I sympathize with it more when it's work. I can empathize with 'I cannot lose the income from that day' enough to be frustrated rather than angry. (ETA exception: Food service of any kind. STAY THE FUCK HOME.)
I do not understand it when it's regularly occurring social shit, like a weekly tabletop game or movie night or similar. This is when I will get seriously fucking pissed off.
A jackass went to one of the husband's tabletop games with a plague. Not only does everyone in the game work (and can't afford to miss work since nobody's NOT scraping by), but the gamerunner has twins in elementary school who do NOT need to pick up a plague to spread even further there, lawd knows there's enough of them in school already. This? This is when I will get royally fucking angry.
Dude, you did not need to pretend to be an elf that goddamned badly.