Wouldn't that be more like 1.6 km in your size 16 shoes?
RL Anger
Wouldn't that be more like 1.6 km in your size 16 shoes?
A misogynist. A racist. A xenophobe. A fucking child with skin as thick as a toddler, at best.
He is going to get the nuclear codes.
To the world: Sorry
I have to go to work and face the people I called incredibly stupid and naive for thinking Trump had a snowball's chance in hell of winning. Including my boss. I literally feel sick. And I mean literally-literally, not figuratively-literally. I would cry but I'm still in shock. I live in a country that's so racist and awful that it elected Donald Trump. Where is @Cirno, I am @Cirno-levels of black-and-angry today.
Do you hear the people sing?
Singing a song of angry men?
It is the music of a people
Who will not be slaves again!
When the beating of your heart
Echoes the beating of the drums
There is a life about to start
When tomorrow comes! -
So, for the non-Americans among us, can anyone explain the result (yet)?
Who is voting for a reality TV star/millionaire? Obviously women/black people/Hispanics voted for Trump, but why? Were we outsiders given the wrong impression about how he was perceived over there?
Hate, bigotry, racism, and sexism has won. It's like waking up from a nightmare that actually ended up being a reality. Now it's okay to be hateful in public because now we have a president that is setting the example.
If you're black, you're fucked.
If you're muslim, you're fucked.
If you're LGBT, you're super fucked with Pence as VP.
If you're hispanic, you're fucked.
If you're a woman, you're probably fucked.GOP now controls the majority in the house and senate. The country is now being controlled by the ultra super christrian far-right that we can trace it's humble beginnings all the way back to Regan. Anything good the last eight years will be stripped away in an effort to make this more like the 'wholesome and good' of the 50s. It's like watching the beginning of Fallout except the almost laughable idea that it's actually happening.
My fiance was literally looking at Canadian websites today to see if her job field was hiring in Canada. I looked at her, asking her if she's doing so as a joke as a joke or not. She said she had no illusions that being a woman in America is going to suck for at least the next four years. I was surprised by that, mostly because so many people often joke or claim they're moving to Canada, but she was actually looking into it seriously.
The world seems grey today. I don't whether to laugh or be afraid. It's like we just had one-up Britain after Brexit, like a 'hold my beer' moment.
I don't know anymore. The angry person in me would hope for a quick impeachment or retelling of Dallas 1963 but...
I ran out of things to say. I'm just at a loss.
Yes, the Immigration website really did crash last night.
I don't know anymore. The angry person in me would hope for a quick impeachment or retelling of Dallas 1963 but...
I know where you're coming from, and I'm certainly no Trump supporter, but that's wrong.
Democracy is meaningless if we only believe in it when someone we approve of is elected to office. The will of the people either means something or it doesn't.
@Monogram You forgot to add, "If you're Jewish, you're fucked."
A friend of mine said last night, now we can either be sunshine patriots or winter soldiers.
I'm gonna get my Bucky on.
Do you hear the people sing?
Singing a song of angry men?
It is the music of a people
Who will not be slaves again!
When the beating of your heart
Echoes the beating of the drums
There is a life about to start
When tomorrow comes!The irony is that this song is supposed to be ironic.
So, for the non-Americans among us, can anyone explain the result (yet)?
The United States contains a large number of people that used to not vote at all. They were your tired, poor, working-class citizens that lived in rural, small-town Bumfuck that didn't really give a shit about what was going on in the big cities or Washington. The government never helped them (or so they believe), so they didn't care what was going on. They were aware that the country was tumbling economically and in world rankings, but believed they couldn't do anything about it.
Trump made them believe otherwise.
The vote is ultimately a repudiation of modern, civil, urban politics. When rural America came in, they unbalanced the polls in Trump's favor.
Meanwhile, Clinton wasn't strong or persuasive enough to convince half of her own party that she deserved to be there. Bernie's supporters were still sore over the DNC's shafting, and disheartened when Bernie strategically switched sides in order to try and prevent the Trump ascendancy.
Clinton's campaign shifted to out-of-battleground areas where the DNC believed, arrogantly, that it could win. They had a shot, but the gamble failed. Meanwhile, Clinton failed to hit the grassroots areas in Wisconsin, Michigan, and Ohio, preferring instead to speak in the larger, more Democratic areas.
Trump's message: You've been forgotten; I'll speak for you.
Clinton's message: Get out and vote, and I'll win.
So, rural America got out and voted. And Clinton lost.
I guess we could take the orange goblin as a cautionary tale about how much power we choose to give to government. We never think about what will happen when someone who is completely wrong for the job has access to the power we have freely and gladly given.
And then we realize we need to ask whether giving them that much power was good or even right in the first place.
Welcome to thinking on principle. We've avoided doing it for decades. From now on, it will determine our survival as a Republic.
I really want to invoke Godwin's Law, but it's been done to death at this point. But I feel like this is how fascism starts.
I think the most crushing thing was this morning I got a text from my grandmother, telling me she was ready to pass on because she didn't want to consider the idea of having to live through it twice in one lifetime.
@Vorpal The burden of democracy falls on its citizens. Since there is no way to disqualify people who are "wrong for the job" without the same filter preventing perfectly eligible candidates from doing the same if it's abused, it's up to people to make the decision for themselves.
Or to quote someone who said it better than I can... "Many forms of Government have been tried, and will be tried in this world of sin and woe. No one pretends that democracy is perfect or all-wise. Indeed it has been said that democracy is the worst form of Government except for all those other forms that have been tried from time to time".
It's true. We get to pick our leaders, and if we fuck it up well...at least it's our mistake to make. It still beats the alternative.
So, can someone explain to me why if she won the popular vote, she didn't win?
(I honestly don't get the whole Electoral College thing at all. I think @Thenomain tried to explain it to me once, but I just ended up smiling and nodding and backing away slowly.)
Popular vote only matters on an individual state basis. Think of winning each state as getting a number of points based on the population of the state. So in reality it is not one race but fifty smaller races with the most aggregate points winning.
Yes this is an over simplification but about the easiest way to get a rough idea. -
I really want to invoke Godwin's Law, but it's been done to death at this point. But I feel like this is how fascism starts.
It's okay, Godwin himself has apparently declared the law is revoked in certain context. Or at least has noted that it's applicable when applied with appropriate usage.
@ThatGuyThere Yeah that makes sense... thanks.
So, can someone explain to me why if she won the popular vote, she didn't win?
One of the main reasons is to safeguard a system against the tyranny of the majority - it would take too much power out of the hands of minorities, allow large urban centres too much sway over the whole, etc.
Essentially it would also mean politicians could target and focus on benefiting the largest States more than smaller ones since that's where most of the voters are - and chances are a web developer in San Francisco has different priorities than a cattle farmer in Wyoming, but you really don't want to screw the latter over just because there's fewer of them around.