Call it providence, then, but privilege is an apt term for it.
RL Anger
Call it providence, then, but privilege is an apt term for it.
@Ganymede I was thinking about using 'birthright.'
Birthright sounds really close to manifest destiny, and I think that might be construed unfortunately.
@Ganymede Mmm, true. There are times that I hate how ambiguous English can be. There's probably a word in Mandarin for it.
I've been getting my cat used to her harness and a leash so that during the drive to Austin, when I stop to stretch my legs - she can, too. She is so angry the entire time she's going into the harness, but as soon as we get outside, she thinks everything is the best ever.
Also: 2nd migraine in as many days this week setting in. Joy.
Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaait... back up... ?!
I.. what?
So I click to see what this website is and it's like register so your friends can be honest. I .. what? Part of me just wants to know if my 'friends' have this. I don't want to register, so tell me more about this please while I pop some popcorn.
You sign up.
People can send you anonymous messages through the sarahah interface.
That's pretty much it. -
It sounds like it's insults -- if I wanted that I would re-activate my online dating sites.
Most of my friend who have done it have gotten cute messages or things like 'I've secretly been in love with you'. A couple of messages have been bad or insulting, but like all things, it depends on the people who have access to your sarahah. I haven't signed up personally, but they seem to have fun with it. -
@Tinuviel -- Ohh, believe me, I know. I come from a family that -- with the exception of one branch that had money many decades before even my parents were born -- consisted almost entirely of generation after generation of white working class that did all the things they were supposed to do to get by in America and somehow never did. They've since descended into being, frankly, what even my parents will admit are evangelical Rust Belt white trash. (See: the dipshit Ohio cousin who named his kid 'Eevee' earlier in the thread.)
Sure, my dad's white and straight and native-born and male, but he's far from well-off. He's broken his whole body down working himself to death by corporations who screwed him for profit from day one. And well-off? That's his only concept of privilege. He doesn't, and will never, consider how much harder it would be to even has what he does if he'd been... I dunno. Black. Or gay. Or even just one of his own sisters. It makes him easy prey for the old "That fucker is trying to take your cookie!" rhetoric tossed about by the guys who grabbed the other nine cookies before everyone else even got to the table.
Also, don't let anons comment on you or your shit, it's always drama.
Anybody who thinks you get "honesty" from anonymity where "honesty" is defined as "an exercise in releasing the inner shitheel that was never really all that deeply buried in the first place" gets what they deserve.
I've been getting my cat used to her harness and a leash so that during the drive to Austin, when I stop to stretch my legs - she can, too. She is so angry the entire time she's going into the harness, but as soon as we get outside, she thinks everything is the best ever.
Also: 2nd migraine in as many days this week setting in. Joy.
The current smoke in the air is possibly a trigger. I literally can't go outside without getting a headache right now.
And with having to have windows open due to the no AC... Quite probably.
My hair isn't helping since it's reached 'hello I weigh a lot and I'm going to put a lot of pressure on your head' length, but a hair cut isn't in the pre-move budget.
I've been getting my cat used to her harness and a leash so that during the drive to Austin, when I stop to stretch my legs - she can, too. She is so angry the entire time she's going into the harness, but as soon as we get outside, she thinks everything is the best ever.
Also: 2nd migraine in as many days this week setting in. Joy.
The current smoke in the air is possibly a trigger. I literally can't go outside without getting a headache right now.
Likewise. We've just sealed off the living room and put in a window unit air conditioner, and are encamped there with laptops and Netflix.
We don't have AC, but my bedroom is in the basement, which is the coolest part of the house. And we also have lots of fans, so the air flow is pretty good. But once I go outside, there's a tinge of irritation in my throat and my head starts to pound. I'm trying to put off taking the dog out to play for as long as possible so at least there's less heat and try to keep it brief.
Fortunately the air index is down to 68 today and tomorrow it's due to be back in the green at 46 (phew!).
I plan to use my free movie ticket on Sunday. I just... gotta decide what on. Spiderman, Atomic Blonde, or Dark Tower?!
(Sidenote: This is a guy who is involving in fringe radical groups and got thrown out of my house once for trying to teach my 7 year old that he was born racist for being white to the point my kid got upset. He's one step removed from an evangelical radical, and I'm posting this as a venting point because it has become clear to me now that his self-fulfilling agenda-based leadership ego has clearly taken a front seat to a 14 year friendship)
I thought you had to wait until college and pay to have your children indoctrinated with that bullshit.
Meant to go out to pho with knitting group. Last time I'll see them before the move. Migraine so bad I've had visual aura, vertigo... Maxalt didn't help. The CBD cartridge for my vape pen (no THC, so no 'high') is barely helping.
...this may be a percocet kind of evening. I'd rather be pain pill high and able to see people than feel I missed out on my last chance.
Izzie finally took a dramatic turn for the worse over the weekend so we had to put her down. Thirteen years with that jerk, and now she's gone. One injection and she just... ended.
I went to her bowl yesterday and noticed it wasn't empty yet.