I grew up in MN to me it is shit disturber.
RL Anger
I grew up in MN to me it is shit disturber. -
I think it's moved from the metaphorical such as stirring up a hornet's nest, to literal we deal with septic tanks and cesspits. Please don't stir up, or disturb the sediment.
As an Aussie I always used 'Shit-Stirrer' as someone who causes trouble on purpose, although usually more in the sense of mischievous than malicious.
I post this in RL Anger, though to be fair I actually laughed out loud multiple times while reading this:
Pat Robertson compares Buddhism to an infection.
Technically I think he's comparing all religions to infections, which is even more lulz, and my favorite line is, on the subject of working around Buddhists at your place of employment:
“And I think your best thing at that point is to withdraw with dignity,” Robertson said. “Get out of that environment because they’re going to get to you before you get to them.”
Italicized for emphalulz.
I hate when Buddists try to convert me. They're the worst! These are wise words, and at least you'll have your dignity.
Hahahaha....wow. I can't even.
I think it's the hypocrisy that makes it the lulziest.
Well, that and the fact that my brain parsed "Pat Robertson" as "Rob Pattinson" and I was like "oh god Buddhist sparklepires".
@HelloRaptor said:
It wasn't even a funny joke. It was more an outright insult.
As @Ganymede said, I can't control how people choose to react. Whether or not it was funny, it was intended to be, if only mildly. I'm honestly not sure how anyone could read it as an insult (veiled or outright), but again, I've got no say in what you read into it.
If a topic upsets someone and it's known, why provoke them?
Maybe this just relates to the other shit you were talking about, but to be clear, if there was some post at some point by @Usekh saying "Hey guys I'm super sensitive about this so please no jokes, even little dumb ones, that use me and cancer as a framework." or anything of the kind, I never saw it. If there was, and if I had, I wouldn't have made the joke.
The response to 'dude, wtf' wasn't very good, either.
My response to what really were outright insults, you mean? YMMV, I guess. I felt they were pretty measured given what I wanted to type. I didn't even throw in any cancer jokes in my response to him. Almost as if once he'd made it clear they actually upset him, I didn't use them to provoke him. That didn't get him a get out of jail free card for how he framed his response, though. New depths? Really?
I'm not surprised that you're so practiced at excusing yourself. However, along with claiming that it's all someone else's fault because you meant to be funny, bear no responsibility for hurting or angering others, are supported by someone (@Ganymede) who people actually respect, and weren't specifically told that you shouldn't say dickish things about other people's terminal disease, you forgot to assert that it is all O.K. because you've said worse things in the past. However, you did drive your defense home by forcefully stating that your anger at what others say to you is righteous, while their anger at what you say to them is petty and unjustified.
It's the golden rule @BetterJudgment .
Pair it with capitalist view of profit, and you have someone who profits the most by setting the bar the lowest.
Are we still doing this? Okay!
I'm not surprised that you're so practiced at excusing yourself.
It's good to know you come at all of this with such an unbiased eye. ^_^
However, along with claiming that it's all someone else's fault because you meant to be funny
What 'it' are we talking about here? Did I blame someone else for having made a joke? That seems like a weird thing to assert. Maybe you're talking about the shit that followed, where everybody acted like dicks?
bear no responsibility for hurting or angering others
If I finish reading your post and am so overcome with trauma because your ridicule reminds me of my abusive father that I spiral off into depression, are you responsible for my pain and suffering? I've certainly brought it up in the past in conversations you were a part of. Or does the fact you didn't mention it specifically get you off the hook?
More on point, your assumption is baseless. The problem here is that you seem to think I'm responsible for shoving somebody to the ground, while I think I'm responsible for bumping into somebody on the street because I wasn't paying attention. It happens. Your problem here seems to be that when they turned to shout obscenities at me I responded by treating them like they're being an irrational asshole, instead of being contrite and apologizing. There's plenty of responsibility to go around.
are supported by someone (@Ganymede) who people actually respect
Yeah, the way she weighed in after everything else totally influenced my responses to everyone except that last post by sophia. You're a true detective to have ferreted out my ability to time travel.
and weren't specifically told that you shouldn't say dickish things about other people's terminal disease
If you're not too busy drowning in your own sanctimonious bullshit, you might pick up on the fact that I don't see it as dickish, so your point is pretty moot. I wasn't being malicious, I wasn't making fun of him, or him having cancer, or any of the shit that would have moved it from maybe being in poor taste into the realm of being dickish.
