That is honestly the very best thing about Jagr and why I love him.
Though the stupid song doesn't hurt.
That is honestly the very best thing about Jagr and why I love him.
Though the stupid song doesn't hurt.
@WTFE -- Considering that I have a pretty massive collection of BPAL and my favorite line is by far the Lupercalia releases, I feel morally obligated to upvote weird Chinese sex pendants. What can I say? Deep down, I have the sense of humor of a fifth grade boy.
(With that said, if you don't know what BPAL's Lupercalia line is, DO NOT UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES LOOK THAT UP WHILE AT WORK. Don't. Just don't. There's a lot of dicks, and while they're usually hilarious, HR reps are required by federal regulation to have no sense of humor.)
My issue with Vampire isn't that I hate Vampire. I love Vampire and all of its themes as written.
My problem with Vampire is that I think it brings out the very worst in players, both IC and OOC, as most of its themes lend themselves to PVP. And because gamers are gamers, in many cases, PVP pretty much turns into the IC equivalent of the Hog Pit.
So... fuck that noise. I'mma peace out.
@Tempest -- An AMAZING two hour movie, no less. I saw that in theaters twice, I liked it so much. And again at a double-feature drive in on the Art Museum steps where they were playing that and one of the original Godzilla movies. It was a generally fantastic night.
I literally just heard one of the kids across the street yell, "Mom, do you love me?!?!"
And because the kid was being a complete shit, she just replied "No." That lady is savage af.
@Cupcake said in Which canon property/setting would be good for a MU* ?:
@Chet There was once a Pacific Rim game, but it fell off because there were players who wanted to be Jaeger pilots while refusing to watch the source material. And playing drift compatability can be challenging.
To this day, I'm sad about this.
I think I'd rather be a lonely, crazy cat lady than deal with people like him (or the other common type I get on dating sites: the 'you're bi so you'll be a third for our threesome fantasy right?').
And in my experience, it's always the husband contacting you.
Which means it's his threesome fantasy.
And of course, his wife doesn't know he's talking to you.
Dating sites are why I decided to give up on dating and just occasionally fuck a friend for about two years in my twenties.
I am the executive assistant for a department of 127 people.
I am often both whined at for providing free candy out of my own pocket -- but not often enough! and not in their favorite flavor! and how come I switched to the less expensive stuff! -- and the one responsible for figuring out how to cater events for our department whenever management decides to 'bring in a special treat!'
We have multiple vegetarians, one vegan, two people who are gluten-free out of medical necessity (so cross-contamination is an issue), one person who says she's gluten-free but everyone in the office has seen her eat plenty of wheat, one person who is allergic to tomatoes (which are in goddamn everything), one person allergic to eggs, my own seafood allergy, one nut allergy, three women who basically won't eat anything unless it looks like something from the kids' menu, a guy who basically thinks all vegetables are Satan incarnate, my boss who wants seafood everything (did I mention I'm the one doing the ordering and am allergic to fish?), and another manager who says he will 'try anything once if it isn't weird' which means he wants steak and potatoes.....
.....Fuck all of you. Seriously. ALL OF YOU.
Be nice to your assistants, people. You have no idea how many of you narrowly escape justifiable homicide on a regular basis.
....And meanwhile, I'm looking into getting involved in the PA Innocence Project to help a man who is in pretty much the exact opposite situation -- a man got shot and he got blamed for it despite multiple alibis and eyewitnesses stating otherwise. Ugh. UGH. Our justice system is so fucked on so many levels.
@Derp , what area of Indiana are you in? I know some lawyers in Bloomington, if you want me to reach out and see what they can do. (Which will probably be redirect you to another resource, but it's a start.)
I finally began watching The Expanse.
And just outright binging it.
Oh god I love this and everything about it and want all of it forever and ever.
This is the best sci-fi I have seen in a very long time. It's so good.
I also just started watching the series last weekend! I love it and badly want to binge it, but I've had like... a scene or a date or a concert every night this week. But the weekend. It is coming. And when it comes, the binging will follow.
