On the school subject... all of my kids' work is still in paper form. Projects, essays, homework, everything. Also... administration can be good or bad, just like everything else. The administration at my teen's school? HORRIBLE. I go straight up the ladder to the district level for everything with him anymore because the school's administration seems to have an unspoken policy that everything is always the child's fault at all times... even when it isn't. When they gave the End of Quarter exams to my teen, the teacher giving the test insisted all the kids leave their cellphones on a ledge at the back of the room, and were told they could get their phone after they turned in their test. The teacher then promptly ignored the phones from that point on, allowing my son's phone to get stolen. The school did nothing, claims no responsibility, and refuses to reprimand the teacher for being a goddamn idiot. We had to pay the insurance fee to get him a new phone sent out for something he was forced to do by a teacher. The administration at my younger son's school, however, are INFINITELY more helpful and understanding. They've worked with me to ensure my youngest has everything he needs and all the help he could want when he's having trouble.
On manners... I still have to remind my teen that he needs to slow down, take smaller bites, and CLOSE HIS MOUTH. Because yeah, its disgusting and nobody needs to see/hear him hoovering his food. Thankfully, his younger brother has better table manners. >.>