Apparently the new Windows 10 update has made my access to the VPN I use to work off-site "spotty" at best and "nonexistent" at average.
RL Anger
Apparently the new Windows 10 update has made my access to the VPN I use to work off-site "spotty" at best and "nonexistent" at average.
@Cupcake Forgive the impertinence, but ... why aren't you saying "fuck it" and walking out the door? (Or, rather, why aren't you working your exit plan now so you can put yourself into a position to say "fuck it" yadda yadda yadda?)
@WTFE I am seriously considering an exit plan, yes.
The elements in favor are the very short commute, the insurance, and the more casual atmosphere. I also have very laid back managers who leave me alone to do my work and don't hound me about it.
But I'm not sure if that is enough now. I feel like there's some kind of unspoken blackball with my name on it.
And thing is, once that seed is planted it's very hard to weed.
I've been there before: great job, great boss, but something happens that makes you doubt the place and β¦ well, I was young and stupid at the time (as opposed to old and stupid, but a bit experienced) and I stuck around past my time. I could have left the job on good terms and instead left the job bitter enemies with one of the bosses.
Don't consider. Effect it. At the very least get your ducks in a row, cross your "i"s, dot your "t"s and be ready to evacuate on short notice. Don't just think about it. Get the process started.
If you can weed that sprout of discontent you've got growing there, no harm, no foul. If not, you're ready to walk on your terms instead of theirs.
Yeah, I'm not going to put myself in a position where I have no income and can't take care of myself or my dog. But I am going to bust out the old resume.
Not really angry, just wanted to congratulate everyone.
@SG That's our secret. We're always angry.
Update on my grade sitch:
Got my student liaison involved last week. He said he was looking into it.
Emailed him yesterday to ask for an update (next classes start next Monday, I'm still listed as 'repeating' that other one).Today he got back to me and said he hasn't heard back from the instructor, but he got my advisor and the Academic Advisory Board involved. My advisor reached out to me and said she's pressuring the instructor as well.
So basically this woman kept telling me she'd 'submitted the updated grade' and clearly hadn't, so now the cavalry has been called in. I feel more confident about things getting resolved. I hate to have called this down on someone, but jesus fuck how long would it have taken her to just update the goddamn grade like she said she would?
Approaching critical burnout stage with client management. Caught myself telling random stranger at the dog park about how my job forces me to act as an unqualified therapist to the dregs of humanity. It's just not funny anymore.
I need a vacation. Or a new job. Or a new job all the way across the country.
Had a meeting with the department head, who said I interviewed wonderfully and all my answers to questions were terrific, but the person they chose had a little closer of an association with the position. He also conceded the point that given my own niche position with the company doesn't really lend itself to much in the way of connection to the other departments and understands I don't want to be stuck in a hole and not able to stretch.
So I'm a few degrees less pissed (but still pissed), and I'm still going to shop the resume out, but I'm far less inclined to burn bridges in an epic fashion.
On an entirely different note: If one more person smugly insists that Rock wouldn't hurt their cat, I'm going to consider them duly warned and deserving of what they'd get.
...I am completely missing something here.
I have a greyhound. They tend to have prey drives of varying degrees because they were bred as hunters for small, fuzzy things. When greyhounds are adopted out, they are tested for their tolerance of cats and small dogs. Rock has mixed results with dogs, and considers cats to be prey.
Whenever I warn someone of Rock's prey drive because he's going to be in the vicinity of their small creature, I frequently get a very dismissive, "Oh, my pet can handle themselves." It makes me want to shake them and point out it's not a dick waving contest, I genuinely don't want him to decide that the animal in his vicinity needs to go in his mouth.
@Cupcake Ugh, people need to learn that a dog owner knows their animal better than they or they cat/dog do. I have a GSD who is still very much a puppy (just a year old) and though I know my lab won't ever harm our adopted kitty, I never leave the GSD alone with the cat, and keep a spray bottle on hand to keep the pup in line, even though so far she's been very good with her (outside of sticking the cat's entire head in her mouth and just standing there, not biting at all, just, sliming the kitty like a total weirdo)
Whenever I warn someone of Rock's prey drive because he's going to be in the vicinity of their small creature, I frequently get a very dismissive, "Oh, my pet can handle themselves." It makes me want to shake them and point out it's not a dick waving contest, I genuinely don't want him to decide that the animal in his vicinity needs to go in his mouth.
As the owner of an otherwise lovely terrier with deep anger management issues... warning people is just a minor thing on the side.
Controlling your dog at all times is the main thing; there's no amount of 'but I told you so' that can fix an open wound after the fact.
So I'd pick her up if other dogs were around, always (always) have her on a leash, etc.
@Arkandel while I was training my service dog, a rhodie/basenji/staffie mix, kids would lunge at her and grab her, and their parents would just laugh. To this day, she growls at kids until she is properly introduced. Never a bite (she warns but she doesn't want to use her teeth), but I always intercede.
Drunk guys also lunge and try to grab her, so taking her out in public requires a lot of blocking weirdos from manhandling my dog. She's apparently just that appealing. So was our golden, but people never tried to grab him.
@Paris When Neo - my german shepherd - was young we used to go on long walks, always on a leash of course. Even at just under a year old he was a big male, and although I was making every effort to socialize him I still didn't know how far I could trust him. I mean he had never done anything wrong but a dog that strong can do a fuck of a lot of damage in a second if something goes wrong.
So anyway, I was in a neighborhood in the city pretty far from where we lived when this 8ish-year old boy ran out of an apartment building yelling "Rex, Rex!" (Rex is a German shepherd character in a popular TV show in Europe), launched himself at Neo and wrapped his arms around his neck.
Now, thankfully Neo just went '' and took the hug, whatever. He really was a really chill dog who liked children. But what could have happened then is pretty scary to me.
The worst part? The kid's fucking parents were watching this from their second floor balcony smiling and cheering for how he loves animals. Aw, how cute!
@Arkandel Annnd that is how kids get bit and dogs get put down, yep.