@Insomnia said in RL Anger:
Yeah, I know. just... grr.
I can always tell when it's a scam too, because if someone for me they ask for Firstname, or Firstname Last name. If it's a scammer they always call for Mrs. Lastname. Makes it easier to troll them. But not even 9am. 
These fuckers used to call here several times a day (for weeks and weeks and weeks), starting before 8am.
I used them for improv practice.
It is fun wasting their time and coming up with ways to do it.
If I was lazy, it was, "We're mac users, asshole," after letting them run through their schtick. (We actually are, no one has used a computer running Windows in this house for well over a decade now.) This, and, "Oh, hi, scammers! Nice to hear from you the third time today, how was lunch?" were reserved for 'I'm doing something else and can't be bothered'.
If it was an idle moment, however, they were more or less fucked to be stuck on the line for several minutes while some imaginary drama played out in the house, generally along one of the following lines:
"We don't have internet, the restraining order doesn't allow us to have a computer in the house since the incident, I need to look into this right now!"
"OMG THAT SON OF A BITCH PROMISED ME HE'D STOP GOING ONLINE TO PICK UP CHEAP FLOOZIES I AM GONNA... " <drop phone, muffle voice to sound like I'm in another room yelling wildly at someone>
"We don't use computers here, it's against our religious beliefs. Have you been brought into the light?"
...and so on.
Thing is, they were incredibly dumb as their caller ID showed the same fake name every time when they'd call here, so I was able to prepare before I even picked up the phone. Often, I simply didn't bother picking up, but it did open the door to what finally got them to stop calling, period, because I was prepared:
"Hello, thank you for calling Microsoft Headquarters Wilmington, how may I direct your call?"
They haven't called back since, and it's been several months now.