Google's back. FOR NOW. DUNDUNDUN.

Controversial posts made by Coin
RE: The 100: The Mush
@lordbelh said in The 100: The Mush:
@Admiral said in The 100: The Mush:
Anyone who tells you that a game about teenagers isn't run by a specific clique is a liar.
I guess I'm a liar, then. I've played on games about teenagers that weren't run by specific cliques.
I am also a liar!
RE: Comic/Superhero based games.
@tragedyjones said:
@Coin said:
@tragedyjones, do it.
That settles it: the idea was shit.
Fine, don't do it.
RE: RL Anger
So apparently my country owes Google money so now we... don't have Google. I literally can't access the page from work--everything else works. But nothing on Google does--including my gmail, which is the only e-mail I use. Lulz.
It's not even that much money, and they'll likely fix it soon, but wow. Just wow.
RE: Cheap or Free Games!
I am interested in Hell Yeah! Wrath of the Dead Rabbit.
RE: McGregor V Diaz
I don't really follow MMA, but I did watch the Rousey-Holm fight and Holm brought it hard. Here's hoping she can stay up against Tate.
RE: ShelBeast's Playlist
Yeah, I know Mikey from a lot of places. We used to staff at UU together.
RE: Good TV
@Gingerlily said:
(sorry @Coin but you still have great taste)
Why are you apologizing? Bebe, I know I got great taste. Sheeeee-it.
RE: ShelBeast's Playlist
Nope. Because I had some issues (on top of a distraction) and I couldn't log on to BNW without Elsa fucking screaming in my ear about the app. So I was like: fuck that.
RE: Good TV
@Arkandel said:
@Coin Wtf, the 100? I only watched the first episode or two but it looked shallow as hell, pretty kids with very clean teeth in a jungle playing at being badass survivors. Maybe I need to give this another shot.
And maybe read the quotes above what I just posted by other people. I wasn't just talking in a vacuum:
@Bobotron said:
The 100 started back up tonight. It was a really good new season first episode.
@tragedyjones said:
@Bobotron I haven't gotten to see it yet. But I have high hopes.
@lordbelh said:
I've been looking forward to the 100 coming back. For a show that started off as barely mediocre, it really picked up in its second season to become one of my favorites.
You have to make it past the first half of the first season--but it gets pretty intense.
I think it really helps that the show gives its romantic subplots jussssst enough rope to hang themselves with, and not an inch more.
RE: New Comic/Superhero Themed MU*
@Thenomain said:
I'll take a batshit game dictator as long as they are benevolent.
That's sweet of you to say! I knew you liked me deep down.
RE: ShelBeast's Playlist
I'm the one that almost played Raphael on BNW. Sup, Shreds.
RE: Good TV
I find that The 100 is a very emotionally taxing show. It used to be that Game of Thrones occupied that space; but it has since fallen by the wayside. During the second season of The 100 I felt like I had to get ready to watch an episode--to watch a whole bunch of people do some really fucked up shit for sympathetic (or not) reasons and just destroy each other far more deeply than other shows. It's not that what they do is that much worse or definitive or morally ambiguous--but the way in whicht hey manage to show it eclipses a lot of other shows for some fucking weird reason I can't pinpoint.
I remember @tragedyjones kept asking me if I'd watched the episodes and I was like, "not yet," not because of disinterest, but because I knew they would be devastating. That doesn't happen to me very often.
RE: New Comic/Superhero Themed MU*
@DnvnQuinn said:
@Sunny TS, FURRY, BDSM Mushes. According to MudStats at least.
So you're basing this on sex MUs that are failing based on MUDstats? Becuase you could just look at Shang and have that entire reasoning fall apart. I also think Shang is freeform? Anyone on Shang wanna corroborate?
@Sunny said:
Shut up, I said it better.
Did not. You shut up. I'm telling mom. @surreality, @Sunny is being mean to me! Do something!
RE: Cutey Cat AKA Sensational's Playlist
@The-Tree-of-Woe said:
And a shriller, more spiteful, more venomous cunt you will never meet.
It really is a privilege to know him. Or is it a privy?
Trick question. Again.