Ghoulage on Kingsmouth
@Cobaltasaurus I'm curious about that. It takes time to ghoul a mortal right? So is it a "It puts the lotion on its skin" scenario until they get to the point where the mortal is ghouled?
@ThatOneDude Unless it was changed in GMC it doesn't take much time to ghoul a mortal. All you do is feed them blood and spend a willpower (the ghoul can spend the willpower too). It takes 3-nights of giving someone blood to blood bond them. Ghoul != Blood Bonding, however, smart people blood bond their ghouls first.
@Cobaltasaurus To be fair, One person is saying this. I honestly haven't seen any feedback on the game that this is happening from anyone. And we have a crap load of mortals.
Having someone turn your character into a ghoul is something that could theoretically happen if you're labelled under the 'Political' playstyle and you're a human.
However being under the 'Political' playstyle as a human makes no sense as the only benefit to being Political is that you're allowed to hold positions of power in kindred society and humans can't hold positions of power in kindred society. There are no human political players and I don't think there ever will be. Everyone that isn't a Political player gets to have a say in anything that would permanently alter the direction of their character (Template changes, blood bonds etc).
If you're curious about the specifics about how RfK handles consent, the rules are here: -
Yeah, that's why I mentioned the 'Civilian' playstyle. Civilian means total consent, Political means total non-consent, and support is sort of a blend. You can change playstyles later on, so you could totally do Civilian, get a feel for the grid and its people, then go Political once you learn the ropes.
@Cobaltasaurus Heh. My issue is the fact that they're using Damnation City. Honestly, I thought that book was a total waste of time, hated what little I read of it before deciding not to bother any further.
Yeah, if you're totally against Damnation City or the codification of territory grabs and power-taking, this isn't the game for you. That being said, I'm told it's been modified to better fit a MU* environment.
I'm not sure how this went from wanting a ghoul to an advertisement for all of Kingsmouth, but there you go. Also trying to get a cult off the ground, though, so anyone who'd want to join my cult on Kingsmouth, I'm recruiting for that, too.
I play a ghoul there. I have a one on one relationship with a Domitor and he currently has no other ghouls. There is also no sexual relationship/TS involved between them.. I think problems arise with ''sharing'' when someone wants to be a ghoul with a one on one relationship, and then feels hurt when the Domitor goes around banging anything else that moves -- as many apparently do. Its all about the sex.
Vampire sex is overrated.
@Pondscum I don't generally like TS. My experience with people who keep multiple anything (Girlfriends, Ghouls, etc) generally leave one person out. Intended or not.
It's the same as RL relationships. You don't just up and go polyamorous one day on a whim. That shit takes work, and all partners need to be agreeable to it.
I'm sure in many cases it is all about the sex, but I've found that "household" RP can be very rewarding but requires just as much maintenance/care as a good motley/coterie/ect.
I have been lucky in that even though for the most part while playing a ghoul I have had slutty domitors (whether or not this was known to me ICly or OOCly has been highly variable) for whatever reason I have almost always gotten on very well with the other thralls/ghouls. To the point one time where I think we pissed off the regnant because he kind of became secondary. (But I'm not sure what he expected not spending much time developing further RP ties/relationship while chasing more tail, while we were waiting around so decided know...actually RP with each other, run things for each other, have fun in nonsexytimes ways which can be more bonding as a group really. I think it took us a couple of weeks to notice that he'd not logged in for awhile.)
However, I have seen some really craptastic drama go down in other groups. Especially if the "leader" doesn't bother to outline expectations/realities very clearly, or they do things against the way they said they would. (For example, if it was agreed at the outset that all members of the "household" get a say in adding someone new to the stable, and she or he decides just this one time to admit this other person who's very nice to them but is a real asshole drama queen/king to everyone else behind the leader's back, ect.)
So if someone did not want to share in a pick-up/strangers situation, I can understand that. I have seen non sexual groups totally destroyed by the admittance of one drama hound.
