I kind of want to buy a bunch of Harlequin novels cheap, now, and rewrite the smut to be family friendly.
I kind of want to buy a bunch of Harlequin novels cheap, now, and rewrite the smut to be family friendly.
@Ghost said in Generic sci fi game.:
(If you're polling for interest) I, for one, would NOT be interested in a space colonization game unless it involved some other larger overplot, such as something survival horror, war, or other action-based dramatics.
Not really looking to get stuck in a sandbox of boys and girls playing HOUSE in a space setting. I would need more than playing house and the assumption that one-on-one relationship "character building" is a worthy substitute for my time and effort.
<looking, slowly, towards the full trailer for Alien: Covenant.>
@gryphter I'm trying to learn the art of saying no when asked to do things above my pay grade or outside scope.
It's hard. Our generation was raised to be go-getters in this sense. That if we didn't put in the extra effort, go the extra mile, etc....we wouldn't get the money or promotion.
Unfortunately, companies have learned some things. Namely that they can just dangle the money over our head like a carrot because our ability to go elsewhere is so slim. And why is our ability so slim? Because kids fresh out of college don't stand firm on their worth and take unpaid internships or low-salary jobs where they end up working 70 hours a week. These employers know if we do leave, they can find someone with nil experience to replace us for less.
It's a goddamn mess. I was really glad when I learned that more and more college advisors are impressing upon students to never accept an unpaid internship. They deserve better than that.
Yes, please take down the UAT environment while I'm in the middle of a deadline for documentation.
It's not like I need it or anything.
I have once, and only once (in 18+ years), been on a game where the economy system worked. You're right, most of the time it fails miserably. And a lot of it comes down to time.
That game? Was in the early days of my MU*ing. So probably around the 16? years ago mark. When a fair number of us in the hobby were in high school, college, or didn't have kids yet (not all, obvs, but a good number). We had more time to devote to that shit.
Hell, I made tons of money because I was working part-time and homeschooled, with terrible insomnia. The '2-4 hours RL time flying from point A to point B' was no big deal.
Nowadays? Fuck that noise. Ain't nobody got time for that.
Economy systems are cool in theory, but finding the balance is hard. You have to be willing to throttle it hard... or else risk the people that have little to no RL demands dominating the entire game.
Speaking of taking time off for health..... I just called out for the day because my stomach hurts enough that I don't trust myself to drive.
I nearly did anyway, but when I doubled over in pain multiple times just getting my things together I realized it would be for the best of I didn't risk myself and others on the road.
Now to lie down and try to sleep despite the pain and mild terror this is going to end up in a hospital trip (I have certain abdominal issues that mean severe pain could be a major issue...)
@Three-Eyed-Crow said in What do you WANT to play most?:
Original theme sci-fi. Though I'd also just like to see some not-overdone sci-fi, like something based off Star Trek or a newer property like The Expanse.
And actual sci-fi, not like... 'social game with a dash of sci-fi for flavor.'
@Lisse24 said in Real World Peeves, Disgruntlement, and Irks.:
IT companies have horrible documentation and How-To's.
Just sayin'.
There's a reason for this.
They expect their developers to document as they go. And some developers can, but most can't. Either because they're too busy to properly document, because they're 'too close' to the product to explain it in layman's terms, or they just can't English good (there's an actual science to this in that 'thinking in code' can cause the same shift in your brain that immersing yourself in a new language does).
Many places don't want to pay for a technical writer (hi! Like me!) because they have that 'everyone can write' concept, but the truth is that people like me fill a very specific, important role.
So yeah. It happens. It happens for stupid reasons. (Let your developers develop and hire a writer to write ffs). And there's not an end in site.
The very technical industries (think space shit for example) are beginning to hire more tech writers but everyone else is hiring less.
@Arkandel said in Difficulty of single-player computer games:
How do you guys feel when a game offers both single- and multi-player modes? Are you feeling the urge to compete in ladders?
Newp. Largely because of the time devoted. Competitive matches in League, for example, averaged 45-60 minutes whereas non-ladder (Player vs AI) generally ran me 20-40.
Doing one single thing for an hour straight is hard on me. I don't know how some of you do it.