The joke used an absurd speculation about his condition, which he's made entirely public, to comment on something entirely unrelated to his condition. The joke was that it would take some kind of medical impossibility for me to agree with Usekh, because we don't really get along or agree on virtually anything. Now that's a dickish thing to say, but one totally unrelated to his condition, and not what you're accusing me of being a dick about.
My own experience with people with terminal diseases, including cancer patients, has been that they don't want to be treated like delicate flowers by the people they socialize with, or for people to be too afraid of offending them to speak normally. Specifically including shit like making offhand jokes. @Usekh and I may not get along, but we're part of the same social community, so I treated him the same way I'd treat anyone else. Better, really, since we've certainly not shied away from digging directly at each others problems in the past. But no, my experience is that as long as a joke isn't being deliberately cruel or nasty, I shouldn't assume any feelings are going to get hurt just for bringing it up.
If that's not the case with @Usekh, if he feels that jokes involving cancer and him in the same breath are unacceptable, that's fine. But no, I don't feel as if I've comitted some grave crime against humanity for not assuming that's the case by default. He's made his preference known, I won't do it again, and that'd be the end of it. Or it would if people like @BetterJudgment didn't feel the need to engage in chest beating righteous-offs with me, I guess.
you forgot to assert that it is all O.K. because you've said worse things in the past.
Damn, son, do you even read the things you shake your fists at and cry angry tears of bitter rage about? I brought up having said way worse shit in the past in my first or second reply. Not to assert that it's all O.K., mind, just to point out how ridiculous it is to pretend like an offhand joke with no malice behind it was 'new depths' for me or anybody else here.
However, you did drive your defense home by forcefully stating that your anger at what others say to you is righteous, while their anger at what you say to them is petty and unjustified.
Yeah, totally. Especially that part where I said to @silentsophia that everybody, myself included, was being assholes in the aftermath. For the sake of clarity, I don't think it's petty and unjustified so much as wildly overreactive.
So... are we going to keep going? I'll mark off a block of time later today to write another post if you're determined to hear more. You think I did something wrong, I don't, blah blah blah. Neither of us is going to convince the other of anything, so we could always just leave it there? If you really want the last word you could even just post '@HelloRaptor is an asshole.' or some overwrought version of the same that doesn't involve another poor attempt at snarky insight, and I won't even reply. Or you could just not reply to this, I guess, but what are the odds?
Yes, yes, irony, hypocrisy, I could have just not responded myself, blah blah blah.
@HelloRaptor ```
When you bite your tongue or cheek, and then you keep biting it accidentally. You just can't help but play with it so it seems to take forever to get better.
@Insomnia said:
When you bite your tongue or cheek, and then you keep biting it accidentally. You just can't help but play with it so it seems to take forever to get better.
Agh, that. Yeah. It's even worse when you've just had dental work on the other side so can only chew with the bitten side of your mouth. >_<
@BetterJudgment said:
... are supported by someone (@Ganymede) who people actually respect ...
To be fair, I wasn't supporting @HelloRaptor's prerogative to be an asshole. I said that it's more important to focus on one's ability to express oneself accurately than to another's choice of how to interpret that expression. This was to defend my excusal of my own leanings towards dark, mocking satire or comedy.
I mean, if we want to talk about cancer and suicide, how it has taken special people from me and the people I love, and how I use dark humor to shield myself from the awfulness of reality, then let's go for it. I found @HelloRaptor's comment quite tame compared to what I've said in real life to others.
I was trying to let this lie. But fuckit. I don't expect to be treated like some special snowflake (except when it comes to healthcare) I have made, and have had made far worse jokes about my condition. From and to FRIENDS. Not people with a long history of being an arsehole to me(and many others).
I may have reacted more angrily then I should have, but still there are people I will give the benefit of the doubt too based on past history. And those I am sure are not being malicious. And then there are those who often go out of their way to snipe at me a lot of the time.
If that is a hard concept to understand, not sure what to say.
Fucking tablet. Two cables down and I can't find my fucking pry tool to make sure the battery is still connected. Fuck.
HitchBOT survived a trip across Canada. It survived a trip across Germany. It was destroyed two weeks into a trip across the USA.
WTF, America!? This is why you (and specifically you!) can't have nice things.
WTF America, indeed -
@WTFE Considering it got destroyed in Philadelphia, it was probably destroyed for scrap and traded for meth.
Edit: Or run over because the shoulder is clearly extra space and some people are asshole drivers.
Completely petty and stupid peeve:
I hate mayonnaise. Almost as much as I hate pickles (which is a lot).
I hate even more when I'm eating the most delicious sandwich in the world, only to realize that that "delicious white spread" is mayonnaise.
Excuse me while I trick my brain back to thinking it's not mayo, so I can finish my disgustingly delicious lunch