Jan 7, 2016, 6:55 PM

The little sociopathic dick in my son's first grade class. I tried having empathy for him (perhaps he's got some behavioral issues or extenuating circumstances that cause him to try to stab other kids or shove them into walls), but then I saw that his non-handicapped mother parked her car every day in the handicapped lot at school. The one with signs posted stating that it is not a drop off/pick up spot, and that it is reserved for handicapped people and our crossing guards. And that she got pissed when she got caught by city parking enforcement. Because that shit just don't apply to her entitled self.

Guess where your dick kid learned his dick behavior from, lady? And the next time he undermines my parenting with my kid ('you mom said not to throw ice? well, lets just go to the hidden doorway and do it!') you will have yet another parent reporting him to the administration.