May 30, 2015, 1:09 PM

I've been watching Powers. What a lost opportunity for a fantastic take on superheroes.

I'm a big Brian Michael Bendis fan from the comics so when I heard they were putting a version of his Powers series for TV I was pretty interested. And the cast is even fascinating, Eddie Izzard is just killing it every time he's on the screen, and they got that guy from Distrinct 9 to play Christian Walker which turned out better than I expected.

But man, it was on the freakin' Playstation Network? The budget seems to be non-existent, and I mean this is a series that has to portray superheroes with, y'know. Powers. The special effects are really bad, and the director (I didn't notice if it's a rotating team of them) isn't able to hide them. Babylon 5 had better effects more than twenty years ago than these, and I'm usually pretty forgiving about that - but they were pretty distracting. Everything about the production was, the sets themselves looked cheap, the TV news casts looked hilarious, etc.

The dialogue? The plot? I'd say it's all top-notch. They deviated from the comics but that's fine when it's done right, and Bendis was personally involved in the series so he left his mark with the writing.

I'm only on episode 5 so maybe it fixes or hides its weaknesses better later but... still, a shame.