And your poor neck. You must have been the bottom. I'm sorry. Let us know if you need an adult. ......
RL Anger
And your poor neck. You must have been the bottom. I'm sorry. Let us know if you need an adult. ......
@Gingerlily said in RL Anger:
I was born inn 1979 and refuse to be anything but Gen X.
You (and I) should add: You're welcome, Millennials. Because thank god we didn't ruin college and killing mental hospitals or anything. We did help those idiot Boomers crash the tech sector, but then we cleaned up the bits and started over while they were ruining college and killing mental hospitals.
I say "we" like I had anything to do with it, but I do feel justified in saying that what Gen X did made way for the Millennials to do what they're doing. (Would there be Snapchat without Flickr? Would there be Facebook without Geocities? Would there be Google without ... okay, Google was inevitable, but also Gen X As Fuck.)
@Thenomain said in RL Anger:
Would there be Google without ...
.. Archie
And where would we be without Colossal Cave Adventure? It's nerds all the way down.
Nerddom transcends all societal and chronological classification.
Gen X forever.
That's all just moving. The whole packing stuff up, sorting stuff out. The whole process.
@Catsmeow Having moved or helped others move 4 times in 4 years. And not just across towns, across states, I can relate very much with this particular hate.
That's all just moving. The whole packing stuff up, sorting stuff out. The whole process.
I am probably moving across the country again when my lease here is up (I've got a direction I want my career to go in and I gotta be in a specific place for it). I've decided, each month, starting in April, I am going to downgrade a 'category' of things.
April is clothes. Like not just the 'oh this doesn't fit' or 'this is holey' but 'I have to admit to myself that I will probably never wear this again'
I'm hoping it makes the actual move easier.
@Auspice The year the yarn (and/or other craft supplies) get nominated, that is the year this tradition will end. Trust me on this.
Otherwise, this is brilliant.
Yeah I'm basically moving cross country. I also decided to do this about a week or two ago and I'm doing it the first part of April. So there's that.
@surreality said in RL Anger:
@Auspice The year the yarn (and/or other craft supplies) get nominated, that is the year this tradition will end. Trust me on this.
Otherwise, this is brilliant.
The craft supplies have been nominated. :
I keep picking up new hobbies and falling off the wagon. I gotta get rid of stuff I just don't use. But the yarn stays. All of the yarn. I knit/crochet enough to justify it. A lot of the fabric, too, as I still plan to someday make a tshirt quilt at least.But clay, random beads, and other fiddly stuff I've just been toting around? That'll get given away.
@Auspice That works, yeah. I am totally screwed on this front because I live next door to my mother, and she also does a ton of craft things. We're rarely doing the same things at the same time, but there's always a little overlap.
This means entire herds of boxen of craft supplies have made the trek back and forth between the same two houses more times than anyone cares to ever admit.
We got to the point on fiber-related things alone (after sewing machines and two looms and a drum carder for felting and and and and and... ) that there was a saying for roughly 20 years: "No, we don't do all the things! Nobody spins! So long as nobody spins, we're good!"
...then I learned to spin.
The next rule was: "NO TORCHES IN THE HOUSES EVER EVER EVER." Which is a sane rule, let's be honest, considering that when it was made they all involved tanks and crazy gear and huge increases to homeowner's insurance. I don't have the heart to tell her I have one now, though it's admittedly just a little dremel hand-held soldering/torch combo thing that runs off a mini butane lighter tank. (I admittedly haven't used it yet.)
We are hopeless. Truly fucking hopeless.
Edit: The one thing we definitely will never do is glass bead making/lampwork. We both tried it. She hated it, and my body mechanics simply don't allow for it. It wasn't enough fun/enjoyable/wasn't good enough at it to figure out a workaround for that, and it's a huge investment to start properly. Giant boobs + short little t-rex arms + balancing constantly moving glass and metal rods over a bunsen burner on steroids is just not in the cards for me, to put it mildly.
I am just learning to tell myself no. Because I see a new craft thing and go 'want! I want to do that!' and then I just end up back to knit/crochet after a while.
So I keep telling myself no.
No.(Though I will probably still get pottery lessons because that has stuck in my head for a decade.)
Double post blah blah...
For class right now, we have to build portfolio sites. OK, that's fine. I've meant to for years now.
Got the feedback on my 'work so far' today and one of the things my instructor wants me to do is to replace my intro with 'Welcome to my slice of the web.'
Fuck no.
Hell no.I am not doing that 'slice of the web' or 'corner of the web' bullshit. This is supposed to be a professional writing portfolio, not a 16-year-old in 2002 building a Geocities page.
I don't even care if she penalizes me on the final for not including that. No way in hell.
@Auspice An instructor telling me to to do that would have me demanding to see their portfolio and qualifications to be teaching that course, because wow.
@surreality said in RL Anger:
@Auspice An instructor telling me to to do that would have me demanding to see their portfolio and qualifications to be teaching that course, because wow.
I think I'm going to have Some Words in the post-course survey about it.
She also had feedback for me to overhaul my resume with and yeah ha ha no. That resume is the product of work with head hunters. Y'know, people who find people work for a living. Gonna trust them way more than some lady who thinks I should introduce my professional writing portfolio site with 'Welcome to my slice of the web.'
I feel like it's the norm these days to just do whatever your instructor says to get your pass then move along silently. Although I understand in the US you don't need to get a pass on every course to progress which I guess makes it easier to not always have to do that.
I am still struggling with a 1 A4 assingment this one lady refuses to give me a pass on from my first term which continues to make it so I technically can't progress to my next term where I am now, three years later.
College courses and adult education is hard. I don't mean academically but more subjectively. Every teacher has a style and that reflects on how they grade. I remember working my ass off for a grade from a strict college professor. I felt accomplished because a lot of people had to retake her class. Then I felt defeated when a fellow student was just go to Professor ABC, they are lax and just pass you. That student didn't do their work, coasted and iffy what they took away. However, we both have on our transcripts the same grade for the same course.
I find this frustrates me.
Got the feedback on my 'work so far' today and one of the things my instructor wants me to do is to replace my intro with 'Welcome to my slice of the web.'
Don't forget the animated construction gif at the bottom with the visitor counter!
Also, isn't that a mixed metaphor? You don't slice webs. Shouldn't it be something like "my strand of the web" or something?