@aria I've had that linked to me TWICE today.

Best posts made by Darinelle
RE: Real World Peeves, Disgruntlement, and Irks.
[Request] Interfacing/Indexing Help Files on the Wiki
I know there's a way to link help files to the wiki, so you can edit on the wiki and it shows up in-game. HOW DO I DO THIS? I'm looking as much for the MUX-side setup as the MediaWiki-side stuff. Please, oh please. I know I have friends who know this but I'm actually trying not to be hopelessly incompetent on my own.
RE: Coming Soon: Arx, After the Reckoning
@deadempire said in Coming Soon: Arx, After the Reckoning:
@sparks said in Coming Soon: Arx, After the Reckoning:
And if there's a specific storyline that intrigues you, ask staff to help refresh your clues with ones focused on that specific storyline
I had no idea that was even an option!
This is really specific to a new character on the grid. If you're an established character and someone tells you about something you've never heard before, we expect you'll contact your friends, talk to them, maybe get some clues or an investigation going, put in an action or two.
A new character with the concept of "information broker" is really dependent upon the kindness of strangers, in that they have nothing with which to broker. So in the interest of getting a new character (or a new player, or a new-to-a-never-been-played roster char) involved and give them enough hooks to RP with, we'd be far more likely to send some clues that way in response to "I'm supposed to be this thing or knowledgeable about this thing and I know NOTHING" than someone who has been in the game and has the tools to discover and people to RP with.
Part of Arx is about discovering information, after all.
@Lithium - The social system we're trying to implement is in part because there are so many social characters who get ignored when doing diplomatic or social things. And it's to take away some of the doubt - so that there are some hard guidelines that indicate social power, the way there are hard guidelines that indicate combat power.
RE: MediamotherfuckingWiki
@Chime - there is definitely interest. There is so much interest. There is ALL the interest, I am a veritable font of interest. My problem right now is that I know very little about MediaWiki and CSS in general, so while my googlefu is strong and I'm perfectly happy to read documentation and slog my way through tutorials, I don't know what questions to ask because I don't know what things are called half the damn time. I'm learning a lot at least, but all the things I've learned still haven't enabled this one change to be made.
In any case, I would be more than happy to talk best practices and all sorts of things - here, in Skype, hell - pretty much wherever and whenever is convenient for you. My schedule's pretty flexible.
RE: Real World Peeves, Disgruntlement, and Irks.
Goddammit, friend_07, stop trying to "fix" my issue with advice that doesn't work unless I am
- A spoiled goddamn toddler who is willing to make everything about me, and
- In possession of a body that isn't broken as fuck.
But thanks for reminding me, on what was starting out to be a cool, chill morning, why I continue to struggle with depression. Good job. Had a great weekend, but that shit's over now.
RE: Coming Soon: Arx, After the Reckoning
@fortydeuce said in Coming Soon: Arx, After the Reckoning:
Yeah, I know I have some clues about some things that fit together, but I don't have any @revelations about those things, even though maybe I should. But that's a guess.
I don't think there's a revelation related to the clues you got. I literally gave you all the clues on that topic that exist, to give you a framework and hopefully give you enough hooks that you can talk about things with people, get a few more clues, and get a posse together to help you hunt even more things.
RE: Real World Peeves, Disgruntlement, and Irks.
@kanye-qwest said in Real World Peeves, Disgruntlement, and Irks.:
Ok but all I did was link you "two monks invent art" galleries! I AM SORRY
I am horrified that you think you're friend_07
RE: Coming Soon: Arx, After the Reckoning
I mean, the idea of @rs is to encourage RP, but why would we be so granular as to track who you RP with and who you RP with "a lot" (what does that even mean?) and then force it? It's called @randomscene for a reason, yo.
I do wish I could swap between alts though. Nothing's more awk than Leona's BFF getting a @rs on the Fractal I play. >.>
RE: RL things I love
Love? Love. LOVE! My new Scanpan. @Kanye-Qwest was so right. SO RIGHT.
RE: Encouraging Proactive Players
@auspice said in Encouraging Proactive Players:
Sadly, on most games, those running plot rarely get to participate in plot and because there's so few plot runners left, they often get overwhelmed until they burn out for a while.
It'd be amazing if there was an ST's ST out there.
This is my MO when I'm running non-gamewide arcs based on specific players, yes.
RE: Crafts & Things
@Sanguine = I cook. I cook A LOT. I get the Bon Appetit magazine on my eReader and pick out the recipes that look interesting, and I cook those. I bake, too - all the things. If I can find a recipe for it, I can probably cook or bake it. What I can't do is make my baked goods look like they belong in a magazine. Those little finishing touches elude me. Sometimes. SOMETIMES! And other times you could come in and take a picture of my food and BAM. Amazing. The taste though? Taste-wise I'm usually good.
There are a bunch of little things here and there I want to know though, and I want to learn things like - cutting vegetables the fast and uniform way, and how to make my loaves of bread look like actual loaves of bread. And hell, I think just going to culinary school for the hell of it would be fun. Note that I could probably get a lot of this from youtube, forums, and various books - but I also like just going to classes.
