I mentioned we bought (or were buying a business) for a million. We bought it. 3 days shy of our first month of operations and I own 50 wheelchair accessible vans and we rent/transport with them.
Everything is going great. We've made 40kish and this isn't the busy time of the year (summers and t-day/santa day are).
Last night a tornado ripped the roof off our building where we have our main (two) offices. The roof landed on a bunch of our vans 
The insurance claim may ruin us out of the gate we'll see we were already profitable and doing so very well. I left my executive six figure job of ten years less than thirty days ago to run this. This morning I'm sitting in my flooded office, and I just want to blow my brains out. I can't. I have three sons that love and depend on me. Well, they love me anyway.
After getting shot in Denver in June and the PTSD from that and this I just can't anymore. I've reached my limit of what I can cope with.
My house is collateral for the SBA loan. My parents house I own as well. I think I just fucked everyone I care about over.