I'm literally biting through the straw on my drink trying not to be like, "DUDE. One, 'a yoda' is not a rank. It goes padawan, knight, master, grandmaster. Two, they clearly don't care. Try some bullshit sports metaphor instead."
Fucking FINALLY! Revenge of the nerds! So many fucking years of listening to tired, wannabe jocks using sports metaphors I can't even begin to follow. Now someone's turning the tables.
I'll bet you loads of money this guy is doing it deliberately, right down to ignoring the "we don't understand what you're talking about" parts.
I imagine if he was a nerd doing this deliberately, he would be getting the information.... well, right. Not saying "See, there's like... Jedis and then there's Yodas." Which as a sentence is perfectly coherent, but in this context, he meant it as a rank.
So really, that's my problem. It's not "Wah-wah, some guy was getting Star Wars wrong." It's that he picked a metaphor his audience didn't understand, proceeded to try to explain it to them, and then didn't know enough of what he was talking about to do so. And yet continued sticking with this metaphor. Loudly. Loudly enough my neighbor could hear them over her headphones and was laughing. So really, I was mad on multiple levels. He was being rude to everyone else on the floor, communicating poorly, refusing to acknowledge a bad decision and getting Star Wars wrong. That's four kinds of obnoxious in one conversation.
@Kanye-Qwest If you have to explain your metaphor, it's a bad metaphor! It's even worse when you can't explain your metaphor because you don't know WTF you're talking about!
There's a team of salespeople having a very loud conversation about Six Sigma certification right outside my cubicle.
Worse, the guy trying to explain the levels of certification is trying to do it using Star Wars metaphors, to a group that has repeatedly responded by saying they don't understand because they're "not Star Wars people", and yet he still refuses to change his metaphor.
Worse yet, he is also objectively wrong about the ranks of Jedi.
I'm literally biting through the straw on my drink trying not to be like, "DUDE. One, 'a yoda' is not a rank. It goes padawan, knight, master, grandmaster. Two, they clearly don't care. Try some bullshit sports metaphor instead."
@Thenomain -- Hey, hey, hey. I can watch Babylon5 reruns AND Flyers hockey, thank you.
My boyfriend, bless his heart, has somehow managed to lose... I dunno, like every sock I've ever bought ever in the process of doing laundry. I don't even mean the occasional, universal "The dryer ate it." I mean that I literally cannot find a single pair of socks in the house, because he somehow manages to lose them in strange places every time he does the wash.
But I was complaining my toes were cold. So he brought me the last clean pair of his, and started a new load of laundry so he has some to wear to work tomorrow.
@surreality -- Yeah, if you're that far north, I can recommend Penn Medicine. Highly. I mean, I'll be honest. They are EXPENSIVE. I still owe $650 for biopsies that were mostly covered but not entirely due to a fluke in the timing of getting our employee health incentives/not yet hitting our deductible. A one-two punch of the boyfriend having an eye injury requiring a sub-specialty of a specialty and me needing four biopsies all within the first three weeks of the year kinda turned that into a shitstorm...
But it's Penn. They know their stuff. They are really, really good at what they do. Their bedside manner can sometimes be lacking in that way that highly intelligent experts in their field can be, but with rare exceptions? You're unlikely to receive medically better treatment anywhere in the Philadelphia region.
@surreality -- Dunno how far south in Delaware you are, but if you're willing to drive up to Chester County, PA? I know the executive assistant who supports the Women's Health Clinical Research Center at UPenn, 'cause I used to work for the office that monitored the research trials. I can give her a call if you'd like and see if she can recommend anyone at the Chester county sites.
@surreality -- Personally, with the rate of breast cancer in my family, I'm pretty much just waiting for mine to try and kill me. It's like having squishy time-bombs strapped to your chest that everyone else but you thinks are just fucking fabulous. I cannot imagine having something else that is so awful also going wrong with the damned things. This sounds horrible and I am so, so sorry that you're dealing with this.
@surreality -- Hey! The left one is where I have my biopsy scar from 'discovering I don't have cancer' that I really super hate for a multitude of reasons. Our left tits can be grizzled old drinking buddies trading war stories.
That... that totally makes it better, right?