@Ganymede it is pretty common practice around here for the teacher in the classroom to send out a reminder to parents if there's low RSVPs. I try to be pretty good about responding to them but sometimes they get thrown in with a million pictures of a cat I've pulled out of the cubby and I forget. But as someone who recently filled out 26 fucking hand written invitations how the fuck are you supposed to write on them because pens don't work due to the fucking wax covering or whatever they have on there, sharpies wipe off and oh my god, I'm so glad to hear it's not just me.
Real World Peeves, Disgruntlement, and Irks.
@Ganymede it is pretty common practice around here for the teacher in the classroom to send out a reminder to parents if there's low RSVPs. I try to be pretty good about responding to them but sometimes they get thrown in with a million pictures of a cat I've pulled out of the cubby and I forget. But as someone who recently filled out 26 fucking hand written invitations how the fuck are you supposed to write on them because pens don't work due to the fucking wax covering or whatever they have on there, sharpies wipe off and oh my god, I'm so glad to hear it's not just me.
@Quinn You may have already, but have you tried paint pens? I find them to be annoying as fuck-all and it's not always easy to find good colors unless you order them from amazon or something, but they tend to work for me on things that do not want to be written on otherwise. Most are sharpie permanent, opaque, and from my usage I can attest they've held up to some impressive punishment. Downside: hard to find fine points of any kind. Would potentially be worth trying a cheap one from home depot or staples before getting a set.
@Quinn said in Real World Peeves, Disgruntlement, and Irks.:
But as someone who recently filled out 26 fucking hand written invitations how the fuck are you supposed to write on them because pens don't work due to the fucking wax covering or whatever they have on there, sharpies wipe off and oh my god, I'm so glad to hear it's not just me.
This is me seeing the same fucking kind of invitation for the third year in a row:
If my partner pulls this shit again, I'm just going to print some off and send them out on my own.
(Note: there are ~15 kids in each of my kids' preschool classrooms and daycare classrooms. That's ~30 per kid, and they are twins. We have 9 RSVPs, 5 of which confirmed attendance.)
@Ganymede I don't have twins, but my two are almost exactly two years apart (two years, four days) so I feel your pain. We always have to fill out two classes worth of invitations. But yeah, I'd have a word with the daycare, that's what everyone does here and then the teachers make all the other parents feel bad about not RSVPing yet.
And still people who didn't reply will show up! Which is fun when you've booked a place that charges for x amount of kids and then more for every kid over it.
Thanks for the paint pen tip @surreality, but I am firmly in the "evite from now on" camp after the hand cramps this year.
@Quinn said in Real World Peeves, Disgruntlement, and Irks.:
but my two are almost exactly two years apart (two years, four days)
That's similar-ish to me and my brother, except it's 8 years and 2 days.
My parents' solution: 'You're 8, that's old enough to not have parties anymore.' So my 8th birthday party was ... actually both the first (#growinguppoor) and last I ever had. So good on y'all for struggling through getting it done when you have twins or kids with close birthdays.
Because it really sucked to get the sort of things I did. Every year that followed was stuff like: 'we'll take you out to dinner one night.' (I'd have even enjoyed just having a couple friends over for a sleepover) 'The family vacation this year is your birthday gift!' etc etc.
Seriously, pro tip: don't ask an older sibling to 'give up their birthday.' They will, out of love for the younger sibling, but it sucks and eats away at them. I know it did for me and anyone else I've ever met who got similar treatment felt the same.
@Auspice said in Real World Peeves, Disgruntlement, and Irks.:
Seriously, pro tip: don't ask an older sibling to 'give up their birthday.' They will, out of love for the younger sibling, but it sucks and eats away at them. I know it did for me and anyone else I've ever met who got similar treatment felt the same.
Oww right in the feels. Grew up poor, brotherds 8 and 10 years younger than me. Of course I was okay with my brothers getting more toys, of course i knew 'christmas was for the kids' I mean sure i was still in highschool, struggling with my family not understanding or approving of anything i was interested in and actively forcing me to take classes i didnt want because 'drafting was more practical than drawing and you use a pencil and paper so its the same thing in the end'.
So yeah, getting a 5 dollar candle holder you pointed out while your mom was gathering
craftshoarding supplies at Cost Plus and 20 bucks when yer 15 while your brothers rake in piles 'because yer so grown up more, we totally love you equally'Ahem. Them feels.
