I've been doing the curbside pickup at Walmart because if your order is over $50, there's no added fee. And as far as I have been able to tell, prices are the same as in-store. So it's just... a lot easier on my legs to do it that way (and cuts down on impulse buys!). I mean, I get groceries twice a month and I've gone from $80-100 per down to $60-80 per. So it's def. helping.
But today I discovered... I had the store brand for two items and they were marked as substitution-OK. They got substituted (for name-brand items) and I got charged only for the original cost.
I don't know if this was a slip-up on their part or standard procedure, but I know Instacart never did that. If it got substituted, you paid the price of the new item (which caused me to watch things like a hawk when they were shopping because their shoppers often grabbed ridic things that were like 'Oh, the $4 one isn't available so here I'll grab this $12 one that's twice the size!').
Regardless. I'm happy about it. Got everything I needed and at the original cost (well, not counting the must-be-weighed produce but that's to be expected).