@Ghost I want to point out, that Jean approached me, ICly, and OOCly, about being more flirtatious in another scene. She and I are /friends/ OOCly, and that the storyline is supported if the other previous scenes of those characters are ready before hand.
Taken out of context, yes, it could look that way for sure, but, considering the (former) player of Jean (who left due to this nonsense, amongst other issues but not my place to say, that is hers), and I communicate regularly on discord and I am certain would speak up to me if something was wrong, and asked me to play Warren there...
Perhaps not all is as it seems.
Considering that I have been labeled with some highly gross and predatory behavior, of course I react negatively to such accusations.
If you are going to quote a log, then and try to use it out of context to support these accusations then there is nothing I, nor anyone else, can say to make you believe I am not what I am being accused of.
There are plenty of logs of my RP with Warren that do not conform to any such predatory behavior.
@GreenFlashlight If this is true, then I wish people would have informed me because nobody ever told me I was behaving in any way that made anyone uncomfortable. I've had quite a few scenes with a lot of people, and was not aware of anyone responding negatively to my RP with any of my characters.
I don't know who these '4 people' are on discord, I don't know what happened, in what situations, because it has never been brought to my attention. I cannot address situations I have not been told about, and am /always/ willing to work with people, adjust scenes, and RP, to make sure people are as comfortable as can be in RP of whatever nature.
I've been thanked for that, by multiple people.
To me, these claims are completely out of left field, and inconsistent with any information that I had prior. I don't know what I need to do to 'repair' my relationship with the community. I don't even know what I did that was wrong other than pursuing a pre-arranged storyline with Jeans player for our characters that is now being used against me.
There is no way to win here, I say I didn't do these things, others come up with unsupported accounts that I can't possibly defend against.
Even to the point that when others say I didn't do these things, they get attacked for saying I didn't do these things.
So, I am truly sorry that anyone felt they couldn't speak with me about any behavior or RP that was causing any issues. I am sorry that by obeying a do not contact from ZG about Macha's character is somehow gaslighting people. I don't really know what else to say except this, all of this, to me seems like an attack against me as a person and my character which I was not prepared for as it occurred without warning and was a sudden nuclear attack against me.
For whatever that is worth, that is the truth as I know it.