Sorry to break it to you, but Trump is by no means the most hateful person we've had as president in the USA.
In addition, this hate isn't anything new. Or even surprising. The only people pearlclutching about the "new"
racial and gender bigotry are...well...pretty much spoiled-ass white people.
Look. I work with refugee resettlement and almost all of my professional career except for when I had my massage business has been working with people with some super horrifying and scary problems.
It is possible to know and understand that there are big and scary things to deal with in the world AND to be annoyed as fuck about what some asshole says on the interwebs.
It's like, kind of the usual state of being for most people, being able to be annoyed/sad/worried about multiple levels of things! Instead of only about The Worst Thing.
My very worst day working for CPS involved having to forcibly carry a four year old child who had been regularly raped by her father away from him with her screaming and clawing at me and crying for her daddy. It was pretty obliterating as a green observer who was just about to graduate college. But you know, when I got home, and discovered that my asshole roommate had eaten my good leftovers that were marked, I still was annoyed. Even though really in the scheme of horribleness maybe I "shouldn't" have been annoyed at that at all.