Because it's actually all the same guy and he identifies himself as having come from 4chan. It's not multiple invading trolls, it's a single 4chan dude.
RL Anger
Getting passed over for promotion because the other person is British, and therefore whiter than I am.
...fuck you, British privilege.
@Admiral said in RL Anger:
Getting passed over for promotion because the other person is British, and therefore whiter than I am.
...fuck you, British privilege.
British are borderline subhumans anyway. Here's what your average one looks like:
@Ex-FaviIIa-Surgo Sub-human?
@Ex-FaviIIa-Surgo No, you're just being a fucking moron.
@Ex-FaviIIa-Surgo No, you're just being a fucking moron.
I don't see how. Are you a butthurt untermenschen Britbottle or something?
@Ex-FaviIIa-Surgo said in RL Anger:
Oh, sorry. I didn't realise you were actually braindead.
Also, it's always capitalised: Untermenschen. If you're going to insult me, do it properly.
@Ex-FaviIIa-Surgo said in RL Anger:
Oh, sorry. I didn't realise you were actually braindead.
Also, it's always capitalised: Untermenschen. If you're going to insult me, do it properly.
Further, you cannot be "an Untermenschen". You, in the plural case, can be "Untermenschen". In the singular case, however, as was used here, you can be "an Untermensch". (This presumes, naturally, you want to be one of those tiresome turds who mix languages to disguise their lack of thinking by "SEE A FOREIGN WORD I'M NOT AN IDIOT WITH NO OPINION WORTH EXPRESSING!")
TL;DR summary: go back to 4chan. Feel free to return when you accomplish adulthood in more than just time spent on the planet.
@Tinuviel: I just wanted to say, apropos of nothing, I FUCKING CALLED IT, BITCH!
I continue to be baffled by the occasional 4chan obsession with MSB. Do they get points on whatever Bingo Card of Horrible People they have for coming here and trolling? I feel like the reaction, beyond those first couple crazies, has never really been all that entertaining.
Anyway, 4chan makes me RL angry but also RL baffled, to stay on topic.
@Three-Eyed-Crow Nah it's simpler than that. Those are ones interested in the hobby, but steadfastly hold to two principles: a) they should be able to say whatever they want, whenever they want, without any consequences whatsoever. b) no one should be able to do the same thing to them.
I'm surprised people assume that someone is from 4chan, as opposed to thinking that behavior from 4chan has spread out.
Or is this one of those ways to undermine anything someone says like calling them passive-aggressive?
@Misadventure they literally called a whole subsection of people sub-human and linked a picture of someone with Down's syndrome to illustrate 'sub-human'? What is there to undermine in anything they said?
Because it's actually all the same guy and he identifies himself as having come from 4chan. It's not multiple invading trolls, it's a single 4chan dude.
@Meg They didn't say anything. I doubt the guy even believes it.
He's just a troll and we're the day's entertainment.
Because it's actually all the same guy and he identifies himself as having come from 4chan. It's not multiple invading trolls, it's a single 4chan dude.Yeah, this poster (and these posters, when they come in packs occasionally) consistently mention 4chan and identity themselves as being an active 4channer. They are not ambiguous about this. This is just calling a thing what the thing is.
I must miss the part where people self identify as from 4chan. To be clear I was asking about the designation, not a particular poster.
So here, it's specific. Else, it's maybe specific.
How many has MSB had?
Wish searching was easier.
It's just the one guy, over and over again. His friends didn't come back with him after the first invasion or two where they were all banned.
@Sunny thank you for paying attention. Seriously.
@Arkandel too.
@otherdarlingreaders Both of those are simple things that I've had folks mention to me the past few days, wondering why people would do it and this and that. It's just a very "isn't this obvious?" situation and it baffles me that people don't recognize it. A troll doesn't care about what they say. 'Oh no, he mentioned the sacred rape!', you're just going to feed it when you bristle over it. Yes, it's shitty behavior. Yes, it's a sensitive topic. That's the point.
But all of these efforts of You Should Tell An Asshole They're An Asshole, only works against people who aren't setting out with that goal in mind. Which these people are. So all you're doing is wasting your collective breath and giving them what they want. More than likely they don't believe a good 85% of what they spew. Even if they do? You're out of your damn mind(s) if you think that someone on the internet is going to change their opinion.
Stop feeding the goddamn trolls. Hit that little ignore button. When you see a new user come on the forum, espousing controversial topics, and they've been a new member for a couple weeks? If you can't pick up on even basic contextual clues and think that MSB brings in new users that regularly? Come on, son. Just fucking ignore them. Put on your goddamn thinking caps.
P.S. I understand it's hard to ignore the behavior when it's either directed at yourself or a topic that is of some minor or major importance to yourself. I can't even fault you for getting worked up over it. Take it as friendly advice - take a step away, take a breath, come back, ignore poster. Done. The more you comment, the more you entertain him, her, or them.