RL things I love
Easter candy. I seriously love Easter candy it's so good. I spent way too much on easter candy today and have just been giving it out from my security office. I can't stop eating Easter candy. Someone send help please.
I will send help in the form of giving you an address for you to send all the candy to so I can eat it for you.
It is a grenade I will willing to throw myself onto, especially if there are Cream Eggs involved.
@apu Oh there are, I bought way too much easter candy because there was a big sale at one of the local drugstores. Somehow they managed to order way more then they ever needed so they had it all marked down to sell as fast as they could. I don't regret buying them for even a second. Made the people at work VERY happy. And my stomach very mad at me because I ate so damn many Cadberry Creme Eggs. x.x (Well they're the store brand knockoffs but still. I did get a FEW actual brand name candies but most are store brand knockoffs set to expire by the end of next month.)
Re: names.
I have always hated my last name. I have always longed for my paternal grandmother's last name. (Let's face it, 'Deanna DePaulis' sounds like a goddamned movie star.
I would have been all over that.) But no. I have Deanna M---- F---------- instead, because it sounds (marginally) better with the middle name in there.
I yearned to marry off my last name. I married someone I met as B**** Price. Woot! Score! ...but then he found out whilst doing paperwork that his mother had never officially changed his last name back to hers when she divorced. So half his paperwork was (technically illegally) under Price, and the rest under G-------, his father's last name. So to consolidate his records, he had to hyphenate that shit.
I did entertain the notion of triple hyphenating that shit just to torture the credit card companies, because I dare them to fit Deanna M---- F---------- G------- Price on an imprint, but no, there was no win, I just kept the old one to avoid paperwork. (When asked why I didn't change it, thankfully 'bureaucrazy and paperwork sucks' more than satisfied his family on that point; most of them have been married, divorced, remarried/etc. multiple times and they instantly understood.)
In the continued exploration of my family heritage, I have discovered Sir John Harrington V, aka "The Inventor", though I'm not sure what he invented. Apparently he was a favorite in Queen Elizabeth I's court, known for writing epigrams and poems of a naughty nature and becoming known as the "Saucy Poet".
I pretty much want to change all of my usernames to Saucy Poet now. And start a rock band called Saucy Poet. And open a restaurant called Saucy Poet.
John Harrington is a known historical figure; his invention is the forerunner of the modern flush toilet. Other than being saucy, his greater body of work was political/theological/philosophical in nature.
@lotherio said in RL things I love:
John Harrington is a known historical figure; his invention is the forerunner of the modern flush toilet. Other than being saucy, his greater body of work was political/theological/philosophical in nature.
Well, bust my buttons. That's pretty damn cool.
@cupcake You should look him up more, pretty cool find in your ancestry with John Harrington there, I'm jealous.
ETA: I had an English Lit professor that shared some of his saucy works.
I got to help make this happen. Please let it raise lots of money. If you're into industrial/EBM, go take a look at it; I promise not all the tracks suck.
@aria said in RL things I love:
I am going to go visit my RP bestie of almost four years next month and help turn his awful breakup/months of couch-surfing into a "bring all your friends over into your furniture-less new place and we'll have a big camp out/slumber party in your empty living room" housewarming bash. Followed by a full-on Macklemore visit to the local thrift shop to help him get new stuff.
I am excited. ^_^
Due to the awful circumstances said RP bestie still finds himself in, he remains in dire financial straits. I, meanwhile, have an Amazon Prime account. And thus the ability to invade his porch with a functional coffee pot if I want to. >.>
There are few things as amusing as watching someone flail at me for being nice to them.
After 20 years of following Me First and the Gimme Gimmes, I am finally going to go see them towards the end of April.
A guy just pulled over in a van to try and stop me to sell me snakes. "Extra snakes," he said. At first, I was like /if this motherfucker pulls out his dick/ but then it was... actually a bunch of snakes.
Philly is just a really great city to live in sometimes.
@scar said in RL things I love:
A guy just pulled over in a van to try and stop me to sell me snakes. "Extra snakes," he said. At first, I was like /if this motherfucker pulls out his dick/ but then it was... actually a bunch of snakes.
Philly is just a really great city to live in sometimes.
@auspice He clocked me good. I already have enough snakes.
@scar said in RL things I love:
@auspice He clocked me good. I already have enough snakes.
I would've though there's no such thing as enough snakes for you, @scar.
Just say no to the nope ropes.
Thanks to autocorrect, I just responded to a player's friendly bear hug greeting with "From afar, Mia drugs you back!"
I can't stop laughing.
@aria Sounds fair.