I actually with the right people prefer a household/stable, to be honest. I don't have a huge amount of time and my timezone seems off kilter with the east-coast centric playbase at a lot of places. I do not like hoverers or hovering. If I get along with someone well enough to consider playing a ghoul with them, then chances are I will like other people that they enjoy the RP styles of, so if they can loop in more people for me to play with (or vice versa!) that I already know are compatible with someone else I enjoy, then why not?
It only becomes a problem of time (if someone has very little time, divvying it up with folks who don't share well with others would not be my first choice) or personality (sadly, there are a minority of people who really are nasty to people who they perceive as OOC competition, no matter how untrue that is).
- 8 days later
Alright, I should have two ghouls now (assuming the one makes it through chargen), so unless you are truly, epically awesome (and can get along reeeeeally well with other women), that part is closed. That being said, still looking for cultists (better living through cheap Cruac!), Acolytes, and regular humans to help me with the revitalization of Chirk Point into a mixed-use area of green spaces, offices, mid-range apartments, an international port, retail space, and if I get really lucky, an amphitheater.
- 20 days later
And just like that, we've gone from 2 to 0. I thought the problem would be interpersonal drama, and was all prepared for that. Turns out it's the threat of paperwork or competition that has done them in. Alright, I'll try again.
I need a person who:
- Is okay with playing a ghoul on a Vampire game. It is nowhere close to as bad as on TR (plus VtR 2 gives ghouls superpowers for a lot cheaper!), but you're still a second-hand citizen.
- Doesn't mind (ideally, thrives in) an ICly competitive/aggressive setting. Everyone's super-nice OOCly, but yeah, this is a game of vampires, which means there's backbiting and wars and trickery and politics.
- A rp self-starter who uses my character as an aspect of their play but has friends and acquaintances of their own. Politics requires Clinton to be out and about schmoozing.
- Is not looking for a one-on-one IC relationship, either because Clinton's relationship with the ghoul is non-sexual, or because the player understands that Clinton's a philanderer.
- Enjoys simulationist games (Sim City, the Sims, even Farmville), and is willing to put up with a little bit of grind and off-screen dice-rolling in order to build something from the ground up.
- 4 months later
I'm reviving this thread so I don't have to start another one.
Requiem for Kingsmouth is a crunchy vampire political game. Because of that, it is nearly impossible to be an Army of Me and expect to get far. I'm really starting to get into my PC there, but I'm hoping to open/start a coterie or troupe there that includes ghouls and vampires, and the occasional mortal hanger-on.
You should really check out their website at, and take a look around. The staff is responsive there, if a little over-worked. The players there are second-to-none so far, and that's incredible. I've been lucky to get in with some friends from Reno, and my RP has taken off.
If you're having problems getting RP there, let me know -- I'll try to get you into it more. The political situation is tense and chaotic due to VII activity and the recent death of the PC Prince.
So if you're looking for a vampire game with a distinctive political feel, give this one a try. If you want to try it out, I'm open to ghouls, and could use one or two. You can find me there as Cai or PM me here if interested.
@Bristled-Thistle said:
Me: Bloodsucking Viking/Lobster Boat Captain with a penchant for seduction, blood magic, foul-mouthed honesty, kindred-on-kindred violence, and building up the city's main docks into something to be proud of.
@Yamazaki read:
Me: Bloodsucking Viking Lobster with a penchant for seducing blood mages with foul-mouthed honesty about kindred-on-kindred violence, and building up the city's main docks into something to be proud of.
I really need to get some sleep. XD
- about a month later
I'm pinging and reviving this thread again because ... well, because. I don't crow often about games, but when I do, I do so like a person possessed.
I'm still looking for a crew. Chat with me (PM, whatever) if you're interested in joining up with a small, but very active group of vampires. Acolyte-concepts definitely preferred. More information about the game can be found here:
Where's @Shavalyoth? I should ask if she'll un-kill my character and let me come play.