@Kanye-Qwest said in Arx's Elevation Situation:
The only way to actually fix this, imo, is to get the systems in and tested and then do a hard reboot/time skip/wipe. Beta!
I agree.
@Kanye-Qwest said in Arx's Elevation Situation:
The only way to actually fix this, imo, is to get the systems in and tested and then do a hard reboot/time skip/wipe. Beta!
I agree.
Arx's elevation situation isn't going to fix itself without a domain system, and a domain system is probably going to change so much that everyone's going to bitch about it and nobody is going to be very happy about it. And tbh I don't even know if it is possible to implement a system with how much IC handshaking agreements have gone on, growth, etc., without resetting everybody back to 0 and starting over again and boy is that gonna cause another 30 pages on the peeve board (maybe even more!)
I don't know what the solution here is except that Arx can't be all the things and I don't know if it being a mini civ game is the right direction for it anyway. Maybe the BEST solution at this point would be to just let the PC houses continue to grow as they will with some rails in place. If that means there's 6 or 7 or 14 Great Houses? I don't really see what the PROBLEM is, as long as the population can sustain that many Great Houses, and everyone's given the same rules and guidelines to follow.
The only issue I personally took with Pravus is that NO ONE ELSE had the rulebook here and so not all houses were on the same page (or even in the same book). And you can say "well they didn't ask" but there should've been something written.
@Admiral is this a thing we're doing now instead of supporting new game creators? Accusing them of being VAspider in disguise? lol
I'll vouch for @Raeras . She is good people.
@ZombieGenesis what happened to the 80s game you were making??
One thing I would suggest is to make sure there's a low barrier to entry in any of the systems you implement. I.E. I wouldn't set the EP requirements to 50 right out the gate; I'd maybe set it to 25 and see how quickly players accumulate EP and if there's enough buy-in and excitement to get to that point.
I'd also have some good documentation in the Sector about the initial look of the room. If Staff creates the description after the EP points accumulate and the job is inputted, how am I supposed to RP and create plot in the sector without knowing what the environment looks like, etc?
I've noticed that players get REALLY EXCITED about the idea of exploring and building stuff, but there's not a lot of follow-through. I would have some back-up plans in the event that the exploration system really doesn't wind up being something that players are utilizing.
@tek said in The Dark Side of online Role-Playing:
@Lisse24 Given the fact that this creep posted a sexually suggestive image of a child in the "random funny" thread, we know where they are coming from.
I thought you were exaggerating and then I went to look and wow.
Why isn't this creep banned?
Are any of you parents? I mean, letting your kid do whatever they want online to "learn about sex on their own terms" can be extremely harmful. I wish my parents had noticed the signs that @buttercup posted when I was a kid - I wish they had talked to me, instead of letting me "learn about things on my own terms" and trusting me to be responsible.
It isn't abusive to monitor your child's online usage to make sure they are using the internet responsibily. It is not ABUSE to talk to your child about sex and the dangers of people on the internet. None of the things @buttercup mentioned are inheritently abusive UNLESS YOU USE THEM ABUSIVELY.
Time for a non-sarcastic MSB "looking for". Anyway, Kyrie and Lewin are not the same person but they were both pretty cool. A few of us were talking about you two and wondering if you play anywhere or whatever.
@thesuntsar that was LITrally my comment. You can't steal my comment! Get your own!!
EXCUSE ME it's "local Jensen Ackles" TYVM
@Seraphim73 said in Staff’s Job?:
Ensure that the world reacts to the actions of the PCs. This touches on points 1 (hopefully) and 2 (definitely) as well, but if the world only acts on PCs, never reacts to them, a lot of players (myself included) are going to get bored.
You know, I always wondered how staff can best do this. What are some ways a staff can make you feel like the world reacting to your actions? Are emits enough? What sort of things do people expect?
I'm still admittedly not fully comfortable with the web portal. I don't know if people keep the channels up all the time when they are on the website? But I think that what @Auspice is experiencing is just kinda standard mush stuff.
I can't see how opening a scene with a hook would HURT. @krmbm and I threw out an idea a long time ago about going some kinda random scene set generator in some of the more public rooms to help people who do the whole "wanna rp? What's your idea?" Sort of thing. Never got around to it because we are swamped with 500 other things but that might be a good idea too?
@krmbm said in What Types of Games Would People Like To See?:
@peasoupling said in What Types of Games Would People Like To See?:
I can see that humans-only cutting 50% of the possible players but only in a setting that typically has non-humans as expected playable characters, maybe? Like, if you make a game in a setting with dwarves but I can't play a dwarf, you can go to hell and take your game with you, which I feel is a perfectly reasonable reaction.
Oh, for sure. If I log in to Middle Earth by Night and can't play a Hobbit Vampire, I'm probably gonna be bummed.
But if you're thinking about making a game, and you're like "WE NEED ALL THE PLAYABLE RACES OR NO ONE WILL PLAY HERE," then you're 31 flavors of wrong, friend.
You want to play a hobbit vampire? WHO EVEN ARE YOU?!
@peasoupling Ah yeah that makes sense!
I will say that I think there's a strong demand for human vs evil games, if evidenced by Gray Harbor and Spirit Lake's population. Gray Harbor still averages 50+ players a night, Spirit Lake's right up there with 25-30. Those are both very healthy populations for a MUSH, and suggests that people want those sorts of games.
I don't personally want to play a horror/supernatural game where PCs are werewolves/vampires/etc. I will play a game where those creatures are the ENEMIES, but the second you stick werewolf/vamp PCs, it becomes like.. World of Darkness Lite. If I wanted to play a WoD game, I'd play one Gimmie some supernatural horror where I as a normal (or slightly powered) human have to fight the bad guys and I'm all over that!
@peasoupling Arx has elves and you can't play an elf...