Srsly. Sexy cake. Even got a stellar 'crack' in it (important for a Madeira). It was delicious, too. The oranges I got were more sweet than acidic, so I was a bit worried about the flavor coming through but oh man did it.
RL things I love
@Auspice Great British Baking Challenge always intimidates me! I mean if those guys struggle making something yummy, what hope do I have?
@Auspice Now I'm hungry. THANKS SO MUCH.
I am suffering from a stomach flu. While I have lost 7 pounds in 48 hours, I haven't eaten in the same period of time.
Photoshopped. Look at how the color and stroke thickness of the 'A' is different than all the other letters.
(RL thing I love: Fonts. I haven't done layout work in forever and I believe I still have about 4k of them kicking around.)
Man, I just wanted a no ragrets to reply with. I didn't care if it was shopped.
(I also wasn't yet wearing my glasses when I grabbed it; I just went with the first one that didn't show a face)
Things I Also Love: Being a killjoy. Muahahahahaa!
Finding an auction for things you want (in this case, WW LARP clan pins) that doesn't go insanely high AND it you are able to snipe it and get it for a good deal. 9 pins for $50, and I'll make back $15 on selling a set of duplicates...
Learning there are LARP clan pins. I feel I now want these, not because I LARP (I don't) but I still think they are kinda cool.
You could go hardcore with it and get them tattooed on you.
You can buy some of them at, which has the rights to the LARP rules. The ones I want have been out of stock FOREVER though, so I lucked out and found a lot auction of the vintage ones from the 90s/2000s and got it.Here are some of the ones I currently have.
Those are my NWoD ones (I can't find my Nosferatu clan pin though, I was annoyed as hell). Gangrel, Ventrue, Daeva, Ordo, Invictus and Sanctified.
And my OWoD ones. Setite, Gangrel, Toreador and Camarilla. The lot I won has the old versions, but I got 2 Brujah ones, a Gangrel, a Ventrue, a Giovanni, an original stylized-L Lasombra one, Assamite, Salubri and Baali. I'll post pics when I get them next week.
ETA: What I really want is this. But I can't justify $100, and it's not my size.
@GangOfDolls said in RL things I love:
You could go hardcore with it and get them tattooed on you.
...if I had a place that wasn't going to get screwy from die+t'ing later this year I'd be doing this with the Tzimisce one already as my 'zomg still aliiiiiiive' thing.
(I probably wouldn't be if not for a wonderfully crazy doc who more or less built me a custom organ. I have been fleshcrafted, soooooo... )
Nape of the neck, very small? That place shouldn't change much, maybe? A friend of mine just got a combo Anarch/Brujah one done on her forearm. Looks nice, but way big for me. -
@Bobotron Oddly enough, I have plans for something across the back and shoulders and down the arms and don't want to mess with that. Higher up, it's the one place I have one now. I could probably put it on one of my calves or something. (They're huge creepy muscle calves no matter what size the rest of me is, gods only know why.)
I could arguably put it in the tramp stamp spot but... <flinch-wince> ...just no.
@Bobotron My husband would make a point of dragging me to more anime cons and hinting that I can sprout tentacles. We just can't have that.
@Bobotron said in RL things I love:
Tzimisce symbol tramp stamp
I can't even...
Remember, your can't even is someone else's fetish.
@Thenomain It isn't the tentacles that bother me so much. It's the anime cons. There is really quite a lot of unexpected hugging.
Unexpected hugging and I have never gotten along very well.
I know someone with both the Sabbat and Cam symbols on each arm. And another person with all the Garou tribe symbols.
I know some nerds.