymede I had a Murano that did something similar one day. Had a nut on top of one of the battery terminals that was JUST barely not tight enough and needed a quarter turn to get full contact or would intermittently act like there was no battery at all.
Or it's because of the tourney. No good can come from winning.
@wildbaboons said in Real World Peeves, Disgruntlement, and Irks.:
@ganymede I had a Murano that did something similar one day. Had a nut on top of one of the battery terminals that was JUST barely not tight enough and needed a quarter turn to get full contact or would intermittently act like there was no battery at all.
Or it's because of the tourney. No good can come from winning.
That would have been my guess too. Loose terminals. YOu said that they were corroded? They might just need cleaned with a wire brush.
Alternatively, depending on how much nothing it's doing when you turn the key, the ignition switch might be going bad.
@derp said in Real World Peeves, Disgruntlement, and Irks.:
the ignition switch might be going bad.
^^ This
sits in silence, having a battery issue with her Juke
@alamias said in Real World Peeves, Disgruntlement, and Irks.:
@derp said in Real World Peeves, Disgruntlement, and Irks.:
the ignition switch might be going bad.
^^ This
OR, upon further consideration, it could be the starter too.
It really depends on what it is or is not doing when you turn the key and it won't start.
The important part is that the car now functions. I will have to clean the corrosion off my Subaru contacts.
Everything is fine for now. The battery apparently was the issue, according to my mechanic.
My 2003 Chevrolet Impala used to do that back in 06-07. I would go to start it up and get nothing. I would call AAA and a guy would come by. He wouldn't have to do anything. We would pop the hood and I would try to start the car, and without doing anything else it would start just fine. I went through this rigmarole three times, before on the fourth time, the guy just showed up, we didn't pop the hood, and he waved his arms over the car pretending to incant some spell, and of course it worked just fine.
After the fourth go 'round, it never gave me problems again. I have no fucking clue what was wrong and what fixed it, other than to say it was possessed by a really dumb demon and the dude exorcised it with his incantation.