@Seraphim73 said in Searching for Star Wars RPI:
Any level-based game is going to have problems with that. One thing that -could- be implemented to limit it would be to scale the starting level, but as you pointed out, with d20, once you get to a certain level, even specialists of a lower level can't keep up.
Although this is certainly not unique to level-based games. I enjoyed playing in the Mage sphere on Haunted Memories very much, for instance. But it was no easy task for a new player to find a specialty for their character that someone wasn't already better at -- often not even on purpose, but just as a side effect of being good at the things they actually wanted to be good at. The differentiation isn't as reliable as it is with level-based systems; a 250 XP character can be as effective as, or more so than, a 500 XP character, in a way that's rare for level 6 versus level 12. But it can still be awkward.
Not just for players, but for staff; the more subdivided the player base gets into groups who can't usefully operate together, the more separate opportunities staff has to provide to keep them happy. Running a single event for six characters is more work than running an event for three characters ... but not as much more as having to run two events for two groups of three characters because any threat that would challenge group A would be laughable for group B, or vice versa. Staff burnout is enough of a problem without further cranking up the storytelling workload.