My final exam is submitted. I no longer have to deal with the group project from hell.
....At least until May 18th, when I have to take Macroeconomics. <headdesk>
My final exam is submitted. I no longer have to deal with the group project from hell.
....At least until May 18th, when I have to take Macroeconomics. <headdesk>
My family is full of born-again Christians and a not-insignificant number of Trump supporters.
Then my mother gets super offended by the fact that I get along better with my in-laws.
I dunno, Mom. Maybe it's because my in-laws have never literally told me that they don't have to take my feelings into consideration when it comes to how they treat me or show my husband any respect in our own house?
So mysterious. What could it possibly be that makes me like them better? Clearly my mother-in-law is a rude bitch despite never having done anything to you literally ever.
@auspice said in Um...What?:
Reminds me of the time, many years ago, a friend (who was out of state for a period of time) asked if I'd go fix his buddy's computer for him. Sure, why not*.
Get to guy's house. He literally lives in his mother's basement. At least it's a nice basement? And clean? I mean it could smell. And the number of anime paraphernalia is limited. (I realized later he v. likely cleaned much of it up because gurl.)
The entire time I am fixing said computer, he is regaling me with his tales of being a 4channer. the. entire. time.
Later, friend gets in touch with me along the lines of 'Soooooo, how'd you like <friend>?'
Word to the wise: if you're trying to set someone up with your buddy, sending her to his mom's basement domicile is probably not the best method.
*This is now #1 on the list of Reasons Auspice Will Not Fix Your Computer.
Any self-respecting basement troll should be able to fix his own fucking computer. You should really inform your friend that you have standards.
@Cupcake said in Re-Igniting Playspiration:
How does one do it? I hate that I've become ambivalent toward a game/character I love and can neither pinpoint the reason for my ambivalence nor figure out a way to reverse the feeling and become passionate about playing again. Should I be Kondo-ing, or grit my teeth and keep trying? Is there some other tactic to consider?
Advice appreciated.
What did you used to like so much?
Do that. Ignore the other stuff.
One thing my ex-husband did right was make sure the seat was down. And lecture his friends if they ever came over and left it up. Why? He once fell in while half-asleep. He knew.
But it was always funny when he'd give a friend shit for it. They'd always look at me and then start to cut in with a 'Oh, does she have you whipped?'
And he'd be like 'No motherfucker. I fell in once. That shit sucks. PUT THE SEAT DOWN.'
This. This is why you put the seat down. Just once, fall into a toilet full of cold toilet-water while half-asleep at 3AM and you will put the seat down for the rest of your damned life. It is not an experience I recommend.
Of course, in our house we also put the lid down because a) flushing spews toilet germs everywhere otherwise, including on your toothbrush and b) we used to live in an apartment with a very large built in shelf right over the toilet and a cat that thinks purposefully knocking things off high places is a great game. After enough combs and nail polish bottles and razors ended up in the toilet, we both got into the habit as a means stymieing the antics of Pasha the Destroyer.
@greenflashlight said in MU Things I Love:
I am always going to feel isolated and separate from the rest of the world. I am always going to feel like a lesser kind of person, not by the reality I live but by the decree of people who have more power than I have. That's just how it is.
But sometimes, people will remind me that though I don't know how to reach out to them, let alone how to connect to them the way they seem to do so easily to each other, we have shared experiences that we can come together over and support each other through and try to lift one another out of. It's terrible that shared pain is what makes it happen, but something beautiful can come out of it, and for just a moment I can almost perceive the connections we all have but that I'm otherwise blind to; and that perception feels like being embraced by strangers who are trying their best to help me. It takes my breath away in the best possible way, and if it also does bad things to my blood pressure, that's fine. You gotta pay the cost to ride the rides.
I'm saying the MU thing I love is all of you. If you don't know what I'm talking about, don't worry about it. You're sincerely better off for having missed it. I'm gonna take a little break now until I get my breath back, and watch cartoons about princesses who want to be friends even if it's dangerous to be.
I have absolutely no idea who you play but I almost always find value or insight or humor in your posts, so <3, you sweet angel baby, whoever you are.
We're gonna go see it next weekend instead of this weekend for Real Life Scheduling Reasons, but I'll be honest....
Between both the Marvel universe and the Norse mythology, the fact that Thor is just cheerfully stupid and innocently enthusiastic about pretty much everything is fantastic. I don't want a Thor movie to be SUPER SRS BIZNIZ; I want it to be Chris Hemsworth hamming it up with all the unabashed joy of a puppy who is surprisingly good at violence.
