@surreality said in RL Anger:
@Meg Hate to say it, but when I'm getting dogpiled and every mound of insults slung in my face is upvoted to the heavens, it's pretty clear that behavior is being cheered and lauded, not merely deemed acceptable. And, again, I can't even fucking apologize to someone without being a pile of shit for doing it. Doesn't exactly incline me toward being terribly apologetic or forgiving.
You don't have to be. I don't ascribe to the philosophy that anyone has to behave in any specific way in these forums. People will either like how they behave or not, myself included, but that doesn't mean they /have/ to do anything. I am sorry there is dogpiling, which is always a rough thing to experience on these forums. (I've had it happen and had to throw up my hands and be like THIS IS NOT THE HILL I WANT TO DIE ON and stop posting for a while in that thread.)
I just think the battle is already lost. People have already heard all the arguments and decided their own opinions, one way or the other. Without actually introducing new things to the thread, it's just gotten old, for me, at least. (I don't want to speak for anyone else.)
@shangexile ...yeah. 
Guys, uh. We are treating each other like humans and such. There is zero need to dogpile him; please don't. What he ultimately did was hard, and it was a good thing. Anybody angry with him on my account, please be aware that very awkward fence is trending toward mending, and that I would sincerely appreciate it if people didn't pour fuel on any perceived fires in that regard. He's not being a dick right now; please do not treat him like he is. Let's maybe try to let the few small decent human beings gains going on survive, at least in this case.
I would be grateful, and grateful enough I will go fuck off for a while and STFU, ok?
Agreed. He did a good thing. I am glad that he started actually speaking and then got to the point where he apologized. Auspice may or may not have him blocked though, and perhaps couldn't read his posts. Which would suck, @shangexile, and be frustrating, but please consider that too. You don't need to defend yourself. There's people that appreciate what you've done and approve, whether you care or not, and there will be people who won't care, whether you care or not. Such is life.
Anyways, I have a migraine and I'm going to go lay down before I cry.