@Luna - don't get me started. Five years ago, my friend wanted to do my makeup and I handed her my entire makeup supply - A year-old bottle of Cover Girl foundation, 3 shades of brown Origins eyeshadow, and a 4 year old tube of lip gloss. She stared at me, horrified, and then we went directly to Ulta and spent something like $300. I backslide from time to time now but uh... yeah. Also the UD Naked palette is amazing. AMAZING.And I love the KVD liner, though for ease I'm often lazy and use the Urban Decay liner pencils too - Bourbon's like, my go-to shade and it goes with everything and is the perfect shade of brown. PERFECT.
Don't get me started on nail polish. Srsly.
RE: MUSH Marriages (IC)
@ganymede I think we probably fundamentally agree and I'm not expressing myself as clearly as I like. In my head, those three statements were independent of one another, not a series of increasingly crankier comments. As I see it, there are three major roadblocks to having a successful IC relationship:
Being in an IC relationship doesn't mean my character is ONLY going to RP with THAT ONE PERSON, and saying or implying otherwise is ridiculous.
Being in an IC relationship on one character doesn't mean I'm not going to play alts with other people, and really doesn't mean I want to play my alts with your alts and have them also be in a relationship.
Being in an IC relationship is not the same as being in an OOC relationship, so I'm not going to schedule my world around you. I'm not going to send you a messenger ICly and wait until you tell me we didn't have anything planned before I make plans to have events, and I am not going to merge our schedules so we can spend the most RP time together as possible. When I go to RP with someone if you aren't invited, I don't expect OOC flak. Now, we could ICly fight about it, sure. But don't page me oocly about it, because I don't care and you're not my spouse and I don't care.
I care if my husband feels excluded. I care if he feels like I'm spending too much time with other people and that his needs aren't being met. I would expect him to care in reverse (and he does). These are, to me, reasonable expectations that come as part of being in a RL relationship. I do not expect to spend the same time or energy maintaining an IC relationship because, well - it's not my actual relationship and I don't want it to be. There are lots of healthy behaviors I do in a RL relationship that I'm wholly uninterested in doing in an IC one from an OOC perspective.
RE: RL peeves! >< @$!#
My puppy is trying to eat my slippers.
I am currently WEARING my slippers....
Dammit. She's so cute but I have to stop her anyway.
RE: MUSH Marriages (IC)
@ganymede said in MUSH Marriages (IC):
I think we're actually pretty close to the same opinion, but are stating it different ways.
I agree with all three of your points. And I also agree with your summation. I don't plan my life around anyone online, and that's generally one of my lines. I do try to honor my commitments online when I can, but, of course, real life obligations come first, including to my partner.
But with that line in mind, I do try to arrange things OOCly when I can. With that boundary in mind. My IC partners are never going to take precedence over my RL friends, family, children, acquaintances, or activities.
Yes, that. Exactly. Sane is good. Boundaries are good. OOC drama over IC shit is bad. IC drama is a-ok. That.
RE: Good Things
I cleaned my house, including vacuuming my stairs. It sounds stupid but the whole house smells CLEAN and LEMONY and WONDERFUL, and the stairs? The stairs don't have the pieces of whatever the puppy has shredded strewn everywhere anymore either.
I just feel that much better.
RE: Twinking in RP MU*
I don't have a problem with it. I have a problem with people who use their sheets to ruin other people's fun. If your fun is being a sheet monster, do it. If my fun is RPing and you walk into scenes where I am and instead of RPing just slaughter all the things, then you're a dick. In places where one person is meant to be the SUPERSTAR and you shit all over their fun with your amazing sheet (even though they invited you along because you're a friend) - you're a douchebag. If, however, you're superpowerful and you let other people take the spotlight sometimes, and sometimes you're the star, and you don't ruin other people's fun and you have fun of your own too? Cool.
RE: What is your turning point?
@saosmash said in What is your turning point?:
Oh my gooood the immediate page thing. This is the equivalent of being pounced the second I walk in the door. Whyyyyyyy.
WHO WOULD DO THIS?! WHO DOES THIS? (I'm sorry I did this to you like... literally 10 minutes ago)
RE: Mental Health and Grown Up Stuff
@Auspice - Dilaudid is the best hour of "is this what it feels like to not be in pain" ever. EVER.
RE: Arx: @clues
As a player I LOVE theories. They're what helps me pull together plot, @clues, RP I've done, and so on, and condense it into one readable form that gives context to a bunch of clues. Every clue I get now has background RP with it, and so it lets me share a coherent view of a particular item with someone. And it makes me think about what my character knows and believes and how this shapes her. It makes a huge difference.
That being said, I literally never just share clues without RP - same with theories. The only person who does this to me has such a woven story with my character that even the context of sharing a clue has RP behind it - and it's never just a clue dump.
If I could punch people who clue dump in the face I would. It's not nearly as helpful as you think it is. But a theory, about which they can then ask for clues as they need them, or go find the clues themselves, or have some kind of coherent idea? Yes. Yes that helps a new player more than just "here are a bunch of clues go make sense of them."