In many U.S. states to register to vote. If you're a U.S. citizen, remember to exercise this right in order to protect other ones! Even if you also want to just burn this motherfucker to the ground right now.
@surreality said in RL Anger:
@Aria That is completely fucking brilliant.
I am stealing your therapist's advice, and would absolutely watch the thriving talk show she sincerely deserves to have.
Ohhh, that was my idea. She just thought it was hilarious and also very effective. Apparently there's some fancy-schmancy psychology name for responding to/overriding your negative thoughts that she tried to teach me with visualization (something about a stop sign at a crossroads and turning left or something), but it wasn't really helping as much as we'd hoped. So I decided to just..... roll with the idea of how much I hate those intrusive mental criticisms and depression/anxiety brain tricks and turn them into a person I hate and can think of as not-me and not how I really feel.
She leaves shopping carts in the middle of the parking lot. She starts sentences with, "I'm not racist, but." She demands to speak to managers about her coupon that expired six months ago. She is the worst and I don't have to give a shit what she thinks.
@Aria said in RL things I love:
Ceci n'est pas un scrotum.
It's a hedgehog. A bald hedgehog. It's so hideous it's cute again, like pugs. I can't stop laughing.
(Also, yes. I did just make an art history joke about nutsacks. You're welcome.)
FYI: Apparently, the little guy's name is NELSON and he lives at a sanctuary in the UK where they give him little hedgehog spa days to try and get his spikes to grow back. ^_^
Someone should knit him a tiny hedgehog sweater.
@Arkandel ....A certain very nice ass also got some cheers in mine.
My current laptop is in its final phases after 5+ years of service, as evidenced by its newest failure -- deciding I don't need to right-click anything ever again, I guess.
So I used some of my annual bonus to take advantage of the flurry of back to school and "We're trying to compete with Prime Day" sales, all without actually succumbing to Prime Day while Amazon workers are on strike.
Sale for a nice discount. An extra 10% off using my nearly-forgotten UniDays account. An extra 12% off with eBates triple cash-back day.
All in all, I shaved $400 off the price and will be getting a $102 check in the mail in a few months on top of that, by which point I will have likely forgotten about it and get excited that I suddenly have more money that I didn't expect.
....I may or may not have just spent the last several minutes making cartoon cackling noises and walking around my house announcing "I am a coupon witch!"
In conversation with an older lesbian friend of mine about the importance of David Bowie re: representation for her generation:
"My dad once tried to make fun of Bowie by telling five year old me he was a 'queer' because he wore glitter makeup and ladies' clothes....
I'm not really sure he took the interests of the average five year old girl into account when presenting this argument."
One time I decided I wanted to try heavy fighting in the SCA. Really, trying heavy fighting was why I joined the SCA. So I went to an event designed very specifically for new people who might not even be members yet. They had fighters there! I was super excited!
So I went up to the fighter in charge. I explained how I know heavy fighters in other areas around the country and they were really encouraging and nice, and told me not to be shy and just ask the person in exactly his position to help me get started!
He proceeds to stare at my silently for several seconds, then explain that they won't be able to fit me into any of the loaner armor because <waves his hands about half an inch from my admittedly very large boobs>. Then shrugs apologetically and walked away.
I'm still in the SCA. I don't do heavy fighting.
(Also, PS: I've seen some of our most successful fighters from my area. Some of our most successful and really very large fighters. If their man boobs will fit in armor, so will my regular ones. Jerk.)
You know it's love when your husband walks in on you eating a sandwich like a hamster, with your cheeks all puffed out and a bite still clutched between your teeth, looking all wide-eyed and startled that someone opened the door. And instead of being grossed out, he just starts laughing.
And when you say around a mouthful of food, "I'm your pretty, pretty lady", he just laughs even harder.
@Rinel said in Giving Thanks:
The suicide attempt rate for trans people is terrifying. It is entirely possible I would not be alive but for my family and friends. That is a very sombering thought to carry with you.
Yes. Yes, it definitely can be. But I'm going to spin this on its head for you.
"It is entirely possible I would not be alive but for my family and friends." This means you have people who love you, who support you, who badly want you to be here with them, alive and well. As someone who has been part of the family left behind twice? Don't ever, ever forget that.
Our new Constitution is now established, and has an appearance that promises permanency; but in this world nothing can be said to be certain, except death, taxes, and that you will regret ever signing up for Comcast.
— Benjamin Franklin, in a letter to Jean-Baptiste Le Roy, 1789