I am obsessed with Loki right now. I love it and I wish it never ends.
Good TV
I am obsessed with Loki right now. I love it and I wish it never ends.
@goblin For some strange reason the current storyline made him into a more engaging character for me. In the past other than for his relationship with Thor, and other than for Tom Hiddleston's charisma, I just didn't care enough about whether he succeeded or failed.
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@arkandel Loki was always my favorite character in the movies but I agree - this brought him up a level. I wasn't joking, I am totally obsessed, been watching Youtube clips every free moment today, haha. I just learned there's now a season break till next episode and I'm crying. Cryyyying.
Edit to add: Just saw there is NO season break and it'll only be 6 episodes. My mate was misinformed I think.
@arkandel I died laughing at how the show was able to literalize Loki's narcissism like that. It's one of the best, cleverest uses of an absurd premise I've ever seen, and something about it feels so very British I just can't even.
I would absolutely watch another season or two of Loki. I think it was the AV Club that called him the Daffy Duck of the MCU in this show and that is just everything I want or need in my pseudomythological anachronistic sci fi time travel shenanigans.
I wonder if this trend of very high budget, carefully cast and directed Marvel shows and movies aren't going to cement the company's superiority compared to the far cheaper DC shows that churn out seasons.
I mean compare Loki to Superman & Lois, even though it's easy to argue Superman is a far more important property for DC than Loki is for Marvel.
@arkandel I enjoyed some of the recent DC series. I enjoyed Gotham. I have enjoyed the 'arrow verse' CW series mostly. I think DC needs to focus on TV presence and somehow unify it a little more. I enjoyed Arrow, I enjoyed Flash but Legends of Tomorrow was far too campy for me, Black Lightning is good but doesn't seem sure of what to do with itself sometimes compared to say Marvel's Luke Cage series that was on netflix.
They have their own DC Universe thing to subscribe to for all series but I don't feel like subscribing just yet. I'd subscribe to a Marvel one as I enjoyed the series all around (neftlix and now disney) and how they all tied back to the MCU for a coherent live action presence.
But I've enjoyed the CW series along with the two they started on their service, Swamp Thing and Stargirl. I think they jumped to their own tv service too fast though.
I'm addicted to Mortel on Netflix, a weird french show about making deals with demons. It's low budget, but the concept is strong.
But I've enjoyed the CW series along with the two they started on their service, Swamp Thing and Stargirl. I think they jumped to their own tv service too fast though.
CW barely deserves its own channel, much less its own service. But at least they were smart enough to not charge for it, so points there. Still, I can only imagine the quality of the shows on the subscription based on what makes it to the network line up. I guess they're going for the quantity versus quality metric?
@bloodangel said in Good TV:
I'm addicted to Mortel on Netflix, a weird french show about making deals with demons. It's low budget, but the concept is strong.
It was very weird, but I loved it.
@warma-sheen said in Good TV:
But I've enjoyed the CW series along with the two they started on their service, Swamp Thing and Stargirl. I think they jumped to their own tv service too fast though.
CW barely deserves its own channel, much less its own service. But at least they were smart enough to not charge for it, so points there. Still, I can only imagine the quality of the shows on the subscription based on what makes it to the network line up. I guess they're going for the quantity versus quality metric?
While the CW does have its own service, Stargirl and Swamp Thing were both on DC Universe, which also had Titans, Young Justice, Doom Patrol, Harley Quinn, etc. All of these except Swamp Thing (which was cancelled) are moving to HBO Max exccept for I think Stargirl which is moving straight to the CW.
The CW app's only 'original' programming, IIRC, was the Vixen animated miniseries.
Boy, as much as I loved individual moments of it, this was the weakest episode of Loki and that's a real shame for the penultimate one. I think the biggest problem with it is Marvel has really struggled with this miniseries format they've arbitrarily locked themselves into and it's hurt more than helped the stories they've been trying to tell -- I really felt this hard with Wandavision too. There's no room for anything to breath and they can't explore all these fun concepts and characters, it's just a vehicle to rush rush rush to the finale.
***=Most especially frustrating to me***
click to showThey really should have doubled the episode count for this series, IMO, or even turned it into a regular show. We all woulda loved it but, oh well.
I am still looking forward to the finale tho, this has been really enjoyable overall.
***=Also, my hunch***
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Just noticed that we have this TV thread here and then Great TV in -- another one entirely, but I'm gonna use this one because the other one is older and that's just how it's gonna be for today.
So, late comer to Paramount, but given that my car is somewhat out of commission and travel is limited, I've been binging the hell out of some series.
How did I not realize how awesome Star Trek: Discovery and Lower Decks is? I feel like I missed out.
Also, new Evil is still great.
@derp I love Evil!
@derp Lower Decks is best Star Trek
USS Callister is best Star Trek.
Without TOS there would be no Star Trek.