Oct 25, 2016, 9:35 PM

I see the scammers as a completely legitimate place to vent any relevant aggression. That's not 'right', but I frankly don't care.

I can probably link a fair measure of my testiness in recent months to the fact that I probably actually managed to get them to stop calling.

I was in the middle of a video call with a former friend on hangouts once when they called, and he got to listen to the fireworks. I am still glad he was on my headphones, because I'm pretty sure they would have heard him cracking the fuck up. That time, it was some poor asshole just reading off the script and probably didn't have the best grasp on English, and they referred to me as 'Sir', which led to an instant snap to, "Do I sound like a motherfucking 'Sir' to you?" and it only went downhill from there. I was watching the video screen thumbnail as the guy I was talking to was turning deeper shades of purple as he was laughing his ass off and tears streamed down his face.

(So yes, I can make a grown man cry, it's just not how most people would expect.)