@thebird I find things funny, but I rarely smile or laugh out loud about it. My wife on the other hand snickers and laughs and the smallest thing and is easily amused.
RL things I love
@thebird I find things funny, but I rarely smile or laugh out loud about it. My wife on the other hand snickers and laughs and the smallest thing and is easily amused.
I have a very weird sense of humor.
Whose Line is fun, but not 100%. (Having done improv training ages back for faire, it's funnier to me than it might be otherwise? Nostalgia is a thing.)
I've veered away from comedy in general -- and it takes some major badgering to get me to watch any of it at all sometimes -- because a lot of it is grossout or very... dumb comedy, going back for the past twenty years or so? I dunno. Somewhere around Ace Ventura the genre pretty much lost me in the race to the lowest common denominator 12 year old boy demographic.
There's some current stuff I do like. Archer, for one. The humor in Preacher typically has me cackling, and I would consider that in at least a hybrid comedy category somewhere. (Action comedy, maybe? For that, The Big Hit, Kingsman, etc. tend to be win.) Ben Stiller stuff tends to work. Older stuff, Blackadder was always fun.
Can't think of a current live sitcom I can struggle through so much as an episode of without my teeth grinding. Was never much into them growing up, either, though.
This is probably really weird to people who actually did RP with me at some point because I love non-fishmalky humor in RP, but ah, well.
@surreality Have you seen the Archer + Kingsman crossover?
@Cupcake The husband had to be summoned before I could watch this, as he introduced me to both. He sends alllllll the cookies for that one. (Also, 'cause it means he found out it'll be coming out on his birthday, which is awesome.
That is truly a thing of beauty.
I have been told (@Monogram comes to mind) that I don't really laugh much, but I'll sometimes just sort of chuckle at things. Whereas I do think I laugh a lot.
So some of it is personal perception!
Also that Archer + Kingsman thing is gold. I am excited for the new movie, but I
@surreality said in RL things I love:
@Cupcake The husband had to be summoned before I could watch this, as he introduced me to both. He sends alllllll the cookies for that one. (Also, 'cause it means he found out it'll be coming out on his birthday, which is awesome.
That is truly a thing of beauty.
Why did I read that as "he found out I'll be coming out on his birthday"?
Holeeeeeee fuck, my youngest is potty trained!!! No more changing diapers ever. I hope .
Day drinking.
@WTFE said in RL things I love:
@Aria said in RL things I love:
Day drinking.
There's another kind?
Calm down, Archer.
Game of Thrones.
... Wait, does that count as RL things?
Just rocked a phone interview for a place in Austin. Lady is positive I'll have the 2nd (Skype) interview. She gave me a bunch of advice for it and even began going over stuff like start dates and commute details; she's personally pretty sure I'm going to land the job.
Pay rate is a bit more than I'm making now. Health insurance would be (on my end) way less (which equates to more). It actually has paid vacation. Four week's worth! It's been over a decade since I had paid vacation and actually got to use it (had a job once since with it; had a week's of general PTO, but had to use it for the flu instead).
You will deal with the double-post because TARGET HAS LISA FRANK PJS.
@Auspice said in RL things I love:
You will deal with the double-post because TARGET HAS LISA FRANK PJS.
Next thing you know, they'll start selling Trapper Keepers from the 70s, too.
(note: I looked on their website for a few minutes. I was so hoping they were.)
@Thenomain said in RL things I love:
@Auspice said in RL things I love:
You will deal with the double-post because TARGET HAS LISA FRANK PJS.
Next thing you know, they'll start selling Trapper Keepers from the 70s, too.
(note: I looked on their website for a few minutes. I was so hoping they were.)
Walmart and Amazon have Pee Chee folders, if that helps!
@Auspice said in RL things I love:
You will deal with the double-post because TARGET HAS LISA FRANK PJS.
...I just scared the hell out my dog by making a noise that wasn't so much human as it was "excited chipmunk having a seizure."
Total Tangent Resulting in Double Post.
I... I love my boyfriend, you guys. When I showed him my post else-thread, with reference to "cranking out chat babies at an alarming speed", he cut me off and asked me if he ever told me about the time he created "Chat Baby" as a Creative Thaumaturgy effect for Mage, using Time, Life, and Fate to -- and I quote -- "make a baby that is SUPER SPECIAL and goes from pregnancy to adulthood in six months, maybe."
My boyfriend is the best.
Even if I don't get the job I aimed for, I'm back up to my full 40 hours at work (without loss in pay) for at least through to the end of August. So no loss in pay.
...sadly doesn't help much with the moving costs as I was already being optimistic and factoring those in. So this is more a 'not getting fucked over' thing, but still yay!
I got a credit card for the first time a couple months ago. I've already earned 112 dollars from spending money I would have spent anyways??? that's super cool.
(1 dollar of it was for donating money to @Auspice. Aw yeah.)
Job response was a 'No, but...' in an understandable way. The team lead (who was going to be interview #2) wants to fill the empty seat ASAP rather than waiting a month.
I get this, I totally do, and I do not resent them in the least.
So I was told: call us when you've moved and we will get you into an interview as soon as we have another opening.
I am okay with this. That is about as positive as you can get. That is being told 'We think we want you, but we want you to be signing paperwork as you walk out the door if we decide we like you.'