RL Anger
The little sociopathic dick in my son's first grade class. I tried having empathy for him (perhaps he's got some behavioral issues or extenuating circumstances that cause him to try to stab other kids or shove them into walls), but then I saw that his non-handicapped mother parked her car every day in the handicapped lot at school. The one with signs posted stating that it is not a drop off/pick up spot, and that it is reserved for handicapped people and our crossing guards. And that she got pissed when she got caught by city parking enforcement. Because that shit just don't apply to her entitled self.
Guess where your dick kid learned his dick behavior from, lady? And the next time he undermines my parenting with my kid ('you mom said not to throw ice? well, lets just go to the hidden doorway and do it!') you will have yet another parent reporting him to the administration.
@hedgehog said:
The little sociopathic dick in my son's first grade class. I tried having empathy for him (perhaps he's got some behavioral issues or extenuating circumstances that cause him to try to stab other kids or shove them into walls), but then I saw that his non-handicapped mother parked her car every day in the handicapped lot at school. The one with signs posted stating that it is not a drop off/pick up spot, and that it is reserved for handicapped people and our crossing guards. And that she got pissed when she got caught by city parking enforcement. Because that shit just don't apply to her entitled self.
Guess where your dick kid learned his dick behavior from, lady? And the next time he undermines my parenting with my kid ('you mom said not to throw ice? well, lets just go to the hidden doorway and do it!') you will have yet another parent reporting him to the administration.
That reminded me of the following
Other than that last 30 seconds, this is me. Louis CK GETS ME.
I'm gonna start calling Ellis Jizzinthepuss.
Trigger warning: racism
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bO12X1nhzzk - 8 days later
I had a guy in my office and hour ago and it still stinks of his cologne.
@tragedyjones said:
I had a guy in my office and hour ago and it still stinks of his cologne.
Was his name Disco Stu by any chance?
@tragedyjones said:
I had a guy in my office and hour ago and it still stinks of his cologne.
I always assume they are covering up a smell far far worse.
At my job people either smell like fierce B.O., super strong cologne, or cigarettes.
Or all three.
Winter illness. It is hammering the household. With a few days respite around New Years (and even then I was KOed by the previous cold triggering asthma again like whoa) we have caught every damn bug astound from just after thanksgiving until now everyone but me in the family down with violent stomach flu.
All I can smell is Lysol and hand sanitizer. Which I suppose is better than a mixture of cologne, BO, and cigarettes all things considered...
MWO coming out with the Warhammer, just 6 days before I lose a huge bulk of my gaming time...
EDIT: Didn't mean to reply to Mietze, just clicked the wrong reply.
Mm. Robotech knock-offs.
Great gym-chain corporate discount leads to super cheap membership for a year! Yay!
Awesome 7-session personal training package to kick it all off sounds fun-tastic, whee!
Midway into the 4th session the trainer takes me to his office and gives me the spiel: Do I care about my health? Am I dedicated enough to be great? Am I willing to invest in my well-being? If so I should pay $7k for a year's worth of sessions!
@Arkandel said:
Midway into the 4th session the trainer takes me to his office and gives me the spiel: Do I care about my health? Am I dedicated enough to be great? Am I willing to invest in my well-being? If so I should pay $7k for a year's worth of sessions!
If Dailyburn has taught me anything, it is that I can pay $10 a month and get killer, daily workouts online. You can get the equipment too, and it will still be a fraction of the cost of getting a trainer in.
@Ganymede said:
@Arkandel said:
Midway into the 4th session the trainer takes me to his office and gives me the spiel: Do I care about my health? Am I dedicated enough to be great? Am I willing to invest in my well-being? If so I should pay $7k for a year's worth of sessions!
If Dailyburn has taught me anything, it is that I can pay $10 a month and get killer, daily workouts online. You can get the equipment too, and it will still be a fraction of the cost of getting a trainer in.
That won't work well with free weights - but only because the equipment in question includes a squat rack, and I don't have the space to install one. If I did then yes, a few hundred bucks or so paid once would cover me for basically a lifetime since barbells last forever.
It's not a big deal either way, the gym itself is excellent - well lit, maintained, clean - but it bugs me that they're essentially using it as a marketing hook to pitch their uber-expensive personal training sessions. The implied guilt trip (fuck you, if working out four times a week I'm dedicated enough dude) is what actually annoyed me.
@Arkandel said:
That won't work well with free weights - but only because the equipment in question includes a squat rack, and I don't have the space to install one. If I did then yes, a few hundred bucks or so paid once would cover me for basically a lifetime since barbells last forever.
Last time I checked, Dailyburn does not require a squat rack.
Why on Earth do you need a squat rack? Are you into power-lifting? Do you intend to try out for the Philadelphia Eagles offensive line unit?
I'd recommend switching to dumbbells, which are more difficult to control if you use them as you would a barbell.
@Ganymede said:
Do you intend to try out for the Philadelphia Eagles offensive line unit?
Give it a shot. They need it.
@Ganymede Who can't make just a little bit of space for Demarco Murray? For reals tho...
Squat rack is nice for dudes after some sweet gains. I'm still too phobic of people to go to the free weights, even though everyone at my gym is super super nice.
People who grade books yet to be published - usually quite highly - on sites like Goodreads.
Yes, I'm looking forward to Doors of Stone too. But it has a 4.45/4 stars rating with 1500+ votes and not one of those people has read it. It just makes the entire rating system unreliable.