@Ghost Without getting all theological, I'm almost 100% sure that isn't even what the Bible says about dealing with crap. Frustrates me when I see the same thing, because I seem to recall whole scads of Christians becoming martyrs in horrible ways, and dealing with their imminent demise with fewer superhappysunshinerainbow thoughts and more, "Welp, this is basically what I signed up for, since Jesus said it was going to happen."
RL Anger
@Ghost Without getting all theological, I'm almost 100% sure that isn't even what the Bible says about dealing with crap. Frustrates me when I see the same thing, because I seem to recall whole scads of Christians becoming martyrs in horrible ways, and dealing with their imminent demise with fewer superhappysunshinerainbow thoughts and more, "Welp, this is basically what I signed up for, since Jesus said it was going to happen."
Ohhhh no. I know for a FACT Blue Steel will stop shuriken.
But posting some dumb picture of a sunrise every morning and gushing about how blessed I am doesn't make it any more or less likely that I will one day die by a freak hunting accident.
However, attitude is a big factor in satisfaction and happiness, with attendant health benefits. So stop worrying about those people's strange to you behavior, and click "never see posts from X again".
On THAT, I agree. If you're so busy being a grumpy, bitter bastard you will miss twenty things that -- had you been paying attention to something other than your disappointment -- would have made any given day an excellent one.
I have a friend who was just diagnosed with cancer, and my feed has this person's posts, which are heartbreaking, next to this other person's "I DRINK HEALTH SHAKES AND MY HAPPY OUTLOOK CHANGES THE KNOWN FABRIC OF REALITY LIKE IVE GOT AN INFINITY GAUNTLET" posts.
I clicked "X" on this girl a little while ago, but man...the degree of post weight loss self righteousness has been high.
@Ghost said:
I clicked "X" on this girl a little while ago, but man...the degree of post weight loss self righteousness has been high.
Well, you can't fix stupid.
As psychologists say "You know how stupid the average person is on the internet? Remember that 50% are more stupid than that."
@Misadventure said:
As psychologists say "You know how stupid the average person is on the internet? Remember that 50% are more stupid than that."
What psychologist spouts thisd sort of fallacy?
Ones that like to make statistical understanding based jokes?
Are you part of the internet that is even more outraged than the average?
The relentless pressure to meet a certain physical metric, and all the challenges to stay there. I don't have two hours a day to be at the gym. I prioritize enjoying cooking over eating four leaves of lettuce for lunch. But apparently that leaves room for endless judgment at this time of year. Ugh.
Meeting that physical metric and realizing that you can still be miserable.
Having a shitload of Tiramisu and NO ONE to share it with.
EDIT TO AVOID DOUBLE POSTING: When people you know who struggled with losing weight for 20+ years finally lose weight and then tell everyone how simple it is.
You have tiramisu and I do not, and I am extremely sad. -
@Templari That's cheesy, but I could deal with it. Its the 'I'm gonna get pissed off and act like a goddamn 2 year old in the middle of Walmart because the item that was put there BY A CUSTOMER isn't the price I want it to be' that drives me nuts. Or the 'its taking too long for a price check, just cancel the whole thing!' people. It requires supervisor override to abort a transaction in progress... that same supervisor is the one running your goddamn price check right now, dipshit. Welcome to being an oblivious moron that can't use one of the MANY in-store department price scanners to double-check their own prices before heading to the register!
So I nearly threw up on a stripper tonight, that was fun.
Not sure what that says about you as a person or the person who was doing the stripping.
Losing weight is super simple. Eat less than you burn in calories a day. Just because it's simple doesn't mean it's easy.
Anger - Having to get insurance to preauthorize an emergency treatment. Could take up to 30 days. Wtf. At least I have drugs.
@Luna said:
Losing weight is super simple. Eat less than you burn in calories a day. Just because it's simple doesn't mean it's easy.
It takes a fucking long time to see results, was my biggest problem with it for the longest time.
Once I'd accepted that I just wasn't going to lose what I wanted to lose in the first two weeks/month and stopped discouraging myself, I dropped like 30 pounds last year.
@Three-Eyed-Crow Agreed. It takes a LONG time. I still see myself as REALLY fat even after losing almost 100 pounds. I'm less than 20 pounds overweight now but in my mind I'm still a giant cow. I literally can't see it. It's also much harder now to get the same amount of weight loss I was once seeing because my TDEE and BMR is so much lower now than it once was.
I really hate glitter. Glitter is like sand. It gets everywhere and after you've been infected with it, you will be finding it in strange places for weeks to come.
Coworkers took down the Xmas decorations at work and it looks like a whole bunch of glitter was sprinkled on my desk.