RL things I love
@sparks The car was launched while playing it in the car, too, apparently. I teared up a bit, not gonna lie.
Also: Best. Navigation. Panel. Ever.
My inner 5 year old also lost it, and I choked on my coffee, when listening to the mission control blow by blow, because so help me god, 'Falcon Heavy' really does not sound like Falcon when spoken very quickly over a radio, apparently. (The link here, it's reaaaaaally glaring in the first few seconds. Actual spit-take. http://www.orlandosentinel.com/news/videos/95856359-132.html )
@surreality said in RL things I love:
My inner 5 year old also lost it, and I choked on my coffee, when listening to the mission control blow by blow, because so help me god, 'Falcon Heavy' really does not sound like Falcon when spoken very quickly over a radio, apparently. (The link here, it's reaaaaaally glaring in the first few seconds. Actual spit-take. http://www.orlandosentinel.com/news/videos/95856359-132.html )
The successor to the Falcon Heavy—the one needed for a manned mission to Mars—is actually known as the BFR. B is big, R is rocket, you can guess the rest yourself. (It should be ready for test launch in 2020.)
@sparks Also, someone just pointed out: Finally, we got it in our lifetimes: the first flying car.
Yet another spit-take.
I wondered if that was... a not-quite-accidental pronunciation.
It's pretty dang clearly not Falcon in that first blip...
I feel that I have far too many similarities to Sokka. I obsess over silly things and don't always understand why they're silly.
Sokka: It's a wolf knot!
Katara: That way all the wolves know that you're fun and perky!Over the past two months at work, I was drawing bees on the white boards, secretly changing words here and there to 'bee'. Managers were obsessively erasing it, but eventually one asked me why. (Once they worked out that it was me.)
My response: So someone wrote on a whiteboard BCD with a "NO" symbol around it. I had no idea what this meant so I wrote 'Bees Can't Dance' next to it. Someone printed and taped up the proof that this isn't true next to it, and I found this to be hilarious, that people were getting into this. After that, I wrote 'Bees Knees' on the white board, and below it someone else wrote 'foxs socks' and from there on we had about 10 other rhyming slang items below it, which I thought was just as awesome. And so, I started putting bees everywhere.
It turns out that BCD stands for "Bitch, Complain, Deflect", things that people do and these are things that they shouldn't, as a manager's intro to what you should do instead.
But as usual, I took it the wrong way and ran with it.
What nobody else there knows that also tickles me is that there are no bees on Typhon.
I take my joys where I can.
Our whiteboard at work is... weird.
It began with the 'KMB' count (Kaleb Mind Blown... he's not difficult to freak out). Next our customer satisfaction score hit 69% one day so we had a 'Stats 69% GO TEAM!' because we're all 12.
Now there's a note to lock the door because I guess one of the people who has to close at night on the two nights a week I don't had to run all the way back upstairs (3rd floor, we have a balcony) to lock it (ha ha).
So.. 1 useful thing out of 3?
@EmmahSue and I have been playing Pandemic Legacy (Season 1) on Tabletop Simulator and we're 1/3rd through the game's 12 Month storyline and I have to say that it is a storyline. It's not a story game like Near and Far, but it's definitely a story.
(There are no spoilers here. There is one, but it's so esoteric that until you play you won't know what it is.)
Right now we're playing Jung Li, Dispatcher, and Joe Bob (not Joe-Bob, but his last name is Bob), Medic, co-workers for the CDC flying around the world non-stop to contain four sudden and ongoing epidemics: Squanch, Scout, Jaeger, and Coda. Things have become tense, and our working status may be strained in the coming months.
We have stuck with the same characters since the beginning, because they work so damned well together, and we have been fortunate that certain cities have become resistant to infections, though as the game changes we're going to be hard-pressed to be able to do everything we need to do in the future.
We are both looking forward to what I'm calling "board-game caused adrenaline".
I cut my own hair (it was driving me up the wall and fuck knows when I'd be able to afford to go anywhere to get it done). It doesn't look bad! I just took off a couple inches so it's above my shoulders a bit, but still.
I attribute that to it being a bit curly now. That hides a lot of uneven ends, I'm sure.
I played TT for the first time in years on Monday night. And it didn't take me an hour of staring at feats to figure out WTF I was doing on this latest D&D edition. ^_^
I am really loving 5th edition. It is simplified enough to make it easy to jump into, especially for new players, without being so watered/pared down that it feels overly-diluted and too simple to veterans. Finished my first 5th ed campaign as a player a few weeks ago (yay for OTT and Roll20!), and will be playing a dragonborn, forge domain cleric in the next one we're starting on the 3rd.
@apu +1. 5th Ed is great, plus there are a lot of apps out there - many free - that help build characters and keep track of combat. Check out Goblin Fight Club for a great free one.
As someone who has played every iteration of D&D from way back when plus a good chunk of the various knockoffs I have to say that, in my opinion, 5E is the best version of D&D to ever hit print. I think Wizards really hit it out of the park with this one. Now maybe one day I'll finish my 5E character generation and see about opening a 5E MUX.
5th ed is amazeballs, but I will admit to also having a passionate love for AD&D, the version I cut my teeth when I first started getting into TT RPing. The only thing I did not like about AD&D was that stupid as fuck, and annoyingly hard as hell to figure out, THAC0. Ugh. A blight on what was otherwise my pot of gold at the end of a new rainbow.
I have only played 5e but I've now played it with a wide mix of experience levels and all of the beginners (including me) seem to be on the same page about how accessible it is to learn. I really love it.
dndbeyond.com is another awesome resource. No apps so far, that I've seen, but it has an awesome online character generation system and easy to find information. I like making a character using their site first and then I plug it all into a Roll20 character sheet, add what info I don't have on DnDBeyond due to not having any of the books for their site, yet, and then I am good to go!
I have found that the various Hacks like The Black Hack are really great simplified versions of the experience.
I mention it because to me, having a million magic items, feats, complex builds, and weird saves may initiate someone into the minutia aspect, but it also can baffle them as to why this is fun.
@apu said in RL things I love:
dndbeyond.com is another awesome resource. No apps so far, that I've seen, but it has an awesome online character generation system and easy to find information. I like making a character using their site first and then I plug it all into a Roll20 character sheet, add what info I don't have on DnDBeyond due to not having any of the books for their site, yet, and then I am good to go!
Am I really missing something here? For me it was a bad experience because if you need anything other than D&D's most basic stuff then players or the DM needed to have bought the books from their site.
In other words although I own a hard copy of the Player's Handbook, and even if I had a digital copy from some other store, I'd have to buy it again before the content in the book was available to me on D&D Beyond.
If I misunderstood how that works though I'd love to be corrected.
My cat sleeps on the back of the sofa behind me with one paw out and on my shoulder.
Also: got a call from a recruiter about a job with Google (well with a company they recently-ish acquired). She kept saying how I'm p. much the perfect candidate.
We'll see how this one goes. -
Get Out.
The Shape of Water.