Ugh. Some fuckhead has thrown themselves in front of a train on a city-to-city mainline, disrupting the travel plans for literally thousands of people. It's absolutely infuriating and saddening at the same time!
Posts made by A. Meowley
RE: RL Anger
RE: Spawns and How You Use Them
@Roz said in Spawns and How You Use Them:
@A.-Meowley Try Command-Shift-S. It's the shortcut for hiding/showing the spawn sidebar.
Sadly this doesn't seem to do anything to toggle the sidebar into view again. Just get an error 'beep!'.
RE: Spawns and How You Use Them
The 2nd visualization in A1 tabs is how I've used Spawns in Atlantis - and boy, I looove using Spawns. They keep everything all neat and organized, and I find the setup in world setting's to be pretty intuitive and easy to navigate. Really cuts down on distracting chatter and makes referencing other data/cleaning logs really straightforward.
Hooowever: the only reason I don't use the the other options (the sidebar 'iTunes' style, or the older 'Stoplight' style), is that for reasons beyond my comprehension, selecting either of those options in Preferences does not create a side bar. They did once, long ago, but then one day it just stopped and all that happens is I see whatever Spawn Window was selected, sans tabs or options to switch to other Spawns.
So. No idea why that happens.
But? Love A1 Tabs, regardless. Love the Notepad spawn and the fact it saves notes across sessions.
The only thing I'd like to see (unrelated to spawns) is -two- input areas, so I can work on poses in one and page/+bb/check +time or look or whatever in the other.
But in terms of Spawns? I think the current layout options work! (Er, even if mine are a little busted for whatever reason...)
Atlantis is SOOO wonderful to use. Kudos to you x 100 billion.
RE: Sin City Chronicles
@tragedyjones said in Sin City Chronicles:
Re: Changeling.
There will not be a "and then suddenly, faeries" type situation.
Awww, but that worked so well for True Blood.
(/s, obviously.)
RE: Fate's Harvest BETA Live (Full Open Soon)
@Ominous said in Fate's Harvest BETA Live (Full Open Soon):
Do I need the books to know what I am doing to play here?
@Pondscum is right: the FH wiki is amazing in terms of info, and there are some key changes around Kiths, HRs, & custom Contracts on the gwiki which are essential reading.
But @Thenomain is also right: read the books. They're essential'er reading, and more than that, they're pretty well written. You will get a million-times-a-bajillion more enjoyment* out of the game if you've dived into the splat books. They're very rich with theme & setting & tone, and that kind of flavour only adds to collective funtimes.
(*results may vary)
RE: Good writin'.
@Auspice said in Good writin'.:
Not realizing how much people cringe when they walk into a public scene because everyone knows they're going derail the entire scene to be about them.
Hello huge personal fear. Who wants to be that guy? Not me!
I'll admit to being pretty verbose & descriptive, and with my last PC there was usually a tonne of dialogue, since they were a chatterbox. This probably isn't everybody's cup of tea (& that's a-ok!), but it feels hard to know if one's own personal writing/RP style lends itself to grandiosity, & alienates others.
So my question is: what tips are there for Players who want to make sure their style is meshing well & inclusive of those gathered?
I like to think I can read a room, although I worry I miss on certain flags, in terms of reception. My big peeve is when other Players aren't willing (or able) to align with the thematic or emotional tone of a scene. Example being like, a group of PCs find themselves trapped in cave & need to teamwork to avoid detection from a known Big Bad (or soooomething), but meanwhile Fluffy O'Happydanse is trying to get everyone to share baked goods and crying when nobody wants to have a sing along (or sooooomething).
A lapse in reading the tone, or at maybe in expressing an in-pose argument / subtext as to why their PC would be so wilfully blind to the situation, dire as it (hypothetically) is.
But maybe good writin' all boils down to taste - which as we know, there's no accounting for.
RE: Identifying Major Issues
@HelloProject hahaha, okay good! To my knowledge I've never interacted with them, but I've heard whispers that lead me to believe they're malicious & problematic as a player. Glad this doesn't include like RL threats!
RE: Identifying Major Issues
@HelloProject: Wait, whaaaat? I'm going to hope you mean your PC, and not like, you know, your literal murder as a human.
RE: CofD and Professional Training
@Ganymede But doesn't ignoring a game's Social mechanics deprive me-as-a-Player agency over my PC, if I've invested in Socials? That makes me uncomfortable too... Of course, it's then kinda like a Sen's paradox situation.
Holy crap. I'm starting to understand why people would favour creating Physical focused PCs, or default to combat or (eek) PK in order to resolve situations that (most probably) could have a diplomatic solution somewhere if they used Social Combat instead...
