If you manage to get one, fair warning, the controllers have stupid short cables.
RL Anger
If you manage to get one, fair warning, the controllers have stupid short cables.
A lot of people -- especially kids whose schools haven't taught it properly -- think freedom of speech means 'I can say whatever I want whenever I want and no one can stop me.'
It should shock precisely no one that I have a 'don't be a dick' footnote just for this somewhere.
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.
Everyone knows what we're getting at, here. Everyone has experienced the completely clueless idiot -- and that is, without question, what they are -- who rails about FREE SPEECH!!! the moment someone tells them to behave like something other than a shrieking howler monkey on a MUX.
I hate to break it to them, but the owner of the site and the person making the rules is not a member of congress. (I know, shocking, isn't it?) That, alone, makes their entire argument invalid.
But wait, there's more! ...the MUX is also private property, and is not a government or public resource to which one is entitled access under law. So that's two strikes against this being in any way relevant.
We're not going to have this argument.Don't even go there.
It's one of the subjects on which I feel entirely justified in being thoroughly snarky as fuck to preemptively shut that shit right the hell down.
So apparently, today is the day that I decided to fix all the logical flaws on FB.
@Lisse24 Now I'm curious. What do you mean?
Oh, the trump tweet this morning has me all political. And I'm supremely annoyed at the lengths some of my more partisan friends are turning to defend him.
1 - Clinton did not threaten to remove the citizenship of anyone who burned the flag.
2 - You know she didn't cause the people saying she did are full of BS.
3 - Even if she did, it doesn't matter, because she /wasn't the president elect/. -
A flat tire just as I'm leaving work, too late to get it fixed tonight.
Fuck 2016.
@Thenomain said in RL Anger:
A flat tire just as I'm leaving work, too late to get it fixed tonight.
Fuck 2016.
People are assholes
There was, in a neighborhood I used to live in, this wonderfully sweet pitbull puppy whose family moved and abandoned him. He showed up at my house / in my yard because my dog was super friendly and he just wanted to play with her. I spent the day walking him around the neighborhood until someone let me know that, yeah, he was with the family in that house over there. But they moved. And left him.
Fortunately another neighbor was willing to adopt him, because the no-kill shelter was full and the county one would have put him down (pitbull
). I had, at the time, already adopted another pit for similar reasons and couldn't handle a third dog.
It happens so often. To dogs and cats. Abandoned because they're too much effort, because their owner had to move to a place they couldn't have pets and rather than find a new home (or temporary situation, as I did)... they abandon them. It breaks my heart.
That day when this is you, because I know I am not the only one who has this day:
"Self, you have been way too down and negative lately."
"Have you thought about being positive for a bit and seeing if that improves things?"
"Give it a shot, it's important to work toward this goal."
<approaches something she does every day just a mite more positively>
<shit explodes in face enormously with paranoia and suspicion and borderline accusations being flung at her out of nowhere>
"Whoa... stay calm, approach this with purely rational chill and just basic info and it'll be all right... "
<tries that, it is apparently zero help>
"That's why."
That is how I got my current cat.
The person that owned it had five or six cats and when they moved just kicked them out of the house and moved on. This was in the summer so me and a couple of other neighbors put out water, then when winter hit I started putting out food too since I might not have wanted another pet at the time (I already had a cat at the time who was very anti-social with other animals) I was not going to have them starve.
The good part is that by the next summer all of the abandoned animals had found homes with various people in the neighborhood including my current cat with me , since my other cat was very old and ended up passing. -
I got my dog that way. I never thought I would have a dog (as I'm a cat person). However, he showed up covered in oil and under weight. So I took him home (rookie mistake) and bathed him. I went out looking for his owners. I took him to the vet and he was microchipped! So they called the owners and they hung up on the vet. He was only like 7 months old and a small dog. So I adopted him. He's super sweet and smart and calm. I can't imagine anyone who would just abandon a puppy.
It also really makes me sad that he's terrified of the broom. The dog loves me. I'm his safe human and if he gets scared he runs to me. If I even put my hand on the broom, he tucks his tail, gets low to the ground and tries to get out of the room.
People just suck sometimes. On the flip side, he's now my constant companion, slightly neurotic and super awesome. I became that person with dog pics on their phone. He's really my ideal dog. So their loss was totally my gain.
@Auspice This thankfully didn't happen to me but to one of my neighbors years ago. She was walking down a street in the middle of nowhere and this car stops at the side of the road. The driver calmly goes to the back seat, takes his dog out, puts him down, gets back into the car and drives away... while the dog chases the car, excited at first because I guess it was a game, and then panicked when the realization hit that it was not until it was exhausted and just had to stop.
How you can do that to a creature who loves you utterly is beyond me. I don't have words for it. I get sometimes people must give pets up because they can't afford them or whatever and that sucks but it's understandable; doing it because they become an inconvenience, or to trade up makes me think thoughts I'd rather avoid.
@Auspice This thankfully didn't happen to me but to one of my neighbors years ago. She was walking down a street in the middle of nowhere and this car stops at the side of the road. The driver calmly goes to the back seat, takes his dog out, puts him down, gets back into the car and drives away... while the dog chases the car, excited at first because I guess it was a game, and then panicked when the realization hit that it was not until it was exhausted and just had to stop.
How you can do that to a creature who loves you utterly is beyond me. I don't have words for it. I get sometimes people must give pets up because they can't afford them or whatever and that sucks but it's understandable; doing it because they become an inconvenience, or to trade up makes me think thoughts I'd rather avoid.
What frankly terrifies me more is how often people essentially do the same thing to people.
@Ganymede Be fair, dogs will eat you too!
As a long time cat owner, I tried not to close my eyes too often around it. In cat world that means it's time to feast.
As a long time cat owner, I tried not to close my eyes too often around it. In cat world that means it's time to feast.
Years ago, I blacked out randomly. I remember a severe pain in my chest... then waking up on the floor.
I woke up because my cat was licking my face. I like to tell myself that he was concerned about me (this was a cat who would curl up next to my face at night and knead my cheek while purring), but I know the truth... he was preparing for the feast.
@Auspice The truth? You can't handle the truth!
The pain in your chest wasn't random. That cat was hungry as the food dish was only half-full at the time; you just woke up too early.