@Wretched I feel this. Like having your 12th, 13th, and 16th birthdays forgotten. (Kid sister was born 10 days before my 12th, her first was just before my 13th, baby sister was born on my 15th birthday (but I had a bag of presents dropped on me as she left for the hospital), and since it was her first, I didn't so much as get a card for my 16th birthday). I basically ceased to exist on Christmas.
This past Christmas is the first since way back then, that all the kids were treated pretty equally. OF course, my kid sister is going to have her first kid, and my father is gone, so this year... I'll be surprised to be asked to come eat with them for Christmas dinner.
My birthday has almost universally been the same weekend as a show we used to do selling jewelry, since I was about... 12? So it was never 'my birthday weekend' (we could never have done anything during the week because my folks' schedules were crazy, as was mine), it was 'the weekend we do <show>'.
Then, my mother's craptastic displays (that she refused to replace no matter how much I insisted we had to) got us kicked from that show a handful of years back.
Now, that weekend is 'the weekend we used to do <show>'. Thanks, Mom. Your priorities make me feel so special.
Feels, yep.
to all y'all.
This year's example (not that I necessarily need anything special for my birthday, being in my 30s, but even so) is:
My father switched phone providers. Okay. (I'm still on their plan because even paying more-per-month to them than my line costs them is cheaper than if I carried a single-line plan for myself. So it helps them out a little with costs and I still save money.)
By doing the 'buy back' option on my phone (since it's still practically brand new from the old provider) they were able to do the BOGO to get two iPhone XRs so my SISTER can have a brand new phone, too! (she's constantly breaking her phones)
I don't need a new phone (since, again, mine was still p much brand new), I don't care about a new phone, so my opinion on this iPhone XR is a resounding 'whatever.' But my sister 'needs' one and it's a new provider. Gotta switch phones.
My dad? Literally said: 'Happy birthday, the phone we got you is arriving Wednesday!'
........................you mean the phone I got me. I paid for the phone I've been using. The one you did the buyback for. You should be telling my sister 'Happy belated extra birthday gift' (because she's also driving a brand new car). I actually had to buy a case for this phone (that I can't really afford) because I am NOT carrying an iPhone (them shits are SLIPPERY AF) without a case. I found one that I thiiiiiiiiink will do the job for $10 so I'm not out too much cash but srsly. 'Happy birthday we got you a phone' - really? Really? Just don't say anything at all for the love of god.
Minor peeve:
TFW you get a call about a former coworker, and you're just baffled that he would give your place of business as a reference, but you can't actually say anything except direct the caller to your HR department to get start and end dates when he worked.
Ho-lee piss does spironolactone make you have to pee. All the time. No wonder trans people are so up in arms about bathroom bills. We really have to use the toilet.
People who use the words 'No one wants to see...' when discussing anyone else's sexuality. I don't want to have a long, drawn out conversation about how annoying this is, but it's really fucking annoying. If you don't want to see it, gouge your god damn eyes out. Or you know, look away. But don't speak for everyone with your BS.
@Pandora said in Real World Peeves, Disgruntlement, and Irks.:
People who use the words 'No one wants to see...' when discussing anyone else's sexuality.
What I mean to say is "no one wants to see other people happy."
I know I don't.
@Ganymede U R Fail. Grumpy cat makes me happy.
@Rinel said in Real World Peeves, Disgruntlement, and Irks.:
Ho-lee piss does spironolactone make you have to pee. All the time.
I was on furosemide for 10 days. I lost 38 pounds of water weight. I was in the bathroom almost every hour.
@Tyche said in Real World Peeves, Disgruntlement, and Irks.:
@Rinel said in Real World Peeves, Disgruntlement, and Irks.:
Ho-lee piss does spironolactone make you have to pee. All the time.
I was on furosemide for 10 days. I lost 38 pounds of water weight. I was in the bathroom almost every hour.
Could you repeat the name of the medication and if it's over the counter or mail-order from either Canada or Mexico?
Asking for a friend.
I'm not taking notes.
I'm collecting information for a school paper.
@Ghost said in Real World Peeves, Disgruntlement, and Irks.:
Could you repeat the name of the medication and if it's over the counter or mail-order from either Canada or Mexico?
Also known as Lasix.. nothing like it available OTC.
Prescribed to me by a nephrologist which I don't believe anyone really wants to see.