RE: CofD and Professional Training
Now this could just me being all green and naive and stuff, but... Why is it that some people are so anti-Social Combat? I've tended to approach social dice rolls/reactions as being flexible, but still important. If a soldier gets an Exceptional to cut my PC with a switchblade or whatever, regardless of 'omg my agency', I'm going to include an appropriate description of events in my next pose. I expect the same for Mental and Social rolls.
But in my actual experience, I've witnessed some Players just flat out ignore Social rolls*, as if they are of zero consequence. Stuff like:
- Exceptional Intimidation vs failed contest by the PC with Composure 2? 'You don't scare me, in fact <string of insults>!'.
- Good Subterfuge vs a 0-suxx contest? 'There's something shifty about that guy!'.
- Empathy to suss out PC motivations or glean info about the hierarchy within a group? HAH. As if.
Allow me to put my cop uniform on and say: maybe it's just bad RP, or at least conflicting styles. Because the Players who can 1) understand that conflict and tension and failure can create interesting opportunities for play and character development, 2) use dice to add a randomised element to their creative writing, almost like an improv prompt, are usually playing the more compelling characters and able to support plotlines which are rich, unexpected and collaborative.
Meaning sometimes ya push, sometimes ya pull: but it's all a matter of figuring out how to tell a story, not necessarily your story.
But I dunno. I'm probably burnt out on experiences where Fancy MacNeverlose is willing to overlook dice results, mechanics and thematic setting in order to come out on top as the realm's Most Best Fellow, with their unwavering fearlessness (WP: 3) and wisdom (literally kicking a wasps nest) and social astuteness (wasp nest is owned by a known Sensitive & Vengeful Wasp Lord).
It really breaks thematic immersion for me, and can make developing Social PC and investing in social-focused Professional Training feel like a huge waste of time. Nobody ignores L5 damage! Why, why is it so hard to express your PC feeling the sting of a Exceptional Intimidation or whatever?
(*Major caveat: anything to do with seduction and PCs. If both Players haven't consented to this? Fuck. That. Noise. Use that shit on NPCs if you must, and throw it in between consenting players for funsies if you want to randomize how suave/gawky your PCs are acting in the moment, but for the love of Glob, don't pull that nonsense on the unsuspecting. Maaaaajorly creepy x infinity.)
RE: IC Message Code/Alternative to @mail
@Coin YES. I'm vaguely considering a PC concept that would benefit from phone cloning, & it'd be fun to have it semi-automated. As for current systems, I was always bummed out that +txt only saved like ~50 last messages, & never sorted them by sender. But I like a 'paper' trail, & I love IC correspondence being used as plot & flavour fodder. More opportunities for PCs to get caught up in miscommunication or secret spilling or message interception, the better!
RE: IC Message Code/Alternative to @mail
Can't help with code, only moral support: I love the idea of a dedicatedly IC message / mail system. Letter writing can add so much flavour. If they can be tracked & archived too? So cool!
RE: RL Anger
@Cupcake - this sounds awful! The 1-10 thing can be irksome, but I find that this chart helped me communicate after an accident that busted up my joints:
One thing I was told to keep in mind when describing things to medical people is to base the 1-10 score not for when you're managing & getting by, but when the pain is its most extreme.
Hope things settle soon!
RE: Classic World of Darkness
oWoD is so goofy, like @Collective said: but I would play the hell outta some oWoD Mage, totally for nostalgia reasons. I had stupid fun back in the day on oWoD Mu*s, with rag tag crews of various Traditions, lumbering awkwardly in their fight against the Nephandi. It'd be nice to revisit that again! Assuming I can remember how the heck to play...
RE: Health and Wealth and GrownUp Stuff
Sending much sympathy your way, @Catsmeow - there must be something in the atmosphere, because I too have had soo much excess anxiety recently, it's mind boggling. Similarish situation in terms of lifestyle changes, and various obligations have just eaten all my Mu time up. The real kicker? When I find I do have time to go online, there's this damnable Anxiety Imp which says 'omg, everyone is going to either be super mad at you for going AWOL, and/or totally fed up and bored with you because many reasons', so I just withdraw entirely. Like, c'mon brain: this is a favourite hobby!
Irony being once I'm actually in a scene and posing? Everything is hunky dory.
But yeah, guys. Social anxiety is a fuckin' bitch. Lends me a tendency to lurk silently and not reach out to the people I truly adore RPing with.
RE: Interest/Volunteer Check: Major Multisphere Chronicles of Darkness
So; crawling up from my silent lurkpit to say - if this does get off the ground? Totally 100% keen to play. Gimmie, gimmie, gimmie.