@surreality It's okay. Sometimes all a pizza needs is -- wait, you don't like tomatoes. Oh. God. You gotta stick with some variations of meat pizza and plain cheese. I feel for you.
RL Anger
@surreality It's okay. Sometimes all a pizza needs is -- wait, you don't like tomatoes. Oh. God. You gotta stick with some variations of meat pizza and plain cheese. I feel for you.
@deadculture Oh, I like them. That's the worst part!
I do enjoy a good white pizza, tho. White pizza. Chicken. Spinach. Nom.
Not really anger, more WTF:
As much as I love Halloween, I think August is a bit early to get the candy out. That Christmas commercial I saw the other day can fuck right off too.
@Insomnia ...if I could upvote a post ten times in a row...
Not really anger, more WTF:
As much as I love Halloween, I think August is a bit early to get the candy out. That Christmas commercial I saw the other day can fuck right off too.
I learned to despise Christmas when I spotted my first, non-sarcastic (i.e. non-"Christmas in July") ZOMG CHRISTMAS IS ONLY 90 DAYS AWAY! advertisement. Since that awakening, it's become more normal to start with Christmas advertisements over 100 days before Christmas. And that before I moved away from Christmas-dominated environs 15 years ago. I shudder to think how fucking God-awful Christmas is nowadays.
I was brought up to believe that the Christmas season was not officially starting until Santa's sled appeared in the Macy's Thanksgiving Day parade.
That's how it used to be, although the Christmas 'season' didn't really start in my nana's house until a week or two after Thanksgiving. That's when the whirlwind of decorating and such would begin. Now? Thanks to the 'Christmas in July' crap and everything, Christmas might as well be all year around.
The only stores I've ever forgiven for having Christmas stuff out before November are craft stores.
Because as a person who likes to make handmade stuff, esp. decor... You gotta start early because unless you have no job nor kids to take care of, that shit takes forever.
A fire truck had its sirens on and was coming from the opposite direction so I stopped on my bike, other cars did... but this chick walking her dog who was about to cross the road turns at the sound, sighs at it then crosses deliberately, forcing it to stop completely. But it's okay I guess because she had a hurried pace on as she did it.
What the hell, lady.
A fire truck had its sirens on and was coming from the opposite direction so I stopped on my bike, other cars did... but this chick walking her dog who was about to cross the road turns at the sound, sighs at it then crosses deliberately, forcing it to stop completely. But it's okay I guess because she had a hurried pace on as she did it.
What the hell, lady.
People not stopping for fire/rescue/police like this always agitate me, no matter if its foot, bike, car, whatever. Heaven forbid, if their family is mistreated by any of these and receives slow response time that results in more injury/harm they will all be the first to the lawyers ... but otherwise, first responders doing their jobs is a nuisance to them I guess.
A fire truck had its sirens on and was coming from the opposite direction so I stopped on my bike, other cars did... but this chick walking her dog who was about to cross the road turns at the sound, sighs at it then crosses deliberately, forcing it to stop completely. But it's okay I guess because she had a hurried pace on as she did it.
What the hell, lady.
I recall one time seeing a car stay put RIGHT IN FRONT of a fire truck on an on ramp for the highway. Massive shoulder margins on either side, so it's not as if they had to. Going under the speed limit, too.
I just do not get people like that. It's like the mentality that keeps people from properly merging for shared on/off ramp exit lanes expands into 'I'm FAR more important than whoever that response vehicle is intended for.'
@Auspice How about people chasing after ambulances/fire trucks with their sirens on to use them as a battering ram to go through traffic?
@Auspice How about people chasing after ambulances/fire trucks with their sirens on to use them as a battering ram to go through traffic?
I rank them a bit higher in assholery than the people who honk their horns at those who do stop, but lower than the ones purposefully slowing the ERVs down.
Dear dick neighbors,
It is not July 4th. It is not New Year's Eve.
Why the fuck are you setting off fireworks and turning my dog into a shaking, drooling, whining emotional wreck?
If I had been there (I got texted by my roommate, fortunately I'd already given my dog a chill pill) I would have called the cops.
Fuck you,
Me. -
Given that I am, objectively, the biggest fuck-up in my immediate family,* it is really not fair to any of the others that I should be its last surviving member--which, as of about an hour ago when my sister died of cancer, I am. Life's not fair, though, is it?
Ignore this. I'll get my ticket booked as soon as I find out when the funeral is, then go to bed, get up in the morning, and at least look like I have it together.
*Being the drunk, the pot-head, and the neurotic and chronically irresponsible dickhead who couldn't manage to finish college until his 50s because he was too busy whining to get his shit together. Yep, that's me. No surprise there.
@BetterJudgment I am so sorry for your loss.
I am so sorry.
@Cupcake I was away, so forgive the necromancing of this conversation.
Here's my standard response:
"Thank you, but I'm going to decline the invitation to join your hallucination."And then I walk away, humming merrily to myself.