@Derp to this day I have no idea how I got my car. I was still in my shitty job where I barely made ends meet (but car was cheaper than the ubers I was having to take), my credit is p bad (tho improving...). But I got the loan.
Do you have a credit union by chance? If not, open an account with one (if possible; thankfully most let you get a savings account with just $5) and try getting a loan through them. They tend to be better than most banks.
I would like to clarify:
I am not at all suggesting anyone list all possible triggers. I am suggesting to list intended generalized themes that could be major triggers.
If you know, in advance, that you are using a monster which is going to try to utilize mind control to force someone to rape someone else (I have seen this)... that is something that you can place up front as a warning for players.
Rape, body/victim horror, child abuse... These are major triggers for some people and I think it might potentially be polite to toss out a warning to go 'This is an intended part of this story.' You're not listing out every little nitpicky detail, but a major aspect of your plot that also happens to b a major theme. You are offering up a measure of communication.
@Thenomain said in How to pronounce FYI?:
@Three-Eyed-Crow said in How to pronounce FYI?:
@Rinel said in How to pronounce FYI?:
I have never so much as encountered people pronouncing it as an acronym.
Same. It would never occur to not to just say the letters.
I pronounce G-U-I by the letters, S-C-S-I same, S-Q-L as well. You'd think from some people's expressions that I'd just walked out of the 1500s, but some people get awfully pompous about how their acronyms are relayed. If I want to say Ess-Kew-Ell, I am no less versed on it than someone who barely can manage 'Sequel' without swallowing half the vowels. "Seql".
but scuzzy is so fun to say.
Also, jesus, I think we found what all of MSB can agree on: FYI must be Eff-Why-Eye.
It's crude af, but the term 'cyber-slit' is amusing the hell out of me right now.
Like I'm just imagining a sexbot with a credit card slot between her legs that becomes a fleshlight.
When you find out the person you thought was really cool and you liked and wanted to be their friend...
...takes calls in the bathroom.
@Roz said in Coming Soon: Arx, After the Reckoning:
@Auspice Yeah, that's really fair. They've taken specific measures to try and control the speed of things, but it's still a dense game and there's no changing that, really.
(I can tell you that there's a really great Mason player right now!)
Yeah, but right now I can only do very small (3 or fewer people, total) scenes except in very rare cases and maybe two, three scenes a week at most. Lou was awesome. I loved playing Lou, I really did, but I just... don't want to put myself in a place again of having people fussing at me for not doing more.
@Ghost said in Real World Peeves, Disgruntlement, and Irks.:
Pooping while mushing should be called Mooping
Not pushing?
@Rook said in A Constructive Thread About People We Might Not Like:
All I'm trying to say is that on the one hand, MSB encourages stricter, tighter staffing... but then is quick (I should say 'was quick', in the WORA days) to roast a staff for doing just that. Let's just take that into account in the conversation here, as I feel it is relevant.
WORA was much more... pack of wolves vs. the vultures of MSB. People here tend to wait longer, watch for more, before going in for the strike. On WORA it was immediate and for any scrap or reason they could get.
I think your ex may have been part of why they went for the kill in that case? as they often went for any reason they could (deserved and not) to go after her. So there was association there also.
@silverfox said in The Work Thread:
I want to know the outcome plz.
Well, we didn't get around to it in the meeting. The whole meeting was taken up by other stuff.
But, I received two emails with feedback. It was appropriately constructive. I actually feel better now. So I did a return doc with the revised outline and my reply comments (this is why I'm doing X, I was thinking Y, etc.).
I just wasn't sure about 'okay here's six people all commenting at once' in a meeting.
@faraday said in Spawns and How You Use Them:
@Sparks For me it would be super awesome if there was an option to make the CMD-# "switch window" shortcuts ignore spawns. So that way CMD-1 would be world 1, CMD-2 world 2, etc. The main thing keeping me from using more spawns is my reliance on those hotkeys and the awkwardness of having to do CMD-8 and whatnot to switch windows. I just use one for channel chat on my OOC alt.
This is the main reason I want the sub-tabs for spawns. Because I want to use more spawns, but then I end up with waaaaaay too many windows to use hotkeys.