Dear Bitch Co-Worker,
I have a specific spot in my workspace where I have asked people to place the files that are returned to me for processing. This particular surface is distinctly different from my main desk and is marked with a sign saying RETURN POLICIES HERE with a big arrow pointing to the spot. I frequently have multiple piles of policies on my desk, each with a different thing I need to do for them, or need to keep track of their count, and when you just slap down your pile on top of them it is very easy for me to lose track of what I'm doing with that particular pile or how many items are in it.
Why then, after I indicated to you EXACTLY WHERE to put your return policies, the spot that has a HUGE SIGN WITH AN ARROW, do you insist on putting your returns back on my desk stacks? Is it some subtle way of just fucking with my day? Are you just that much of a ditz?
No love,
PS - I also don't appreciate it when you hand a policy back to me and it's completely pulled apart, paperwork out of order, and I have to waste time putting it back together properly because you couldn't be arsed.