@ghost That sucks... he was one of my favorite vocalists too.
His cover of Lucretia, My Reflection was spectacular.
@ghost That sucks... he was one of my favorite vocalists too.
His cover of Lucretia, My Reflection was spectacular.
I don't get the whole 'Touch the X' 'Touch the colored light' indirect sort of crazy stuff people seem to favor.
If something makes me uncomfortable, it's on me to say I am uncomfortable. I would feel like a mong tapping a freaking symbol instead of saying 'Excuse me, this makes me uncomfortable.'.
Anyone who tells you that a game about teenagers isn't run by a specific clique is a liar.
And you can generally find at least one staff alt in the middle of the ruling clique.
It looks like the Rotten Tomatoes reviews for Last Jedi were trollbombed. Huh.
Ultimately, how you handle banning doesn't do anything regarding -the issue that is making someone uncomfortable in the first place-.
The punishment phase is when someone has already crossed the line. When it has been elevated to staff because it won't stop without intervention.
If you can't foster an environment online where people are able to hold civil discourse and feel comfortable saying 'Excuse me, would you mind not doing that? It bothers me.' to each other then you are already failing your playerbase.
That being said, there should be a clear line of what constitutes allowable interactions between players. Do you allow PvP at all? Then you need to make allowances for people getting butthurt over their PC being attacked. If you do not, then you simply say 'No attacking other players without their consent first'.
Do you allow sexual content? Have clear outlines of what is allowed in terms of consensual/otherwise. Have a flashing red sign that says 'NO RAPE. NO PEDOPHILIA.' if that is your intent. Leave no wiggle room on the subject.
The purpose of rules is to define the parameters we interact in, and to me, the best rules are those that allow for a clear, concise, and recognizeable dialogue between players should any issues arise with the rules only there to ensure that if someone does go over the line, and staff can find no way to make the person step down only then does the punishment phase begin.
This is the same power couple that ran the 5th World game FWIW. Take it how you will.
I... actually already bought all the games I want. There's very few games left I plan on buying. Aside from the 40 still on my wishlist that is.
The behavior has been fine. The reactions to it have been... over the top.
I know I was part of the derail, but could a wiz move the non-advertisey parts of this thread to a Hog Pit thread instead?
Mathematics is Earth Magic.
Or something involving the manipulation of probability models.
In this sort of environment, antagonism is only acceptable if you're in the right clique. If you're not, no amount of OOC niceness will do you any good.
I found Season 2 of Jessica Jones to be weaker than Season 1. Aside from Hogarth's story arc. That was a really, really strong arc.
@ghost I've been on this board since way back in the WORA days. I've watched it grow and change, but the one thing that always kept it grounded the Hog Pit. If you take that out then you cut out the core of what this community was built on.
Just like gentrifying a neighborhood, you drive out all the locals and replace them with hipsters and lattes.
The 'rebels' are the status quo. Assholes are your status quo. That means that decent people are your rebels.
I haven't talked to my sister in almost a year because of an incident involving a haircut appointment.
I don't miss her.
@collective There are many RP things that are burdens. It just depends on the player.
Bar RP? Burdensome.
Massive drama fests? Burdensome.
Leader PCs who just TS all day? Burdensome.
Poor RPers who just want to inflict themselves on everyone? Burdensome.
Don't throw out the baby with the bath water. If someone can effectively play a racist/sexist/whateverist PC let them. If they cannot, don't.
If you get rid of every negative character trait for PCs you will wind up with bland, boring, nice little robots.\
ETA: I understand that discrimination sucks in real life. So do murder, and rape, and hate, and many many many other things. But we can't remove all the negativity of the human experience from games.
I don't think the problem here is individual players and their antagonist characters.
I think the problem is a broader issue of people playing antagonistically and then staff denying their antagonism is happening.
The 'examples' given by staff of problem players refer to those outside the ruling clique.
They don't encompass the problem players within the clique. Now I don't play there, so I'm just going to take a wild guess and say the clique includes:
Oblivious meathead - This person plays a violent, abrasive meathead character. Hoo-ah. OOCly they see nothing wrong with their character's actions and neither does their clique because 'lol he is a good rper and you just don't understand.' Usually a typical generic whitebread male character with few defining personality traits aside from those mentioned.
Oversensitive whiner - This person is militantly triggered by everything and oh my god people are so mean! Of course, this only includes things said by those outside the clique. When the clique members do the same things they just say 'lol they are just joking and you don't understand'. Most often an effeminate, stereotypically gay character.
Spotty McSpotlighterson - This person's character saves the day! They are in charge! They're the focus of the story! They only do it because nobody else steps up though. If they didn't, nobody else would! They're not a problem, you're the problem for thinking they're the problem! This one varies but is almost always a staff alt of some sort and usually somehow has more stats or XP than anyone else.
Bitchy Queen Bee - All other female characters are played by bitches and they deserve to be the victims of cattiness OOCly from Bitchy Queen Bee. BQB doesn't mean those hurtful, snide things she says! She's just joking! Really! I mean Becky is kind of a slut and Tracy is a bitch but lol, am I right? Tends to use 'pretty but generic' PBs and plays characters that are 'sweet' or 'kind' or 'nice' while behaving manipulatively OOCly.
...am I pretty warm with these stereotypes? I'm willing to bet that names immediately pop into mind for those of you who play the game.
I ordered a package. The delivery date was supposed to be today. I get a notice that the driver was unable to deliver my (or my roommate's) packages due to 'no answer/access to the location'. Despite having a gate code (to a gate that was open all day), phone numbers, emails, and multiple delivery options. (Front Door, apartment office, even an Amazon Hub!). I called customer support. They promised me they would solve the problem and the package would be re-routed and would for sure be at my apartment before 8pm.
At 9pm I contacted Amazon support. They contacted the carrier, and the 'driver forgot to swing back around and deliver the packages'. Whoopsie. We're sorry. Have a month of Prime membership on us.
I swear. Amazon. Fuck you Amazon. You're making me like Trump, by sheer virtue of his hatred for you.
My resolution is to not express my anger in a negative manner on the microphone on online games.
I've kept my resolution four years running now, so I've got high hopes.